Archive for November 7th, 2020

discussion question

You work for a business solutions organization in the United States. As the project manager, you are responsible for working with departments located in the United States and overseas in Italy and India. How would you respond to the following questions?

What type of processes and documentation will you need to get this project initialized?
How will the culture and structure of the organization influence the success of the projects initialization?
As the project manager, how can you use technology to lead this multinational project?


1) For each of the four readings (Ignatius, Perpetua, Tertullian, Macrina), identify the key risk or cost addressed by each respective reading. How are they similar? How are they different? Which of these readings do you find applicable to your life? Why? (If you think none are applicable, state why.) How does this reading exercise shape your thoughts on finding your purpose or calling?

2) Today Christianity is not an outlawed religion, and for the most part Christians in the west do not face persecution, as did those in the first Christian centuries. Still, many Christians find parallels between the first Christian centuries and today. What, if any, parallels do you see between the difficulties described by Tertullian and those faced by Christians today (see pp. 2425 for the editors view)? What message might Tertullian have for those who hear Gods call today?

3) The most challenging reading in this module is from Augustines Confessions. In the third thread, give your answers to each of the following questions:

With what worldly pursuits and loves is Augustine obsessed before his conversion to Christianity? What Christian virtues are the mirror opposite of these pursuits and loves?
What parallels do you see between his pursuits and desires and those that society promotes among people today?
To which, if any, of Augustines pursuits and loves do you relate? Explain.
How would Augustine describe what it means to follow Christ?

4) In my introductory video I discussed Tertullian’s approach to dealing with persecution of the church. How effective do you think his approach might have been? In light of your answer to this question, how might a person effectively/faithfully approach persecution today, whether of the church (such as in certain places in the world that are hostile to the church) or otherwise?

Introduction to Gerontology

TOPIC: “Changing Family Structure”

Write a 1-1.5 page paper based on your understanding from text book study, web research, library work and using discussion forum. It should not be directly copied from book rather be expressed in your own words and using multiple resources.


1) For each of the four readings (Ignatius, Perpetua, Tertullian, Macrina), identify the key risk or cost addressed by each respective reading. How are they similar? How are they different? Which of these readings do you find applicable to your life? Why? (If you think none are applicable, state why.) How does this reading exercise shape your thoughts on finding your purpose or calling?

2) Today Christianity is not an outlawed religion, and for the most part Christians in the west do not face persecution, as did those in the first Christian centuries. Still, many Christians find parallels between the first Christian centuries and today. What, if any, parallels do you see between the difficulties described by Tertullian and those faced by Christians today (see pp. 2425 for the editors view)? What message might Tertullian have for those who hear Gods call today?

3) The most challenging reading in this module is from Augustines Confessions. In the third thread, give your answers to each of the following questions:

With what worldly pursuits and loves is Augustine obsessed before his conversion to Christianity? What Christian virtues are the mirror opposite of these pursuits and loves?
What parallels do you see between his pursuits and desires and those that society promotes among people today?
To which, if any, of Augustines pursuits and loves do you relate? Explain.
How would Augustine describe what it means to follow Christ?

4) In my introductory video I discussed Tertullian’s approach to dealing with persecution of the church. How effective do you think his approach might have been? In light of your answer to this question, how might a person effectively/faithfully approach persecution today, whether of the church (such as in certain places in the world that are hostile to the church) or otherwise?

Autobiography of Red

In this essay students must focus Autobiography of Red by Anne Carson. The novel in verse traces the coming of age story of Geryon, a young boy who is also a winged red monster, and his experiences of love, memory and art. 

Choose a set of images, ideas, themes, narrative points, and/or repetitions that you see as essential to Autobiography of Red. Develop an essay, through close reading, that shows the relationship(s) between those essential elements.

Students should approach the development of their essay with a focus on how their chosen images, ideas, themes, narrative points, and/or repetitions across the book interact to develop a specific subtext/subject and organize the work.

Essay #2 is an argument-based essay. It is necessary for all papers to have a clear thesis that moves to analyze the work in a meaningful way. The essay is not a summary or book report.

Remember, every decision that the author makes is intentional and Anne Carson builds subtext through organization, narrative development, and repetitions.

The success of your essay will depend on the clarity with which you discuss the novel in verses language and narrative relationship to a chosen subtext/subject.


Make sure to provide context to each chapter/poem that is referenced and analyze specific language in order make larger statements about the work.

Outside sources in the form of interviews, book reviews, critical work, and context are welcomed. All sources must be cited in MLA format parenthetical citations and a works cited page are required. 

You may not use block quotes in this essay, but to analyze the work effectively you will have to quote from the poem.

LENGTH: 3 – 5 double spaced pages. Standard Font. 12pt font.

The role of Contemporary media in Feminism and Gender-based Violence (McGill Research Proposal)

Just a few more small edits would do.
Edit accordingly to the annotation I have given. (Use a different color font.)
And if you’ve added any other changes please use a different color font or highlight the part as well.
Thank you.

write a respond to essay.

Write a response to Brandon M. Terry. Please incorporate analysis of not only the main essay, but also two responses, in the construction of your own point of view.  You are also welcome to use any outside sources you deem relevant.  6 pages google doc. Please use basic regular Grammarly to easily understand. Provide clear thesis, main points.

Observation of Child’s Behavior

Option C: Do your observation on one of the children in the video; choose an external source, such as a film or book, that is related to child development, and do your child observation on one of the characters that are depicted. Use the attached template to fill out the information.


There are three parts in the assignment:

1.Description of the Context: you will include any relevant background information about the student you are observing, the characteristics/behaviors of interest the student exhibits, and a general description of the setting and class activity at the time of your observation. (250 to 275 words)

2. Description of Childs Activities: you will type your running record of the childs behavior. (550 to 825 words)

3. Comments: is where you will type any ideas that you have that might explain the childs behavior, including references to developmental theory. (250 to 275 words)

Helping material: There is an observation template with instructions included. Also there are some questions that can help you to describe the child’s behavior easier.

Approval of outline of brief paper/statistical exercise

Guidance on your brief paper/statistical exerciseOne of the goals of this course is for you to become familiar with how to use publicly available data to check facts and satisfy your curiosity about the Middle East.  The most general database in which you can look for data is World Development Indicators(, but there are lots of other more specific ones such as those in sections IV and VIII of the course outline.  Another goal of this course is to learn how to use data as evidence for a point of view.  I assigned the brief paper/statistical exercise with these two goals in mind.Because your outline is due at the end of the sixth week of class, you might miss out on some good ideas for topics that are covered later in the course.  We suggest that you read the introductions to the later chapters in the textbook, so you can see if there is something covered there that would make an interesting brief paper/statistical exercise.Besides the course material, there are a number of websites that might help you come up with ideas for your assignment: The Economic Research Forum, abbreviation ERF, is dedicated to promoting high quality economic research that contributes to inclusive and sustainable development in the ERF region, defined to include the Arab Countries, Iran and Turkey.  ERF has an affiliated publication, the Middle East Development Journal. The Middle East and North Africa at the World Bank.  Scroll down to see Research. The Middle East Economic Association has two journals, the Review of Middle East Economics and Finance and Topics in Middle Eastern and North African Economies. The UN Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (UN-ESCWA) has many publications. Sada is an online journal rooted in Carnegies Middle East Program that seeks to foster and enrich debate about key political, economic, and social issues in the Arab world

water sanitation and hygiene

This paper should include the following minimum requirements:

Part 1: Title Page
Part 2: Your research
Part 3: Reference Page
For this research paper, you will need to find and use

Three or more scholarly peer-reviewed articles on the same health topic.
A minimum of three in-text citations from your references in your research paper.