Category: English and Literature

creative writing

Assignment Description:
For this assignment, you are to use the theoretical knowledge of the legacy and construction of fantasy worlds to create your own fantasy story. This fantasy story must exhibit the components of a fantasy piece including the construction of a mindscape, the separation of a primary and secondary world using one of the modes of fantasy, and discuss a critical primary world issue. The writing method that is utilized be it prose, epic poetry, or drama/cinematic style writing is up to the authority of the creator. Regardless of the writing methods and techniques used there must also be a clear description of the secondary world. The creative project is accompanied by a one page reflective essay on the piece and the authorial choices of the writer.
Steps to complete your Final Creative World-building Project

Draft One: The Outline
1. Review the presentations and in class discussions on modes of fantasy, world-building, and fantasy authors from class
2. Choose a critical world issue that is important to you and your development as an individual; present critical issue to professor
3. Use the storytelling journal each class session as a creative studio for
the development of your world and characters
4. Formulate a protagonist and an antagonist which will form the basis of 5. Construct a detailed outline that:
1. summarizes the critical issue of choice
2. Provides in depth descriptions of characters
3. Provides in-depth descriptions of setting and time period 4. Provides description of conflict
6. Determine the technique, style, or method of creative writing
7. Create a detailed outline using complete sentences and complete

Audre Lorde’s “Uses of Anger” and Brittney Cooper’s “The Problem with Sass

You are responding to Audre Lorde’s “Uses of Anger” and Brittney Cooper’s “The Problem with Sass.” You may choose to reflect separately on something you found interesting, significant or controversial in each essay and explain why, or find a thread that connects both essays and explain how. Again, the journal is also a space for personal reflection so you are free to express your unfiltered opinions and to connect your experiences to the readings. Just be sure to also engage the essays in a meaningful (analytical) way.