Archive for February, 2021

Social media

Identify the social media platform that you use most frequently (e.g., Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.) (do not use snapchat)
If you have no social media, look at a celebritys social media account and do the below analysis as if you were that person have your friend analyze the account as well.
Once youve selected a social media platform, identify the last 10 posts (could be status updates, tweets, images, etc.) that you have made.
Reflect on your self-presentation:
What were you trying to accomplish / how were you trying to represent yourself when you made these 10 posts?
How much do you believe your posts represented your real self vs. your ideal self?
Now, find a close friend or family member and show them the same 10 posts you answered questions about in #3 above.
Ask your friend/family what they believe you were trying to represent about yourself when you made these 10 posts.
How much does your friend / family member believe that the things you posted represented your real self vs. your ideal self?
Finally, reflect on your answers to these questions and compare them to the way your friend responded to these questions.
Did your friend notice anything about your self-presentation that you did not?
Was there anything that your friend noticed about your self-presentation that you disagreed with?
Was there anything that your friend noticed about your self-presentation that you hadnt noticed yourself, but after they said it you really agreed with them?
If there were one thing that youve noticed about your online self-presentation that you wish you would change, what would it be, and why?


1. After reading this assignment, prepare a 3 page paper discussing the extent to which you agree that being prepared to interact empathically and congenially and to apply the concept of mutuality with those at the negotiating table is key to preparing for success in any negotiations.

Explain your reasoning, give some examples, and offer theoretical support from your readings. Draw on the background readings

2. Assignment Requirements: Does the paper directly address all aspects of the assignment? Have the assignment instructions been followed closely?

3. Critical Thinking: Does the paper demonstrate a college
level of analysis, in which information derived from multiple sources has been critically evaluated and synthesized in the formulation of a logical set of conclusions? Does the submission demonstrate that the student has read and understood the background materials for the module and can apply them to the assignment?

4. Writing and Assignment Organization: Is the essay logical, well organized, and well written? Are the grammar, spelling, and vocabulary appropriate for college-level work? Are section headings included? Are paraphrasing and synthesis of concepts the primary means of responding, or is justification/support instead conveyed through excessive use of direct quotations?

5. Use of Sources and Mechanics: Does the submission demonstrate that the student has read and understood the background materials for the module and can apply them to the assignment? If required, has the student demonstrated effective research, as evidenced by students use of relevant and quality sources? Does the student demonstrate understanding of a consistent (e.g., APA) style of referencing, by inclusion of proper citations (for paraphrased text and direct quotations) as appropriate? Are appropriate sources from the background material included? Have all sources cited in the paper been included on the reference list page?

only daughter

part 1:Explain the difference between “only daughter” and “only a daughter” in this essay.  Is there anything here that resonates with your experience either as a daughter, or as the brother of an only daughter in the family?  If you’re a man, and have no sisters, how would this essay speak to you?  Does it still carry some sort of echo for you?  What kind of feeling does that evoke?
How does being “an only daughter in a family of six sons” end up creating a sense of loneliness and aloneness in Sandra Cisneros?  What positive things came as a result of that loneliness?
What expectations did her father have for her, and how did she thwart those expectations?
When writers use specific sensory and descriptive words and phrases (conveying sensations of sight, sound, touch, taste and smell through their words), it’s known as imagery.  What vivid sensory images does she use to allow us to picture the fathers room in our minds. Why does she use these specific details to describe her father’s condition to the reader?
Comment on Sandra Cisneros’ last sentence in her essay.
part 2:
A short personal narrative account in which you describe a childhood experience – positive, or negative. Try to use vivid verbs and adjectives to create a sense of setting for the readers.  Use dialogue in a couple of places, and emotion wherever necessary. Specific details about the experience, including people, songs, tastes, smells, etc. will help us imagine the scene.


no work cited page necessary

After reading these 3 selections attached below, list and discuss as many similarities as you observe between Kings speech and Lincolns Gettysburg Address. Also discuss how King is perhaps talking back to the Declaration of Independence. As you note the connections between texts, consider why it is important to do so why make connections???

Two part question on Starbucks case study that has to be reviewed in order to answer. Use examples from the case to answer the following questions.

Starbucks case study is attached that has to be reviewed in order to answer. Use examples from the case to answer the following questions.

Two Part Question:

Part 1:From your reading of the Starbucks case , identify 3 customer needs that you believe Starbucks is satisfying and explain how they satisfy them.

Part 2: Next identify 3 Customer wants that Starbucks has identified and how are they proceeding to satisfy them.

Reading Analysis

Before submitting papers, please do the following:

1. Fully proof-read your paper, looking for any typos, grammatical errors, and incorrect citations.  (Full citations for course readings are available on the syllabus).

2.  Be sure to back all claims with fact, and provide in-text and end citations for all sources.  Opinions need not be cited, but the non-personal reasons that lead to your opinions might need to be.  Whenever possible, back personal views with factual evidence to strengthen your personal narrative.  (E.g., “In my experience, America is/not a democracy because….  In fact, statistics from __________ support my view (Stats, 2019).”  You may use outside sources. 

3.  Attach the “essay rubric” (found in modules under “other materials”  to the beginning or end of your paper.  If necessary, simply copy and paste the rubric. 

4.  Save your paper as a PDF document.  This will allow me to use a stylus pen and write on your paper electronically.

Plus: my opinion is Hook, he was the reality politician


no work cited page necessary

After reading these 3 selections attached below, list and discuss as many similarities as you observe between Kings speech and Lincolns Gettysburg Address. Also discuss how King is perhaps talking back to the Declaration of Independence. As you note the connections between texts, consider why it is important to do so why make connections???

Watching a video and writing a short paragraph about it

After watching Alfred Hitchcock’s version of the story, write a short paragraph focusing on how Hitchcock portrays the characters of Mary and her husband. Was this portrayal similar to the way you perceived the characters as you read the story? How was the portrayal similar or different to your view? Did watching the film change your interpretation of the story? Do you sympathize with Mary more or less? Explain why or why not.

social categories and stratification

For this paper, you will complete 1 of the IATs available, and you will answer some questions about the experience. There is no need to prepare for the test. Keep in mind that there are no right or wrong answers.

Take the test here: IAT. In case you need it, here is some Navigation Help for the Test.

Then, write a paper to respond to each of the following assignment questions. Your response to each question should be 12 paragraphs and supported with examples.
Describe the difference between implicit and explicit biases.
Discuss how you believe people develop implicit biases. Be sure to consider social constructs and socialization.
Describe the purpose and process of the IAT, why you believe this process was used, and your overall thoughts and experience on taking the test.
If implicit attitudes are subconscious, how do you think such negative implicit attitudes can be reduced?

Submit your paper in Microsoft Word. Make sure that it is double-spaced and includes a title and your full name


For this paper you must fill in the outline attached with the topic selected that I have also attached ( of course doing more research to prepare a thesis statement, main points, examples, details, etc based on that topic) that outline should take around 2 pages. Also, write 2 more pages draft of a research paper based on the same topic and outline.

-Some tips to write the outline are also attached with the outline template document.