Category: Management

Information Management unit 2 Essay

Information Management unit 2 Essay

BAM 225 Information Management
Writing Assignment for Unit Two
• Include your name, student number, course number, course title and unit number with your writing assignment.
• Begin each writing assignment by identifying the question number you are answering followed by the actual question itself (in bold type).
• Use a standard essay format for responses to all questions (i.e., an introduction, middle paragraphs and conclusion).
• Responses must be typed double-spaced, using a standard font (i.e. Times New Roman) and 12 point type size.
Word count is NOT one of the criteria that is used in assigning points to writing assignments. However, students who are successful in earning the maximum number of points tend to submit writing assignments that fall in the following ranges:
Undergraduate courses: 350 – 500 words or 1 – 2 pages. Graduate courses: 500 – 750 words or 2 – 3 pages. Doctoral courses: 750 – 1000 words or 4 – 5 pages.
All work must be free of any form of plagiarism. Put written answers into your own words. Do not simply cut and paste your answers from the Internet and do not copy your answers from the textbook. Be sure to refer to the course syllabus for more details on plagiarism and proper citation styles.
Please answer ONE of the following:
1. How does the use of electronic voting machines act as a “double-edged sword?” What moral dimensions are raised by this use of information technology?
2. List and describe the major trends in computer hardware. Which of these do you think will create the biggest changes in business information systems and why?
3. What makes data mining an important business tool? What types of information does data mining produce? In what type of circumstance would you advise a company to use data mining?
Unit 2 Examination

Legal Aspects of Staffing

Select one of the laws listed below and explain how it has changed the staffing process.  Also select one governmental activity from the second list and explain how it influences staffing. Respond substantively to two other learners.

Laws to choose from in answering the discussion question:

  1. employment-at-will
  2. Fair Labor Standards Act
  3. The Civil Rights
  4. Act of 1964
  5. EEOC Regulations concerning sexual harassment
  6. Age Discrimination in Employment Act
  7. Americans with Disabilities Act
  8. Family and Medical Leave Act

Governmental activities to choose from in answering the discussion question:

  1. Social Security premiums
  2. Social Security disability insurance
  3. Unemployment insurance
  4. Federal income tax