Archive for October, 2021


One of the primary interests of this course has been to explore more explicitly the topic of architectural discourse and to prompt you to formulate your own position. The topic of your essay can be a reflection on a particular point of view expressed in the essays.
Try to move it beyond simply a statement of interest(s) or a re-statement of others interests, and instead discuss why you feel a particular voice or POV is significant. Support your statements and observations with examples from others. Think about the range of viewpoints we encountered, from those concerned with the discipline to those concerned with modes of practice. The hope is that you enjoy the chance to state and explore your own view of architecture and to persuade your audience that it matters.

I have uploaded 23 essays below, ofcourse you do not have to use all of them, but try to at least address 3-5 or more.
Please find a topic to write about that is interesting to do with Architecture and formulate your own argument too on why it is important, referring to other readings.
No outside sources please
Use footnotes and proper citations of the work of others.
Feel free to also use images , as long as you cite them

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Hi,I hope your fine
This order request it made to add some work on a previous order which you have done for me.
I have got some feedback on the paper:
(((Introduction too brief(add 100 words) build it up. Be more self-conscious why are you focusing on your subject and arguing what youre arguing. Missing references. Any issues with your solution (think critically))).
– I want you to please work on the points in the feedback to make it an A pulse paper.
– Also pulse add about 100-150 words trying to convince the reader about what you are arguing.
-If you can please improve the structure to make it a better paper.
-Also, use stronger and more professional language. 

Chomskys Critique of Capitalism as Unjust

The topic of this paper is to address how the critiques proposed by Chomsky (in the Price of Inequity) argue that resources ought to be distributed in a way that is more just than what libertarian capitalists propose. In your conclusion, reflectively discuss the greatest weakness and greatest strength of his arguments.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Reading 1: Mills (in Lemert 2018)
Introduction to C. Wright Mills (p.275)
The sociological imagination (pp.275278)

1. Lemert explained that, true to [Millss] ideal of the sociological imagination, his writings based
strong critical ideas on careful empirical work (page 275). What might this tell us about Millss
approach to research and theory?
2. What do you think Mills meant when he wrote, The sociological imagination enables us to
grasp history and biography and the relations between the two within society? (page 276)
3. What were the three sorts of questions asked consistently by the classic social analysts who
had been imaginatively aware of the promise of their work? (page 276).
4. What kind of capacity does that imagination allow? (page 276)

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Explain some of the economic problems that many cities are facing and the solutions that are being implemented by U.S. fire departments to cope with their shrinking budgets. Please use 4 academically recognized sources.

1. Research and discuss the economic problems U.S. cities have faced which have had a direct impact on the fire service.
2. Research three (3) fire departments that have faced serious economic problems and then discuss the solutions that were implemented by that department to counter the effects of the economic downturn.
3. Discuss whether the solutions have been a success or failure.

Active Shooter Preparedness

A three page paper on the community as a whole being better prepared for an active shooter incident. Not only focusing on preparations in the event of an active shooter but tactics to survive the event as well as support and counseling after the event.

Understanding Digital Identity Formation

You are working for a local department store in the Operations Department. You notice that their business practices and use of technology are not up to date. One day while working, you are having a discussion about technology and identity formation with your supervisor. Your supervisor continues to explain that individuals and organizations have digital identities that are formed and impacted through various methods. Your supervisor continues, saying, “They can develop or change through social media, positive or negative press, word of mouth, and so on.”

You begin to understand that the digital footprint of a business or organization can greatly impact their success or failure due to many factors, including the rapid dissemination of information that can occur digitally.

Your supervisor, through the course of the discussion, acknowledges that you are very fluent in the area of digital identity and asks you to conduct research and create a visual presentation explaining how digital identity is formed for both individuals and organizations. Your supervisor says, “This visual presentation will be presented to not only me, but company stakeholders and your coworkers in order to help them understand how identity is formed, and how to best maximize digital identity to contribute to the overall success of our store.”

Your supervisor continues, saying, “From this presentation, decision makers will be able to work on identity management and can then implement digital strategies in order to maintain or improve the store’s identity. In the end, this is intended to help increase exposure to the store, enhance the customer base, and the overall success of the store. The visual representation should be interactive and informative and can be presented in any visual format that you choose.”

For this research and presentation, you are to reflect upon and address the following topics:

What are the key methods of identity development? Consider available technology, socioeconomic status, generational issues, access to technological resources, etc.
Explain how technology and digital forums can aid in identity formation.
Consider available technology, socioeconomic status, generational issues, access to technological resources, etc.
Are there differences between identity development in the digital world and in the physical world?
As technology improves and changes, what are some things that individuals and organizations do to impact change and development in the digital age?
How can individuals change the course of action for organizations and their digital footprint?
How is the digital identity of your store in the above scenario formulated, and what impact might that identity have on the overall success of the store?

Antivirus Software

Write MS-Word documents about one of the cybersecurity tools.

Pick one cybersecurity tool
List down the pros and cons of this cybersecurity tool
Explain how to use this cybersecurity tool
The document can be single-spaced or double-spaced.
No limit on min/max word count.
Your document should not exceed more than 4 pages(excluding the cover page and citation page).
Use proper citation from where your research/information is coming from.
Use any citation style (MLA, APA, Chicago, IEEE, etc.)
Submit your document file as docx, doc, or pdf file.

Understanding Digital Identity Formation

You are working for a local department store in the Operations Department. You notice that their business practices and use of technology are not up to date. One day while working, you are having a discussion about technology and identity formation with your supervisor. Your supervisor continues to explain that individuals and organizations have digital identities that are formed and impacted through various methods. Your supervisor continues, saying, “They can develop or change through social media, positive or negative press, word of mouth, and so on.”

You begin to understand that the digital footprint of a business or organization can greatly impact their success or failure due to many factors, including the rapid dissemination of information that can occur digitally.

Your supervisor, through the course of the discussion, acknowledges that you are very fluent in the area of digital identity and asks you to conduct research and create a visual presentation explaining how digital identity is formed for both individuals and organizations. Your supervisor says, “This visual presentation will be presented to not only me, but company stakeholders and your coworkers in order to help them understand how identity is formed, and how to best maximize digital identity to contribute to the overall success of our store.”

Your supervisor continues, saying, “From this presentation, decision makers will be able to work on identity management and can then implement digital strategies in order to maintain or improve the store’s identity. In the end, this is intended to help increase exposure to the store, enhance the customer base, and the overall success of the store. The visual representation should be interactive and informative and can be presented in any visual format that you choose.”

For this research and presentation, you are to reflect upon and address the following topics:

What are the key methods of identity development? Consider available technology, socioeconomic status, generational issues, access to technological resources, etc.
Explain how technology and digital forums can aid in identity formation.
Consider available technology, socioeconomic status, generational issues, access to technological resources, etc.

Are there differences between identity development in the digital world and in the physical world?

As technology improves and changes, what are some things that individuals and organizations do to impact change and development in the digital age?

How can individuals change the course of action for organizations and their digital footprint?

How is the digital identity of your store in the above scenario formulated, and what impact might that identity have on the overall success of the store?

Research Paper Guidelines for Zara

What are the import requirements of retail clothing?
Why would these requirements effect the Zara logistics team when importing?
How does Zara manage a global supply chain?
How does Zara manage the logistics of moving its clothing strategically between stores?
How does the requirements of maximums in the store help Zara logistics?
How does Zara master global replenishment?
What are Zaras best practices that make it a leader in global logistics?