Category: Business

BUSN115 Week 2 Quiz

Question 1

5 / 5 pts

(TCO 1) A(n) _____ is a framework of how a business intends to generate revenue.

business model

strategic management tool

profitability analysis

competitive advantage

entrepreneurial mindset

Question 2

5 / 5 pts

(TCO 1) Which of the following statements is true regarding business mindset?

It involves seeing the business from the outside in.

It is incompatible with corporate responsibility.

It involves appreciating the challenges a company faces in satisfying customer needs.

It involves acknowledging that businesses always benefit society.

It involves ignoring one’s customer experiences.

Question 3

5 / 5 pts

(TCO 1) _____ audit the financial reports of public companies as required by law.

Internal accountants

External auditors

Credit managers

Management accountants

Forensic accountants

Question 4

5 / 5 pts

(TCO 1) When the number of competitors in a market is quite small, a situation known as _____ is created.




monopolistic competition

pure competition

Question 5

5 / 5 pts

(TCO 1) _____ unemployment is the natural movement of workers into and out of jobs, such as when a person quits one job without first lining up a new job.






Question 6

5 / 5 pts

(TCO 1) ________ taxes, levied on the earnings of individuals and businesses, are the government’s largest single source of revenue.






Question 7

5 / 5 pts

(TCO 1) _____ is the process of influencing and motivating people to work willingly and effectively toward common goals.






Question 8

5 / 5 pts

(TCO 1) The overall plan might be supported at the next level down by such plans as a research and development plan, a manufacturing plan, and a marketing plan. Such functional plans are called _____ plans.






Question 9

5 / 5 pts

(TCO 1) _____ leaders act as advisors and supporters and generally let subordinates chart and adjust their own course toward meeting agreed-upon goals and objectives.






Question 10

5 / 5 pts

(TCO 2) An embargo is a _____.

quantity restriction on the import of particular goods or services

surcharge imposed on the import of certain products

subsidy offered to products exported from a country

complete ban on the import or export of certain products

form of financial assistance extended to domestic producers

Question 11

5 / 5 pts

(TCO 2) The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) was formed by the United States, Canada, and _____.

Costa Rica





Question 12

5 / 5 pts

(TCO 2) _____ refers to buying goods or services from a supplier in another country.






Question 13

5 / 5 pts

(TCO 2) The use of unpublicized information that an individual gains from the course of his or her job to benefit from fluctuations in the stock market is called _____.

a code of ethics


insider trading


strategic CSR

Question 14

5 / 5 pts

(TCO 2) Which of the following statements is true regarding whistle-blowing?

Whistle-blowing is the normal channel through which employees can address issues involving unethical or illegal behavior within their companies.

Whistle-blowing refers to the use of unpublicized information that an individual gains from the course of his or her job to benefit from fluctuations in the stock market.

Whistle-blowing occurs when employees share confidential company information with external agents for personal gain.

The federal and state laws governing whistle-blowing are simple and clear, so that they can be easily used by employees and employers to navigate through.

Although whistle-blowing is sometimes characterized as “ratting on” colleagues or managers, it has an essential function.

Question 15

5 / 5 pts

(TCO 2) The manager of a golf course awards a landscaping contract to his brother-in-law’s company, even though another company was willing to do the same work for less money. This is an example of a(n) _____.

defensive CSR

code of ethics

conflict of interest

strategic CSR

ethical dilemma

Effect of Transactions

The purpose of this assignment is to help you become familiar with examining transactions and how it affects the balance sheet.

Assignment Steps

Resources: Financial Accounting: Tools for Business Decision Making

Write a minimum 150-word response to each of the following scenarios from Exercise E3-1 in Financial Accounting (p. 132) describing the effect of each transaction on assets, liabilities, and stockholder’s equity:

Selected transactions for Thyme Advertising Company, Inc.

Issued common stock to investors in exchange for cash received from investors.

Paid monthly rent.

Received cash from customers when service was performed.

Billed customers for services performed.

Paid dividend to stockholders.

Incurred advertising expense on account.

Received cash from customers billed in (4).

Purchased additional equipment for cash.

Purchased equipment on account

Assignment 2: Marketing Plan

Description / paper instructions

Please complete this without the e-book. I do not have access to it. The demographic info can be found elsewhere, like online etc. I apologize for this inconvenience.


Create a Marketing Plan & Sales Strategy in

(MS Word or equivalent)


The Company is a non- alcholic beverage company and for the first six (6) months your company is in business you will start marketing and selling in your own community, a radius of twenty-five (25) miles from where you live


Write the three to five (3-5) page Marketing Plan & Sales Strategy section of your business plan, in which you:


  1. Define your companyвЂTMs target market.


Analyze the types of consumers who will be drinking your beverage in demographic terms (i.e., age, education level, income, gender, ethnic group, etc.). Support your analysis with actual data on the size of the demographic groups in your local community (nearby zip codes). (Alabama 35816, 35749 or surrounding areas)


Outline the demographic information for your company specified on the worksheet in the course text (p. 107 | Demographic Description). Click here for help accessing a specific page number in your eBook.


Hints: At American Fact Finder (, you will find demographic information on potential consumers in your area. If you are selling through other businesses (such as grocery stores), indicate the number of those businesses in your local area. You will find information about such businesses in your local area at County Business Patterns ( Check Chapter 2 of Successful Business Plan for more research sources.



  1. Assess your companyвЂTMs market competition.


Use the factors listed in the course text graphic (p. 123 | Assess the Competition) to assess your companyвЂTMs market competition.

Defend your strategy to successfully compete against market leaders in your segment.

Hints: For example, in the soft drink market, it is intimidating to try to compete against Coke and Pepsi. Newcomers in mature markets typically must pursue niche markets or even create new market categories, as Red Bull did with energy drinks.

Defend your plan to differentiate yourself from the competition using the information detailed on the worksheet in the text (p. 131 | Market Share Distribution).

Hints: Every business faces competition and the non-alcoholic beverage market is an especially crowded market.



  1. Clarify your companyвЂTMs message using the information provided on the worksheet in the text (p. 160 | The Five FвЂTMs).


Hints: Before you choose your marketing vehicles, you must determine the message you want to convey through those vehicles.


  1. Identify the marketing vehicles you plan to use to build your companyвЂTMs brand. Justify the key reasons why they will be effective. Provide examples of other non-alcoholic beverage companies that use these tactics effectively.


Hints: If you plan to use online marketing tactics, refer to the worksheet in the text (p.171 | Online Marketing Tactics) to aid your response. Remember that even if youвЂTMre selling through grocery stores you need to build your brand and social media is a major part of that in regard to beverages. Some of the marketing tactics that beverage companies use include: sampling in grocery stores, building a following on social media, sponsoring events, exhibiting at trade shows attended by retailers, and so on. You will use a combination of these tactics. For example, if you decide to give out samples in grocery stores, promote your sampling on your social media networks and those of the grocery store.

Hints: If you are planning to distribute through resellers, describe how you plan to reach them, for example, through industry trade shows or by establishing your own sales force. For information on trade shows, visit the Trade Show News Network ( You can exhibit or network at these shows.




Format your assignment according to these formatting requirements:



Cite the resources you have used to complete the exercise. Note: There is no minimum requirement for the number of resources used in the exercise.


Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.


Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the studentвЂTMs name, the professorвЂTMs name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required page length.

International Trade

For international supply chain management, what are the risks, issues, opportunities, and impacts of recent trends of trade protectionism and nationalist policies of some countries?


Deliverable Length:  Part 1: 200–300 words; Part 2: 400–500 words.


For this 2-part task, you will create the introduction for this proposal and provide a level setting of the 3 supply chain flows within the company you have chosen. Describe the flows and how they are connected and interrelated.

Part 1

Create Section 1 of your Supply Chain Process Improvement Proposal: Company Profile.

  • Introduce the company you have chosen for this project. Include a level-setting summary of the company that you have chosen to use as the subject of your Key Assignment.

Part 2

Create Section 2 of your Supply Chain Process Improvement Proposal: Supply Chain Management Flows.

  • Describe the following 3 flows within supply chain management in the organization you have selected:
    1. Information
    2. Financial
    3. Product or service
  • From your research, describe how you would improve the 3 flows for your chosen company.

Your instructor will provide feedback. Use this feedback to improve your plan to prepare your final Supply Chain Process Improvement Proposal.