Category: nursing

Discussion 2


Discussion 2:

Staffing is such an integral part of leading and managing in nursing.  There are many factors to consider when deciding how many nurses are needed to provide safe patient care.  Look at the models in your reading in Chapter 13.  Find an article supporting a model’s staffing efficacy and discuss key points of how that model takes patient safety into consideration.  

please read chpter 10- 13 and discuss the question above. using at least 250 words,  should contain at least one scholarly reference in addition to textbook citations (in APA format).  the scholary reference should be less than 5 years, and please send me PDF of the resource, and please without plagerism, follow the rubric when you write the paper i attach the rubric also i add the link for my book , 

NRS328- TASK 3- nursing assignment

Please follow the marking criteria and attached APA referencing guide strictly. Also, use in text reference in every 100-150 word.

I have attached 3 different articles hence please choose only one which you can answers perfectly.


Discuss flow of health information in health information department and other associated units of agency

Detailed Risk Assessment & Safe Work Method Statement

Assignment 2 – Detailed Risk Assessment & Safe Work Method Statement (2500 words ± 10%) Assessment weighting: 50% of Course Mark

What are nurses’ experiences of patient-related violence whilst working in the Emergency Department setting

Please use Australia books from 2009 upwards.

Individual Determinants of Health

Introduction to Nursing Assessment

You are expected to focus on one of the five key themes of patient safety, professionalism, communication, clinical reasoning and patient assessment. Include one positive and one challenging situation impacting your performance in the clinical lab sessions. You are required to identify:

– What was the issue?

– How did the issue make you feel?

– What activities did you perform well in the clinical lab unit?

– What strategies would have helped to promote/enhance communication, patient safety, professionalism, clinical reasoning and health assessment? Use literature to support the actions you have selected to improve your performance.

– Reference how the use of Gibbs model of reflection (1988) has been useful in assisting your development and professional practice as a student nurse

Nursing assignment

In a formal paper of 1,000-1,250 words you will discuss the work of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Committee Initiative on the Future of Nursing and the Institute of Medicine research that led to the IOM report, “Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health.” Identify the importance of the IOM “Future of Nursing” report related to nursing practice, nursing education and nursing workforce development. What is the role of state-based action coalitions and how do they advance goals of the Future of Nursing: Campaign for Action? 
Explore the Campaign for Action webpage (you may need to research your state’s website independently if it is not active on this site): 
Review your state’s progress report by locating your state and clicking on one of the six progress icons for: education, leadership, practice, interpersonal collaboration, diversity, and data. You can also download a full progress report for your state by clicking on the box located at the bottom of the webpage. 
In a paper of 1,000-1,250 words: 
Discuss the work of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Committee Initiative on the Future of Nursing and the Institute of Medicine research that led to the IOM report, “Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health.” 
Identify the importance of the IOM “Future of Nursing” report related to nursing practice, nursing education and nursing workforce development. 
What is the role of state-based action coalitions and how do they advance goals of the Future of Nursing: Campaign for Action? 
Summarize two initiatives spearheaded by your state’s action coalition. In what ways do these initiatives advance the nursing profession? What barriers to advancement currently exist in your state? How can nursing advocates in your state overcome these barriers? 
A minimum of three scholarly references are required for this assignment.

change management in dynamic health care systems

Literature Review 
Description: : This assignment provides the opportunity to conduct a small-scale literature review, leading to a conclusion about the current state of knowledge on the topic area and possibly further questions that my need to be addressed. 
Task: Changing patient experience using health technologies 

word limit – 1500 words

Assignment 2 – Integrating theory with practice- Critical reflection of CaseWorld scenario

please ask asap if dont understand anything use proper references and harvard style please use verdana style read marking rubric and other requirement carefully before start please
need more than 10 references
please use verdana font

Topic: Shared NURS2007 Integrating Theory and Practice – 2017 NS2 (Av1/Rv)