Archive for May, 2018

using relevant statistical data from sorces such as international trade centre, international trade statics yearbook at EUROSTAT anaylse and explain the pattern of trade of a country/group of countries of your choice evealuate the impact of trade policy

using relevant statistical data from sorces such as international trade centre, international trade statics yearbook at EUROSTAT anaylse and explain the pattern of trade of a country/group of countries of your choice evealuate the impact of trade policy

The coursework, as any academic essay, should be divided into several sections with
an appropriate heading for each section. The first essential section is an introduction
to the essay; the second key section (part) forms the core of the essay and can be
divided into subsections; and the final section is the concluding section (conclusion).
The coursework must end with a thorough bibliography (please see details provided in
the BMAN 70022 course outline).
1. Introduction
You need to state / define in the introduction the research question, why is it
important, describe how you would like to answer / approach the question and briefly
describe the structure of the essay. It is always important to end the introduction with
a paragraph such as the following, which depends on how you structure your analysis.
Example: ‘The remainder of the essay is organised as follows: Section 2 reviews the
theoretical considerations behind the aspect being analysed. Section 3 will present
relevant empirical results so far and discuss critically their contribution to the aspect
under analysis. Section 4 returns to the essay question and presents a relevant case
study in the context of previously reviewed theories and empirical findings. Section 5
will conclude the essay by highlighting our key findings.’
2. Main Part /Section
As indicated above, you may break the main body of the coursework into several
subsections. The first subsections should necessarily provide a clear statement of what
the problem is and how can and has been analysed theoretically and empirically until
now. It is important you are as clear as possible about the context in which you place
your analysis. Make sure your subsections reflect well both the subject matter and the
way you undertake the analysis. Whenever appropriate, make sure you present and
discuss the pros and cons of a trade policy as clearly and succinctly as possible.
3. Conclusion
In the introduction, you briefly summarise the key findings of the essay, point to your
own views/contributions to the debate, and possibly highlight outstanding problems
for future research. It is important that you highlight your own contribution to the
topic. A passively written essay, compiling various disconnected paragraphs from the
literature, is a ‘dead’ one and will not do. Critical analysis is the essence, and your
presence in the essay must be actively felt everywhere!
4. Bibliography
A well written bibliography is an essential part of an excellent essay. Please see the
course outline regarding accepted style. In the text, you only provide references by
mentioning the author name, year of publication and page number (e.g. (Irwin, 2009,
p.17)) and give the full reference in the bibliography.

Harold conducts a business with the following results for the year

24.  Harold conducts a business with the following results for the year:
Revenue $20,000
Depreciation on car 3,960
Operating expenses of car 3,100
Rent 6,000
Wages 8,200
Amortization of intangibles 680
Harold estimates that due to a depressed real estate market, the value of land owned by the business declined by $5,200.
a. Calculate the effect of Harold’s business on his AGI.
b. How would your answer in part (a) change if the activity was a hobby?

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25. LO.3 Sarah owns a vacation cabin in the Tennessee mountains. Without considering the cabin, she has gross income of $65,000. During the year, she rents the cabin for two weeks for $2,500 and uses it herself for four weeks. The total expenses for the year are $10,000 mortgage interest; $1,500 property tax; $2,000 utilities, insurance, and maintenance; and $3,200 depreciation.
a. What effect does the rental of the vacation cabin have on Sarah’s AGI?
b. What expenses can Sarah deduct, and how are they classified (i.e., for or from AGI)?

26. LO.3 Under what circumstances may a taxpayer deduct a rental loss associated with a vacation home?

27. LO.3 Karen and Andy own a beach house. They have an agreement with a rental agent to rent it up to 200 days per year. For the past three years, the agent has been successful in renting it for 200 days. Karen and Andy use the beach house for one week during the summer and one week during Thanksgiving. Their daughter, Sarah, a college student, has asked if she and some friends can use the beach house for the week of spring break.
Advise Karen and Andy how they should respond, and identify any relevant tax issues.

28. LO.3 Hank was transferred from Phoenix to North Dakota on March 1 of the current year. He immediately put his home in Phoenix up for rent. The home was rented May 1 to November 30 and was vacant during the month of December. It was rented again on
January 1 for six months. What expenses, if any, can Hank deduct on his return? Which deductions are for AGI, and which ones are from AGI?

29. LO.3 Ray loses his job as a result of a corporate downsizing. Consequently, he falls behind on the mortgage payments on his personal residence. His friend Ted would like to make the delinquent mortgage payments for him.
a. Could the payments be structured so that Ray can deduct the mortgage interest?
b. Could the payment arrangement deny both Ray and Ted amortgage interest deduction?
c. Could the payments be structured so that Ted can deduct the mortgage interest?

30. LO.3 Edna incurs various legal fees in obtaining a divorce. Which types of expenses associated with the divorce are deductible by Edna, and which are not?

31. LO.3 Ella owns 60% of the stock of Peach, Inc. The stock has declined in value since she purchased it five years ago. She is going to sell 5% of the stock to a relative. Ella is also going to make a gift of 10% of the stock to another relative. Identify the relevant tax issues for Ella.

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Prepaid Insurance $17,414. The company has separate insurance policies on its buildings and its motor vehicles.

A review of the ledger of Dempsey Company at December 31, 2014, produces these data pertaining to the preparation of annual adjusting entries.

1. Prepaid Insurance $17,414. The company has separate insurance policies on its buildings and its motor vehicles. Policy B4564 on the building was purchased on July 1, 2013, for $11,220. The policy has a term of 3 years. Policy A2958 on the vehicles was purchased on January 1, 2014, for $8,064. This policy has a term of 18 months.
2. Unearned Rent Revenue $467,150: The company began subleasing office space in its new building on November 1. At December 31, the company had the following rental contracts that are paid in full for the entire term of the lease.

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Term Number of
Date (in months) Monthly Rent Leases
Nov. 1 10 $4,670 4
Dec. 1 7 $8,010 5
3. Notes Payable $42,400. This balance consists of a note for 6 months at an annual interest rate of 7%, dated October 1.
4. Salaries and Wages Payable $0. There are 9 salaried employees. Salaries are paid every Friday for the current week. 5 employees receive a salary of $650 each per week, and 4 employees earn $750 each per week. Assume December 31 is a Wednesday. Employees do not work weekends. All employees worked the last 3 days of December.

Prepare the adjusting entries at December 31, 2014. (Credit account titles are automatically indented when the amount is entered. Do not indent manually.)

Account Titles and Explanation


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Detail what the scientific literature states with regards to the use of coercion in interrogations.

The American Psychological Association (APA), the American Psychiatric Association, and the American Medical Association all oppose the use of coercion in interrogation. These organizations strictly prohibit their members from participating in interrogations in which coercion is used. These organizations claim that coercion is unethical.
The resolution of the APA (2008) on coercion in interrogation includes the following statement:
BE IT RESOLVED that the American Psychological Association affirms that there are no exceptional circumstances whatsoever, whether induced by a state of war or threat of war, internal political instability or any other public emergency, that may be invoked as a justification for torture or cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment or punishment, including the invocation of laws, regulations, or orders. (para. 7)
Publicly revealed Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) transcripts and interviews with CIA employees detail that harsh methods were used to develop information from suspected terrorists. Use the key words “John Kiriakou interview with Brian Ross” on a search engine to read a CIA officer’s revelation on the methods used to develop information from a suspected terrorist.
A potential logical conclusion about the treatment of detained combatants is that coercion works and, because it works so well, it can be justified under some exceptional circumstances.

Early childhood Math and Science

Assignment 01


Early Childhood Math and Science

Be sure to make an electronic copy of your answer before submitting
it to Ashworth College for grading.
Unless otherwise stated, answer in complete sentences, and be sure to
use correct English spelling and grammar.
Sources must be cited in APA format.
Your response should be one (1)
single-spaced page in length; refer to the “Assignment
Format” page for specific format requirements.  (Total possible points: 100)

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After completing the reading assignments for Lesson 1, you
will have learned a lot about lesson planning.
Use the Basic Science Lesson Plan components outlined on pages 108-110―topic/concept,
objective, materials, advanced preparation, procedure, evaluation and extension―to
write a science lesson plan appropriate for use in an early childhood
classroom. (You do not have to include the �Goal� component in your lesson


After creating the lesson plan, list at least two extension
activities. Your extension activities should include activities that involve
different multiple intelligences other than that addressed in the lesson plan
activity.  Do not use the same multiple
intelligence for both activities.  Put
the name of the corresponding intelligences in parenthesis at the beginning of
the activity so it is clear which of the multiple intelligences you are involving.  Refer to page 31 in your textbook to find the
list of Gardner�s multiple intelligences.

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A note about writing
your objective: Though the text book suggests beginning your objective with,
�The child should be able to��, in the real world of teaching, your objective
would have to be aligned with a state standard.
Please find an appropriate state standard from the Georgia Performance
Standards at
that your lesson plan will meet.


For example, here is a science standard for kindergarteners
in Georgia:


SKP1  Students will describe objects in
terms of the materials they are made of and their physical properties.
ELEMENT a.   Compare and sort materials of different composition (common
materials include clay, cloth, paper, plastic, etc.).
ELEMENT b.   Use senses to classify common materials, such as buttons or
swatches of cloth, according to their physical attributes (color, size, shape,
weight, texture, buoyancy, flexibility)


If the concept you want to teach is that various objects
feel different from one another, the standard you would be meeting would be:


SKP1 ELEMENT b.  Use senses
to classify common materials, such as buttons or swatches of cloth, according
to their physical attributes (color, size, shape, weight, texture, buoyancy,


A break down of what is expected in your assignment is



This is stated in complete sentence(s) and is appropriate
for an early childhood classroom.


This states a specific state standard.


Lists all materials used in the procedure.

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This includes all tasks that must be completed by the
teacher before the lesson.



initiating activity

This is an activity, story, song etc… used to get the
children�s attention and interest in the topic.

how to do it

This section provides thorough step-by-step directions on
how to complete the activity with the students.


Includes at least 3 questions you will answer to determine
the success of the activity and the children�s level of interest and


Includes two activities that each addresses one or more
different multiple intelligences then the activity in the lesson.

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Please answer the following questions.  Submit as a Microsoft Word® document to the Dropbox when completed.

1.    How does the demand curve faced by a perfectly competitive firm differ from the market demand curve in a perfectly competitive market?  Explain.

2.    A perfectly competitive firm has the following fixed and variable costs in the short run. The market price for the firm’s product is $140.

            Output               FC                   VC              TC             TR     Profit/Loss

              0                      $90               $    0               ___           ___           ___

         1                                            90                90             ___           ___       ___

         2                                            90               170           ___           ___       ___

         3                                            90               290           ___           ___       ___

         4                                            90               430           ___           ___       ___

         5                                            90               590           ___           ___       ___

         6                                            90               770           ___           ___       ___

              a.       Complete the table.

              b.       What level of output should the firm produce to maximize profits?

3.    How does the demand curve faced by a monopoly differ from the demand curve faced by a perfectly competitive firm?  Explain.

4.    The following table provides market share information about the soft-drink industry. 


Market Share





Cadbury Schweppers




Do you think the Department of Justice and the Federal Trade Commission would approve a merger between any two of the first three companies listed?  Explain.

Directions for Submitting your Assignment

Complete your assignment in this Microsoft Word® document and save it as Username-MT445Assignment-Unit#.doc (Example:TAllen-MT445Assignment-Unit4.doc). Submit your file by selecting the Unit 4: Assignment Dropbox by the end of Unit 4.

Write a formal justification report to an organization making a recommendation to implement a particular product, service, or program

Write a formal justification report to an organization making a recommendation to implement a particular product, service, or program. The organization may have a business, governmental, professional, or social focus. The report may focus on a “real” or “made-up” recommendation, but you should direct the report to an actual organization, even if you do not plan to submit the report. The audience within the organization will be whatever level is most appropriate to make a decision on the topic of your report.
Write a minimum of two to four (2-4) single-spaced report pages (not including the table of contents, transmittal form, executive summary, or title page).
1. Organize the reports by section headings.
2. The report should contain relevant and applicable graphics (at least one [1]).
3. The findings should be based on research, including at least one [1] primary source and at least three (3) secondary sources. Sources should be credible and reliable (no Wikipedia).
4. The report should reflect a style and format appropriate for business, i.e., single spacing and bullet points are acceptable for the business report.
5. Headings, figures, and appendices should follow guidelines of APA style. All in-text citations and the references page should be cited according to APA style, Sixth edition guidelines.
Preliminary parts
? Title page
? Transmittal (1 page)
? Table of contents
? Executive summary (1 page)
Report text
? Introduction
? Problem statement
? Method used
? Findings
? Analysis
? Conclusion
? References
? Appendices
Your assignment must:
? Be typed, single spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
? Include a reference page.

Business Ethics and Deontology

Business Ethics and Deontology
In the Module 1 SLP, you will be given requirements for structuring the papers you will write throughout your degree program. In this module, we will discuss the required format and and writing requirements of all future papers (Case and SLP).
Required Reading:
To begin, please review pages 1-7 (up to and including the section entitled “Body”) of the Trident University International Well-Written Paper guide. For Module 1, please disregard the last bullet point beginning “Support your points by citing…” as we will address end referencing and citation requirements in the Module 2 SLP. Then read pages 13 and 17 of the Well-Written Paper guide (“Conclusion” and “Helpful Formatting Tips” sections).
In addition to reviewing the Well-Written Paper guide, I would like you to review Dr. Drummond McNaughton’s excellent guide for writing high-quality papers: Dr. Drumm’s Writing Tips.
Please thoroughly review the Purdue Owl guidelines for writing papers. This websites provides a high-quality overview relating to such issues as writing mechanics and usage of grammar:

For the Module 1 SLP, please write a 2-3 page paper in which you address the following:
Drawing upon deontological ethics, discuss a business ethics problem with which you have had personal experience.
Keys to the Assignment:
• Describe an ethical problem you have confronted in a business situation;
• Describe the deontological implications of the ethical problem you have described; and
• Describe how Kant’s Categorical Imperative applies to your chosen business problem.
Assignment Expectations:
Your paper will be evaluated on the following:
• Precision – Does the paper address the question(s) or task(s)?
• Breadth – Is the full breadth of the subject (i.e., the Keys to the Assignment) addressed?
• Depth – Does the paper address the topic in sufficient depth and include the background reading and other background resources as references?
• Critical thinking – Is the subject thought about critically (i.e., accurately, logically, relevantly, and precisely)?
• Clarity – Is the writing clear and are the concepts articulated properly? Are paraphrasing and synthesis of concepts the primary means of responding to the questions or are points conveyed through excessive use of quotations?
• Organization – Is the paper well written? Are the grammar, spelling, and vocabulary appropriate for graduate-level work? Are headings included in all papers longer than two pages?
• Referencing (citations and references) – Does the paper include citations and quotation marks where appropriate? Are the references from the background reading and assignment present and properly cited? Are all the references listed in the bibliography present and referred to via citation?

Tips and Suggestions:
1) Your SLP will be graded on your ability to accurately state the deontological implications of the business ethics problem you have identified, and to what extent the resolution of the problem is consistent with deontological ethics. *** Remember that there are no right or wrong answers here – as you will learn, deontology is not the only way to view a business ethics problem, but you must use sound logic in your assessment of the problem.
2) Your SLP will be graded on the extent to which you adhere to the TUI Well-Written Paper guidelines. Please be sure that your paper is formatted properly, and that you follow all guidelines (e.g., appropriate use of headings, margins, Times New Roman 12 pt. font, double-spacing, etc.).

5) Rule of Law: This is what the case will stand for; a rule to be applied in future cases.

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Prepare a list of five products that are aggressively marketed today that you think will no longer be around by the year 2024

Written Assignment #2: Product Life Cycle
Prepare a list of five products that are aggressively marketed today that you think will no longer be
around by the year 2024. Then prepare another list of five products that you believe will still be used by
consumers in 2024. Provide the reasons why you have chosen these products in terms of the product
life cycle theory.

What can marketers of the ‘dying’ products in your first list do to revitalize, reposition, or replace
them when the time arrives?
Due: March 21st

These assignments are intended to:
 1) help you learn to apply marketing concepts to specific situations,
 2) help you develop your written skills and ability to think critically and creatively, and
 3) serve as the basis for in-class discussions.

Format of Papers
 Each written assignment should be three to six typewritten double-spaced pages. This does not
include any supportive information such as charts, graphs or ads, or any other samples. You should
use 10- to 12-point font size, 1.5 line spacing and one-inch margins on all four sides.

 Do not waste space by providing basic definitions that have been presented in class or in the
textbook. Instead, show that you can apply these concepts in specific situations.

 Include a title page with the name and number of the assignment (e.g., Assignment #1), a title, your
student number, your name, and the due date.

 Specify any sources of information using the APA style. At least two information sources other
than your text should be included and should be recent.

 Include copies of ads and supportive material where appropriate.

 All pages should be numbered, with the exception of the title page (which is page 0).

 Use the format firstname.lastname to when you label your file to upload it to D2L

Explain why and how the misunderstanding and misapplication of the concepts of love as agape, eros, and philia determine the amount of pain a person endures when something goes wrong with the object of that love

Paper instructions:
After a careful and critical analysis of minimum of three selections (texts) from the list below, compose a four page essay in which you define, discuss and existentially apply the three Greek words that are associated with love, namely, agape, eros, and philia.

1-Explain why and how the misunderstanding and misapplication of the concepts of love as agape, eros, and philia determine the amount of pain a person endures when something goes wrong with the object of that love.
2-Is is true that the proper understanding and application of these Greek words for love can lessen the pain a person endures when something goes wrong with the object of that love?
3- According to your understanding of agape, eros, and philia, what kind of love brought pain to Sapho, for example?

4- Which of these Greek words of love is experienced by each of the authors of, as well as characters, in presented in the three selection you have chosen?
5-What are the consequences of the modern (21st century) understanding and application of these Greek terms?
Note that answers to these 5 questions must be accompanied by specific examples taken from specific passages from the selected texts as well as from real life situations. Your essay must begin with Thesis Statement.Sequential combination of contents of essays 1&2&3 including a summary. (I attached essays 1&2)
*Langston Hughes HARLEM and Same in Blues
*Nathaniel Hawthorne Young Goodman Brown