Archive for July, 2022

Cyber security Incident Response

Title: A concise statement of Cyber security incident response in the nuclear industry.

Abstract: An “executive overview” of the paper. It should be a 50- to 100-word summary that would be appropriate to give management so that they would know the essence of the project without reading the paper in its entirety.

Table of Contents: In this section, list each section of the paper, with the page number. The list should include:
Tables and figures if more than two included
Appendices, if included

Bibliography or reference section listing sources used and including links to online content

Introduction: In this section, state the purpose of the paper in succinct, declarative sentences (Cybersecurity incidence response within the nuclear industry) . Convince the reader that the study will have a practical value and meaning, and the study will be based upon cyber security incident response concepts, but also will demonstrate the analytical, evaluative, practical, and descriptive skills involved.

Background and Significance: This section provides further justification of the need for incident response teams in the nuclear industry. Include a description of the work environment of a cybersecurity infrastructure at a nuclear facility. The position of a Incident response team leader in the organization and how the position fits into the organization, both vertically and horizontally.
Explain the applicable concepts and skills required to perform the procedures, processes, and methodologies of a incident response team. Explain how these concepts, including procedures, processes, and methodologies apply to a Nuclear facility.
Discussion, Implications and Recommendations: In this section, provide a thorough discussion of findings and the implications. Be sure to include only the pertinent implications, along with the recommendations.

References: Draw reputable sources such as web sites, business journals, legal and compliance journals, government agencies, professional associations, industry standards.
Be sure to support the information presented with appropriate references. It is important that all references and quotes are cited correctly. All sources, including web sites must be referenced in the Bibliography or References list.

impact of language on critical thinking and decision makingMake sure you include the challenges presented by language and how one can manage these challenges.

Develop a 10 to 15 slide PowerPoint presentation
Include detailed speaker notes to explain each slide content OR present your slides via Video and submit the link for the video with your slide deck.
Support your presentation with at least 3 credible academic references beyond course materials
Follow APA format where appropriate

Explain how those peripheral services are helping core service/s

Hello again:)

Well..this lecture is service management, and the professor gave us group project.
As you can see the uploaded picture and ppt, the professor wants us to MAKE OUR OWN FICTION SERVICE COMPANY. So, our group decided to go with 24 hours restaurant. Our six members assigned each of task and I’m in charge of TASK 1_(4) ” Explain how those peripheral services are helping core service/s” part. You should know that I am group member 4 and I should write about  TASK 1_(4) = (slide 6) around 150~200 words.
Actually, one of our member already finished for TASK 1_(3) “Core service/s & Peripheral service/s (at least 4 peripheral services” part, so basically you can write my part based on the slide 5.

Simply saying, you should write about ‘Explain how those peripheral services are helping core service/s for 24 hours restaurant’. MY part is only for TASK 1(4) please just focus on this. And remember our group decided to go with 24 hours restaurant. So, you can actually add more for core services and peripheral services, if it’s not enough. 

If you have any questions or don’t understand anything please let me know.


Case Study Paper

Read the case study and answer the Question 4 in the last page’s Discussion Question section. (separate by both motivation, opportunities, and challenges to write)
4. What is your assessment of Teslas moves into (a) mass-market cars, (b) batteries (car batteries and Powerwall), (c) solar panels? Please consider both the motivation for the moves, and the opportunities and challenges for Tesla to compete in these businesses.