Archive for July, 2018

Leadership Analysis

Lately, business analysts have appeared in popular literature. A quantitative analysis can be a part of your data gathering, though having the ability to solicit information, appropriate data, and read reports to identify business areas can assist in the foundation of problem solving. Having the right information can assist a leader in constructing an action plan to correct any weaknesses or deficiencies.


Identify an organization that you will use for this assignment and your final project. For this week’s assignment, assume you were asked to speak at this organization’s next leadership meeting about research analysis methods. Begin by conducting research on business analytics, SWOT, and needs analysis.  Prepare a PowerPoint presentation that evaluates the processes so that your audience realizes the benefits of each.

Then, use your research and evaluation of the processes to evaluate the internal and external environment for strengths and gaps that may influence the organization’s productivity. Based on your research, create a process for identifying areas of concern and for addressing these in an action plan.  Include appropriate tables, graphs, and flowcharts to show the process and your findings within your presentation.

Incorporate appropriate animations, transitions, and graphics as well as speaker notes for each slide. The speaker notes may be comprised of brief paragraphs or bulleted lists.

Support your presentation with at least three scholarly resources. In addition to these specified resources, other appropriate scholarly resources may be included.

Length: 12-15 slides (with a separate reference slide)

Notes Length: 100-150 words for each slide

Be sure to include citations for quotations and paraphrases with references in APA format and style, where appropriate. Save the file as PPT with the correct course code information.

Biology subject

A new nurse is working with a preceptor on an inpatient medical-surgical unit. The preceptor advises the student that which is the priority when working as a professional nurse? a. Attending to holistic client needs b. Ensuring client safety c. Not making medication errors

use APA format 1200 – 1500 words

Payback Method, IRR, and NPV

Create a 350-word memo to management including the following:

  • Describe the use of internal rate of return (IRR), net present value (NPV), and the payback method in evaluating project cash flows.
  • Describe the advantages and disadvantages of each method.

Business and society



    Specify the nature, structure, and types of products or services of your company, and identify two (2) key factors in the organization’s external environment that can affect its success. Provide explanation to support the rationale.
    Suggest five (5) ways in which the primary stakeholders can influence the organization’s financial performance. Provide support for the response.
    Specify one (1) controversial corporate social responsibility concern associated with your company.
    Submit a reference page with at least four (4) quality references that you have used for this presentation / paper.
    Note: Wikipedia and other websites do not qualify as academic resources


Corporate Finance

  1. Explain the difference between average stock returns and risk-free returns.
  2. Explain how the Sharpe Ratio is used to manage risk.
  3. Describe the significance of US equity risk premiums as a method of comparison with other countries.
  4. Explain how an investor chooses the best portfolio of stock to hold.
  5. Discuss how diversification is used to mitigate risk in the portfolio.
  6. Describe the relationship between risk and expected return (CAPM).
  7. Explain how cyclicality of revenues and operating leverage help determine beta.
  8. Describe the dividend discount model (DDM) approach and how is it different than CAPM.

Rate of Return for Stocks and Bonds

Calculate the following problems and provide an overall summary of how companies make financial decisions in no more than 700 words, based on your answers: 

  1. Stock Valuation: A stock has an initial price of $100 per share, paid a dividend of $2.00 per share during the year, and had an ending share price of $125. Compute the percentage total return, capital gains yield, and dividend yield.
  2. Total Return: You bought a share of 4% preferred stock for $100 last year. The market price for your stock is now $120. What was your total return for last year?
  3. CAPM: A stock has a beta of 1.20, the expected market rate of return is 12%, and a risk-free rate of 5 percent. What is the expected rate of return of the stock?
  4. WACC: The Corporation has a targeted capital structure of 80% common stock and 20% debt. The cost of equity is 12% and the cost of debt is 7%. The tax rate is 30%. What is the company’s weighted average cost of capital (WACC)?
  5. Flotation Costs: Medina Corp. has a debt-equity ratio of .75. The company is considering a new plant that will cost $125 million to build. When the company issues new equity, it incurs a flotation cost of 10%. The flotation cost on new debt is 4%. What is the initial cost of the plant if the company raises all equity externally?

BSBRSK501 manage risk

Activity 1.
1. In a short sentence for each, explain the meaning of these terms:
a)    Risk
b)    Risk management
c)    Risk appetite
d)    Risk capacity
2. Why should risk management policies and procedures be periodically reviewed? 100words
Activity 2.
You work for Australia Wide Taxations Solutions—a company of 1,500 employees offering taxation service in different cities accoress the country. The company offers five services:personal taxation, small business taxation, corporate services, personal wealth creation and corporate asset management.
It is working in a hghly regulated and legislated industry.
You have been asked to work with the team conducting a risk assessment for the entire organisation.
How will you identify the risk management scope—what things do you need to look at?What challenges does a scope of this size pose and how would you approach the risk assessment process? 350-400words

Activity 3.
Who are an organisation’s stakeholders and why should they and their issues be identified? 300-350words
Activity 4.
When considering organisational risk it is important to review the political, economic, social, legal, technological, and policy context. Comment on the influence/ impact each of those factors has on an organisation’s risk profile—the risk scope and context. 500-700words

Activity 5
Why is it necessary to review existing risk management arrangement and standards?

Activity 7.
How can support for risk management policies and procedures be encouraged? What skills might be used when gathering support and with whom should you communicate the risk management intentions? 230-250
Activity 8.
1. The organisation for which you work is planning an extension to the premises and an increase in staff numbers with a view to expanding into new markets. You have been asked to conduct research that will identify and risk or contingency requirement for the department that you head. What parties might be invited to assist with the risk identification and what contribution could they make? 150-170words
2. Why should employees be invited to participate in risk management consultations? 150-170words
3. What is the danger of attempting to manage risk without properly researching team?

4. List 12 aspect of risk that might contribute to new research processes.
Activity 9.
1. A number of tools can be used to collect risk related information and data ready for analysis. List eight.
2. From your list select two methods. Explains what they are and how they work. Approx. 200 each
Activity 10.
1. Plotting business risk on a risk matrix is recommended. What are the benefits of doing this? 80-100words

2. List four question that might be asked when assessing and prioritising risk.
Activity 11.
1. A number of different risk treatment will be applied depending on the industry in which an organisation operates its structure and the risk it faces. Explain what risk treatment is and the categories of risk treatment options that could be applied. 130-150words
2. Under what circumstances might it be appropriate to accept risks, without applying controls? 70-80
3. Insurance is valuable and necessary, but why is it not a real risk control? 70-80 words

Activity 12.
1. Why are risk management plans necessary? 220-250 words

2 Risk management plan should be accompanied by action plans. What information is contained in an action plan? 50-60 words
Activity 13.
1. List six methods that could be used to communicate risk management plans to relevant parties.
2. The senior accountant at Abacus Accounting, a small accountancy firm, has their laptop stolen from an interstate restaurant where they were conducting a dinner meeting with clients. The laptop contains nearly four weeks of date that has not been backed up to the main server. This is a significant loss. In addition, the accountant is now without use of a laptop and still has much client work to conduct.

The firm recognises that the use of laptops by accounting staff is critical, as is the information such losses in the future.
Abacus Accounting decides to develop a risk management plain will mitigate or minimise suck losses in the future.
Amongst other things, the plan contains details of:
•    Protocols of safeguarding laptops whilst travelling
•    Protocols for baking up data
•    Procedures for updating the asset register with laptops warranty and insurance details
•    Procedures for reporting the loss of the laptop and how to
•    Practices to follow in order to ecpedite replacement
To whom should the plan be communicated and what communication procedures would be effective? 100-120words
Activity 14.
Why should risk management data and plans be documented and appropriately stored?
Activity 15.
It is important to monitor and evaluate and action plan once it had moved into its implementation phase. How does monitoring and evaluation help and what sorts of things might come under scrutinity? 200 words
Activity 16.
1. Explain who should be involved in the evaluation of risk management treatment? 30-40words
2. Sometimes external auditors can be called in to evaluate risk management plans and strategies. What are three advantages of using external auditors?


Thinking Critically 1

For this assignment, you will choose and answer 3 questions based on the reading and viewingassignments listed below.


Each answer should be a minimum of 3 paragraphs that are 3–5 sentences in length.

Read Chapter 1 of the Straubhaar et al. text.  

  1. Describe what convergence has meant in your life and how it affects you.
  2. Does the SMCR model adequately explain social media?
  3. Is social media a fundamentally new type of communication or not? Justify.

Read Chapter 2 from the Straubhaar et al. text.

  1. How has the hegemony of ideas affected you personally?

Read Chapter 3 of the Straubhaar et al. text.

  1. Which culture should receive the most credit for the invention of printing? Explain.
  2. Debate the following proposition: Books are an obsolete medium.

Read Chapter 4 from the Straubhaar et al. text.

  1. What is the proper role of a free press in a democratic society?
  2. Go through your local newspaper—in print, on the Internet, or mobile device—and describe the objective of each section. How do local newspapers differ from national ones in content?
  3. What does it mean for journalists to be the watchdogs?

Read Chapter 5 from the Straubhaar et al. text.

  1. How do conglomerates affect print publishing? What are the positives and negatives associated with conglomerates?

View the videos The Future of Journalism and Hate the media? So do I and I’m a reporter.

  1. Discuss your position on the place for investigative journalism in the future. Explain how you either agree or disagree with Tom Rosenstiehl when he says digital technology caused the problems in current journalism BUT that digital technology will also solve the problems?
  2. If you agree with Abbie Boudreau about the problems in media today, give some examples of what you might do to repair the problems and restore respect to journalistic endeavors.


Submit Thinking Critically 1 by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Monday of Module/Week 1.

Assignment 1: LASA 2: Supply and Demand in a Global Market

Assignment 1: LASA 2: Supply and Demand in a Global Market

Answer the following questions using examples and applications from the readings.  Justify your answers using economic concepts and ideas as they apply. Each response should be between 100-200 words.


  1. The demand for labor is said to be a “derived” demand.  What is the meaning of a derived demand? How does this concept help to determine the demand for labor?
  2. What are some of the factors that determine the supply of labor in a market? What significant factors have changed the supply of labor over the last twenty years?
  3.  How does a firm determine its prices and the quantity of labor required in the resource market during a specific period?
  4.  Why do income inequalities exist?  How are income inequalities measured? How have income inequalities changed from 1980 to the present?
  5. What is the role of the U.S. government, in terms of dealing with the problem of income inequalities?  What are the arguments, for and against, government involvement in this area?
  6. Why do nations trade?  What is meant by the concept of “Comparative Advantage”?  Could a nation be better off economically, if it practiced an isolation policy?
  7. The United States has had a significant trade imbalance for several years.  What are the problems associated with having a negative trade balance?  What can be done to correct the imbalance?
  8. How are exchange rates determined?  What is the significance of currency devaluations to the home country?  To other countries?

Collate your answers in an MS Word document and save it using the filename LastnameFirstInitial_M53A1. Submit it to the Submissions Area by the due date assigned.

Remember, quotations, paraphrases, and ideas you get from books, articles, or other sources of information should be cited using APA style.

Week 8 Assignment: Research Paper Impact of Smoking on Healthcare Cost

Week 8 Assignment: Research Paper

Impact of Smoking on Healthcare Cost

Using the topic you selected and the outline you followed in week 3 assignment, please write a 7-10 page research paper using APA Format. Your research paper must include an extensive explanation and have a thesis statement. A thesis statement is a strong statement that you can support with evidence. The research paper should have a abstract, literature review and discussion (body of the paper addressing the issues listed below), recommendation, a well-defined conclusion, and reference pages. You must use at least 5 resources.

Please see the attached template for more information.

In your paper, you must address the following:

An overview of the issue

Why is this issue a concern from a health care economics perspective?

Who are the major parties involved in this issue?

Which market forces have an impact on this issue?

How is demand illustrated in this issue?

How is supply illustrated in this issue?

How has the affordable care act impacted this issue?

How are health disparities demonstrated in this issue?

How has this issue been improved in other global markets?

What is your recommendation for making improvements based on economic principles.