Archive for May, 2020

3025 Dq 10

For this discussion, write about the shortcomings of the ‘chemical imbalance theory of depression’. Why was this theory disseminated for so long? What is a more accurate explanation? Please reference Lacasse and Leo (2015) in your response.

Lacasse, J.R., & Leo, J. (2015). Antidepressants and the chemical imbalance theory of depression: A Reflection and update on the discourse. The Behavior Therapist, 206-213.

Watch An Video And Find A Code

Please watch below YouTube link video. There is a code during video for office hour quiz.

Hint: the code wasn’t written on the whiteboard.

I have watched two times but didn’t find it. Please finish it quickly, it was overdue!

work and the economy

Most people want to work towards career and financial achievements and personal satisfaction, yet there are contributing factors which create major stress on the job, preventing them from achieving their goals. After reading Chapter 10 address the issues below. You MUST include a fallacy and current event in each discussion. You MUST write at least 2 paragraphs of at least 3-5 detailed sentences in each paragraph in discussion post. Provide one support resource from one of these area: Local, State, National or Global organizations you would suggest to assist people in the area of Work and Economy.
A. What changes have occurred that are detrimental to the well being of many American workers leading to stress on the job and its effects on the quality of life.

See instructions

Write a half to one (1/2 to 1) page (150 to 275 words) journal entry in which you:
Explain the ethical approach concerning means and ends that you would apply if you had a role as the chief of police in your hometown.
Complete the page requirement.

The specific course learning outcome(s) associated with this assignment are:
Analyze the ethical issues involved with balancing means and ends in the criminal justice field.
Write clearly and concisely about ethics and leadership in criminal justice using proper writing mechanics.


Discussion: Management hierarchy: strategic, managerial and operational. (Click to Read Instructions)

There are three levels of management hierarchy: strategic, managerial and operational.

Part 1: Review at least 4 academically reviewed articles on each management hierarchy. Summary the articles in your own words.

Part 2: Discuss how the three levels of management hierarchy: strategic, management, and operational relates to the mission of a business.

Part 3: As an IT professional, how would you use information technology to improve the efficiency the three levels of management hierarchy?

The ethical implications of Human Euthanasia

Using the 5-Paragraph Essay model, discuss the ethical implications of Human Euthanasia. Are you for or against it? (I’m for it) Should nurses and medical professionals have a say in the process? (Id say it is up to the patient if they have a terminal illness) Discuss the pros and cons of your opinion. You will need to conduct academic research to support your paper.

This assignment requires:

3-5 pages
Double-spaced, Times New Roman, 12pt font
2 APA sources, cited in the body of your paper and a full references page at the end. The references page is included in your page count.


Please respond to 3 classmates. Please pick 3 responses you agree with from the files I uploaded. Be constructive and professional in your responses. Please be sure to reach the 175 word count for each respond. you can use course text book topic 10 & 11 as a source. You can also use outside sources in your responses. Don’t use more than 2 sources per answer please

eBook: Textbook:Lee, K. (2019).Business law (2nd ed.). 

2 Pages Financepaper


Calculate your firms and its competitor WACCs. Compare and evaluate them. Do you believe your firm looks good? Here we may have no information about costs of debts. We can approximate the cost by using interest expense in I/S.

Business Management(OB) Case Essay – Due TODAY @ 9:00AM 500-750 Words


  • Analyze a real-life management situation through the lens of organizational behavior;
  • Applying organizational behavior concepts (specifically, from Ch. 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 of our textbook) to a real-life management situation;
  • Build an argument based on research and evidence;
  • Synthesize your analysis to generate recommendations for future actions for the individuals or organizations in the case.


  • Read the article carefully, then select one of the following questions. Write an essay of 500-750 words and address all the questions in the prompt(Article attached below as “The Four-Second Catastrophe” ).


Question 1:

  •  As Boeing was rolling out its 737 MAX airplane, individuals at the company made a number of assumptions, errors in judgment, and shortcuts in decision-making. Select at least three errors you believe they made, name and define them, and discuss the effect they had on the outcomes in the case. What changes would you make to solve the decision-making errors at Boeing?
  • Concepts that should be drawn upon in Essay 1(Doesn’t have to be all): Perception, Attribution theory, Selective perception, Shortcuts used in judging people and situations, Confirmation bias, Other biases used in making decisions, Risk aversion, Decision-making, Bounded rationality, Intuitive decision making, Ethical decision making

Question 2

  • Boeing worked to ensure that the 737 MAX airplane would require no additional training on flight simulators for airlines that bought the new plane. How would you characterize the motivational theories that were influencing this decision? Do you agree or disagree with their decisions, and what details would you cite from the article to support your view? Based on motivational theory, how would you adapt the motivations driving decisions at Boeing to change the outcome?
  • Concepts that should be drawn upon in Essay 1(Doesn’t have to be all): Motivation, Extrinsic & intrinsic motivation, How positive & negative reinforcement rewards people Needs, goals, and fairness as motivators for the company?

government and politics

Problems in government and politics affect our quality of life, especially in our trust in government. Social media plays a huge part in our attitudes towards the government and politicians.
After reading Chapter 9, reviewing the information address the issues below and viewing a video of your choice, complete the discussion question.. You MUST include a fallacy and current event in each discussion. You MUST write at least 2 paragraphs of at least 3-5 detailed sentences in each paragraph in every discussion post. Provide one support resource from one of these area: Local, State, National or Global organizations you would suggest to assist people in the area of Government and Politics.
Why do Americans view government with more skepticism than they do any other social institution? Provide 1 example.