Archive for May, 2020

Importance Of Human Microbiome For Health Discussion Board


To participate in the Discussion Board you should visit the following video:

Rob Knight: How our microbes make us who we are    

You can also visit other interesting videos related to the same topic with the purpose not to repeat what other students mentioned before you. Your consideration should have no less that 250 words. Please, remember to interact with other students at least once. this participation will be graded.

Each group of three students will have a particular theme designation. INDIVIDUAL STUDENTS within the group should contribute to the theme. No limitation to participate in other group contributions.  


Group 10.Normal human microbiota and Clostridium difficile.

Nursing/ medical Theme

For this assignment you will find a Qualitative research and you will breakdown the research for all of its parts. This assignment will have you submitting the original article as well as your breakdown with proper APA citations.

2 sources are mandatory, one of them must be your book ( Evidence Based Practice for Nurses, Nola Schmidt, Janet M. Brown) .  This assignment should be in the 3rd person.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Please follow  material bellow and an example for PART ONE bellow.(About 1 page)
For PART TWO please write one page

Theoretical Background

Program goal: To decrease the rates of strokes among African American males 55 and older in the Bronx.


The Ecological Perspective is a framework often used to inform program planning.  For
each of the areas below, identify the following:

1.    Two to three factors that serve as BARRIERS to behavior change in your target population
2.    Two to three factors that could SUPPORT your target populations efforts to change their behavior. 

1. Intrapersonal Factors (knowledge, beliefs, attitudes, personality traits):



2. Interpersonal Factors (family, friends/peers that provide social identity and support):



3. Institutional Factors (rules, regulations, policies which may constrain or promote behaviors):



4. Community Factors (social networks and norms that are formal or informal among individuals, groups and organizations):



EXAMPLE for part one
Program Goal: To decrease the rate of depression due to social media among teenage girls, ages 14-17, at the Bronx HS of Science.

The Ecological Perspective is a framework often used to inform program planning.  For each of the areas below, identify the following:

1.    Two to three factors that serve as BARRIERS to behavior change in your target population
2.    Two to three factors that could SUPPORT your target populations efforts to change their behavior.

1. Intrapersonal Factors (knowledge, beliefs, attitudes, personality traits):
    Having a fear of missing out on what your friends are doing
    Gender. Teenage girls are most at risk of social media-related depression
    Time management skills
    Personal goals, such as wanting to spend less time on your phone

2. Interpersonal Factors (family, friends/peers that provide social identity and support):
    Parents not caring how much time is spent on phone/computer
    Friends using social media as a means of communication
    Outdoor activities away from technology
    Friends/family that will talk with you about depression

3. Institutional Factors (rules, regulations, policies which may constrain or promote behaviors):
    Policies towards cell phone use in school, usually high school students are allowed to use them while in school
    Businesses and entrepreneurs using social media as a promotional tool, where many teens get their information from
    Clubs/workshops in school that help fight depression
    Athletic teams
    Seeing a therapist

4. Community Factors (social networks and norms that are formal or informal among individuals, groups and organizations):
    Lack of knowledge about depression and its link to social media from society (community, parents, teenagers)
    Social media companies wanting you using their apps as much as possible by making them more addicting
    Depression hotlines
    Amount of outdoor parks & recreation activities


PART TWO: (write 1 page)

Theoretical Background: Underlying your project is a theoretical background that
shapes your goal and objectives, and will help to convince others to support it.  Your
intervention is to be based upon a behavior change theory/model.  This section
should include a description of the model you’ve chosen and how it applies to your

Please Note:  If you select the Trans theoretical Model ( Stages of Change) please be sure to describe  how your intervention( program) will move your target population from one stage to another. This means that I do not want to see all 5-6 stages. I would like to see how you get participants from Pre Contemplation to Contemplation or from Contemplation to Preparation,

Leadership Evaluation

Conduct an online search for “leadership style self-assessment,” and take one or more of the free quizzes or assessments that are available online to learn more about your personal leadership style.

Write a 250-word response that includes an overview of your leadership strengths and weaknesses as well as how you plan to expand your leadership skills through this course.

Kingston-Bryce week 1 project

Kingston-Bryce Kick-off Project Plan week 1

Assignment must include the FOLLOWING

You have just been hired as a Project Manager for Kingston-Bryce Limited and have been assigned your first project. Kingston-Bryce Limited (KBL) is a custom furniture manufacturer that specializes in hand-crafted dining room tables. The Board of Directors has identified an opportunity to purchase a competitor that also specializes in custom furniture. The acquisition of the competitor will enable KBL to expand operations and triple their workforce and will take 18 months to complete. In order for this acquisition to be successful, you will need to use your project management skills to ensure success.

Your first task is to create a project plan for the Board of Directors in Microsoft Word or Excel. The project outline is essential for documenting all of the necessary tasks and milestones necessary to complete the project. The project is expected to take 18 months to complete, and the major milestones are broken up by quarters. You will need to be creative and develop the following items as if you were running the project.
Include the following (you will need to create these items):
    tasks and milestones;
    a project description;
    key stakeholders;
    timeline for the project.
    18 months of results

In the Project Description dont forget the length and cost of the project.
The easiest way to identify the Key Stakeholders for this brief paper would be to use a table. You simply could have their position and name. Remember, this is for a specific project with actual people. Who are these people? The table should be limited to those who can make or break the success of the project. Certainly, the acquisition will affect a number of people, but only a few are in the decision-making position. The rest will be sent a notification of intent/progress/completion. There are probably 8 to 10 specific people who will sit at these meetings.  Take a look at
The Task/Milestones need some work. They are to be an actual list of major milestones and specific tasks broken up by quarters. These may change over the 18 months, but specific tasks should be aligned with quarterly Milestones. A table could list these individual items and line them up with the Milestone. Google images for project task list template
Note that a task is different than a milestone. A milestone is a reference point that marks a major event in a project and is used to monitor the projects progress. It is usually used to indicate when a specific phase or group of tasks is to be completed.  It can be considered a deadline date. You could include them in the same table if they were noted, maybe with a color scheme or a separate column. Google Tasks vs Milestones.

the Key Stakeholders, the Task/Milestones, and the Timeline.  A timeline needs starting and ending dates.  The Task/Milestones need some work. Note that a task is different than a milestone. A milestone is a reference point that marks a major event in a project and is used to monitor the projects progress. It is usually used to indicate when a specific phase or group of tasks is to be completed.
A Gannt chart could cover both the Task/Milestones, and the Timeline.

Benchmark Family, Community, and School Collaboration and Involvement

Your school has been progressively making changes to promote an inclusive environment for all students. As part of these efforts, there is great interest from teachers to integrate culturally responsive pedagogy and computing from a relevant, current, and collaborative approach.

You have taken on a leadership role to draft a proposal for a school-wide culturally responsive pedagogy and computing technology task force that will deepen culturally responsive experiences and awareness for students and enact systematic change. This proposal will be presented to the schools administration.

Use the bold headings and bold, italicized subheadings to organize your proposal. In 1,250-1,500 words, address the following in your proposal:

Promotion of Culturally Responsive Pedagogy and Computing

Define culturally responsive pedagogy and culturally responsive computing.

Discuss the benefits of culturally responsive pedagogy and computing.
Advocate for this approach to meet student needs, strengthen the learning environment, and enact systematic change.

Explain the research basis for the improvement of student learning through participation in culturally responsive learning communities.

Organization of the School-wide Culturally Responsive Technology Task Force

Mission Statement
Roles and Responsibilities
Define the various roles. For each role, list the required contributions and deliverables. Focus on strengthening connections with community resources to enhance student learning and well-being.

Collaborative Expectations
Describe how multiple perspectives regarding content and methods will be addressed through collaboration between colleagues within the school, families, and community partners to deepen culturally responsive experiences. Be mindful of students personal, family, community experiences, and cultural norms when deepening culturally responsive experiences.
Provide examples of digital tools (e.g., digital age technologies, media, and formats) to increase the communication of relevant information, collaboration, collective construction of knowledge, accountability, and transparency among the group.

Culturally Responsive Pedagogy in the 21st Century
Discuss strategies to:
build sustainable connections with community resources to enhance student learning and well-being;
provide equitable access to appropriate digital tools and resources;
support creative, innovative, and inventive learning experiences through the use of technology;
express ways to promote ethical practice and global digital citizenship, build stronger relationships within local and global learning communities, and create culturally relevant learning experiences; and
evaluate two digital tools or applications of local and global learning communities that explore creative applications of technology to improve student learning and engage students with people from other cultures through the use of these digital age communication and collaboration tools.

Close with an enthusiastic and empowering statement regarding how culturally responsive pedagogy and computing will help build a safe, positive learning climate of openness with mutual respect, support, and inquiry to influence student learning and the students future decisions as global citizens.

Use the three articles provided plus any others that you feel necessary

Wegmans Food Markets Operations Tour

Each team will be responsible for reviewing the following:

1.    Wegmans Food Markets Operations Tour on p. 33 of the Stevenson text.
2.    Wegmans Food Markets Operations Tour, Shipping System, on p. 673 of the Stevenson text.
3.    The Wegmans website (

My parts are the intro and the conclusion. They are Bothe 1/2 page each which will be one page for both.

1. Introduction. This section must be 1/2 page
2. Conclusion to summary of key points from your paper and key conclusions reached. This section must 1/2 page.

2050 dq 6 resp to stevi


Please  talk about recovery in trauma work, the case of Kristin, and any of the videos or dissociative experiences presented.  Don’t forget to cite the readings and videos.


The process of recovery for people suffering from severe trauma is a slow and arduous process. Therapist Kevin Hinkley briefly discusses a major difference between the treatment regiment for those suffering from dissociative personality disorder (MPD, 2011). For out-patients, the process of exposing early trauma which is often believed to be the catalyst for the slitting of personalities, is a rather slow and arduous process. Therapists must be very careful in exposing too much too soon if the individual cannot be monitored for their own safety. If a personality seeks to cause harm or to escape the memories than the persons welfare is potentially at grave risk. For in-patients there is a more controlled environment, and the therapeutic sessions can go deeper, more aggressive, and the person can be monitored and protected in the coming days as they work through the new trauma of resurfacing memories (MPD, 2011). Dr. Hinkley uses a number of different settings when dealing with different individuals. In the case of Gretchen, the child that experiences the trauma found comfort in a bed with comfortable pillows and soft light blue blankets, with a childs paintings on the wall by the bed. In other cases, they sit at a table, or in an open and comfortable arm-chair (MPD, 2011). Each environment is crafted to make each personality as comfortable as possible. Sodium amytal was also used to function as a truth serum, and effectively drew out voices that were otherwise difficult for therapists to summon (MPD, 2011). The hope is that by accessing these expressions of Gretchens consciousness the memories that are otherwise suppressed will come forward to be engaged and managed. These interactions are considered critical to the therapeutic process (Humphrey, 2005).

Humphreys (2005) has shown how children that experience trauma and grow into adults with dissociative personality disorder struggle to communicate through words that they otherwise didnt know at the age of the experience. In the case of Kristen and others, Humphreys (2005) has found success in the use of drawing for the individuals to express their thoughts, feelings, or memories (Humphreys, 2005). This process accesses the patients construct system, the individuals community of self-parts. These self-parts communicate beyond language, and the use of drawing allows an individual to express the characteristics of self-parts. Humphreys also applied the assimilation method in Kristens case, which seeks to link communities (voices that are somehow tied together) and sift through their qualities. Certain voices can be tied through meaning bridges, and in time hopefully dialogue. Through this dialogue therapists can better understand the complexities of the psychic circumstances around the dissociative experience. (Humphreys, 2005)

Other measures such as hypnosis has proven useful in some circumstances to open access to what are otherwise suppressed memories (Herman, 1997). Additionally, there are objects that therapists can invite their patients to hold onto, ribbons, ropes, or other objects that bring forth a certain sense of comfort, and perhaps open their willingness to talk or manage reoccurring memories (Herman, 1997).


Herman, J. (1997). Trauma and recovery: The aftermath of violence from domestic abuse to political terror.  New York, NY: Basic Books. ISBN-10: 0465087302 

Humphreys, C. L. (2005). The assimilation of anger in a case of dissociative identity disorder. Counselling Psychology Quarterly, 18(2), 112.

Humphreys, C. L. (2005). Using Drawings to Elicit Nonverbal Constructs in Experiential Personal Construct Psychotherapy. Journal of Constructivist Psychology, 18(4).

Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD) Documentary. (2011). America Undercover.

Rough Draft Qualitative Research Critique And Ethical Considerations

 Write a critical appraisal that demonstrates comprehension of two qualitative research studies. Use the “Research Critique Guidelines Part 1” document to organize your essay. Successful completion of this assignment requires that you provide rationale, include examples, and reference content from the studies in your responses.

Use the practice problem and two qualitative, peer-reviewed research article you identified in the Topic 1 assignment to complete this assignment.

In a 1,0001,250 word essay, summarize two qualitative studies, explain the ways in which the findings might be used in nursing practice, and address ethical considerations associated with the conduct of the study.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

Compare And Contrast Theoretical Perspectives In Sociology 5-6 Page Paper

The purpose of this assignment is to compare and contrast theoretical orientations in sociology.

The paper should include a summary and critical evaluation of at least two theoretical perspectives on assimilation and social mobility (e.g. acculturation, assimilation theory, segmented assimilation). You can either read the original material cited by Clerg or conduct a bibliographical search to find sociological articles on assimilation theories. 

Your paper should include at least five citations from peer-reviewed academic articles.