Archive for May, 2020

Investment case study

This case examines the asset allocation decisions that the Hewlett Foundation (HF) is
considering in early 2005. After careful analysis of the financial challenges and investment
opportunities the foundation is currently facing, the foundations investment committee must
decide on three asset allocation proposals which, if approved, will substantially change the
foundations investment portfolio.
This case presents opportunities to discuss the design of asset allocation policies for longterm
investors, the design and implementation of return overlay (or alpha transport) strategies,
evaluation of performance and risk exposures of hedge fund strategies, portfolio diversification,
and investments in non-liquid assets.

Please write no more than a paragraph for each question. Bullet points or a chart is fine too.
1. What are the Hewlett Foundations (HF) objectives as a foundation? What are the financial
issues facing HF?
2. Is HFs newly proposed asset allocation policy adequate to meet the foundations long-term
spending goal of sustaining a long-term real (or inflation-adjusted) payout ratio of 5%, while
preserving capital in real terms? Is it adequate to meet its short-term objective of maintaining
consistent spending without sharp fluctuations?
3. Is HFs donor stock sale program a good idea?

1. Describe the managerial functions that were demonstrated in the case description. Provide examples of how each function you discuss was evident in the case study. 2. Assess the success with which the Target management team handled the management cha

1.    Describe the managerial functions that were demonstrated in the case description.  Provide examples of how each function you discuss was evident in the case study.

2.    Assess the success with which the Target management team handled the management challenges identified in Chapter 1.

Of Mice and Men- Is George justified in killing Lennie, or does his decision amount to murder?

English II CP
Of Mice and Men Euthanasia Synthesis Essay

As you should know by now, Of Mice and Men ends with George killing Lennie. One justification hinted at in the novel centers on mercy: George kills his friend in order to spare Lennie a more gruesome and painful death at the hands of Curley and the other ranchers.

In other words, Lennies death is a form of euthanasia, or mercy killing. But euthanasia, like abortion and global warming, is a controversial and contestable issue.

So, while we, as readers, cannot change Georges decision, we can argue for the morality of that decision. We canand have todecide whether George was right to kill Lennie.

In order to do this, you will examine some of the arguments for and against euthanasia and construct an essay that uses those argumentsas well as textual evidence from Of Mice and Mento condemn or confirm Georges decision to kill Lennie.

Essential Question of Essay:

Is George justified in killing Lennie, or does his decision amount to murder?

Essay Content Requirements:
Introduction with a clear, arguable thesis statement
Cited, analyzed evidence from Of Mice and Men (one quote)  and two different sources in this packet
Conclusion must include an opposing view sentence

Essay Format Requirements:
2-2.5 pages, typed, double-spaced, 1-inch margins on all sides
MLA Header on first page
MLA format for in-text citations

History and Systems of Psychology

What do some ancient Greek ideas about the mind and reality (such as, for example, Thales, Heraclitus, Parmenides, Pythagoras, Plato) imply about psychology today?

text:  B. R. Hergenhahn & Tracy Henley, An Introduction to the History of Psychology, 2019.  7th ed. Thomson/Wadsworth. ISBN-10: 1133958095  |  ISBN-13: 9781133958093

Unit 1 Assignment: Zappos Case Study

Attached Files:

  • File (199.034 KB)

For this assignment you will review the case, Zappos: Facing Competitive Challenges, and explain how training and development can help this company maintain a best, online retailer status.  See the attached document for complete instructions and grading rubric. 

Psychodynamic Theory and Family Counseling

Think about the potential differences between counseling couples and families and counseling individuals. What knowledge might you glean from a couple or family in counseling that you cannot garner from working with an individual? What types of interventions or approaches can you institute with a couple or family in counseling that you cannot with an individual?
This week, you will learn about the family as a system. Understanding the systems process in a family is fundamental to the counseling process. You will evaluate the use of psychodynamic theory and the associated techniques.
In this assignment, you will discuss the process of psychodynamic family counseling and Bowens transgenerational approach. You will describe the common techniques used by psychodynamic theorists and provide support for their use in marriage, couple, and family counseling.

Week 1 Discussions


Congratulations on your new position, Director of Corporate Training!  This is such an exciting time for you to put your training and development knowledge to work and hit the ground running.  You have just received an email from your boss with the details of your first project:

Good morning! 

We are thrilled to have you take the lead of our corporate training program.  The first project is to create a standardized training program that you will present to your new staff as a PowerPoint presentation.  Essentially, I need you to train the Trainers.  There is more information about what is required below.  I will need this project completed in 7 weeks.  Please complete the Notes section of each slide in PowerPoint with a robust and meaningful narrative and remember to use relevant sources of information to support your training program design.



 After reviewing the Project Guidelines, you decide that the best place to begin is by researching O*NET to establish the occupational definition of your programs Trainer role.  This will jump start your progress on the required Competency Model.  While in O*NET, research Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities (KSAs) of training professionals.  Share the top three (3) KSAs that you think are most essential for success as a training professional in your program and discuss why you chose them.  


After reading the material on our Federal Court system and the five rulemaking steps to establish a new rule, describe this process as it relates to your experiences in the workplace. 


Consider the Sherman Act and the Chevron Framework.

  • How do the two play out in terms of employment law?
  • What positive impact has resulted?  Provide research, facts, and examples to back up your views.

Operational Excellence – Discussion

 Discussion: Langer Chapter 3 should inform your discussion, but should not be the only source of your knowledge on these issues.

This week discuss the way new technology disrupts the comfortable status quo within an organization.  For this discussion, please identify a change in technology you’ve seen or think you will see within a work organization.  Use a section heading to identify the technological change you’re discussing.  Then, discuss the technological change using Langer’s two phases of  what he calls Responsive Organizational Dynanism.  So, your next two section headings should be Strategic Integration and Cultural Assimilation.

Your response should be at least 250-300 words.  Respond to two postings provided by your classmates in a conversational tone, again, at least a few hundred words.  Don’t “add a few points” and then lecture them, engage in true conversation.

Discussion 1 SEC 310


  1. What functional requirements need to be considered for information systems?
  2. What changes have occurred over the last 25 years impacting how we use information systems and that increasingly require using encryption to meet our security requirements?

Relationships Brochure (Need Within 15hrs)

Create a brochure in which you communicate the following to engaged couples:

  • -The effect of intimate relationships on wellbeing
  • -Strategies to maintain healthy relationships

You may want to use the . These templates can be downloaded to your computer. Note that some will open in Word, while others will open in PowerPoint.