early educaiton math

Step 1: Prepare for Peer Review Activity by Reading Instructions, Reading the Word Problem, and Reviewing the Worksheet
Persistence in problem solving is based on the premise that students will gather a tool box of strategies and approaches of problem solving and be able to use the proper tool(s) as needed, often without an immediate resolution. To support students growth with using various methods of problem solving, it is important they are equipped with various skill sets and strategies and then given opportunity for choice.

In this assignment, you will assume the role of a third grade learner, and you will solve the math word problem below using the Teaching Channel’s Choose 3 Ways Math Worksheet (Links to an external site.) from the perspective of a third grade learner. Show your work, using illustrations, words, and/or numbers.

After you have solved the problem using three different strategies, you will post a 2-3 paragraph reflection that includes an overview of the strategies you selected, your rationale for using the approaches, what standards of mathematical practice you used, and how going through the steps of this activity might impact you as a mathematics teacher. Attach your completed Choose 3 Ways worksheet so your peers can review it and offer feedback on your strategies.

Word Problem

Lauren went to the park on Saturday morning. There, she observed different people and animals. The first animals that she noticed were the noisy ducks. Many of them were swimming. If we consider all the ducks in the park as one group and a quarter of them were not swimming, what is the fraction of the ducks that were swimming in the pond? As she looked around, she saw a group of people eating pizza. They had three whole pizzas each divided into 8 slices. Two gentlemen ate one whole pizza plus another 2 slices. Three girls ate one whole pizza and another 3 slices. What fraction of pizza did they eat in total? Before Lauren left, she saw some raccoons running with some of the cake they took from a picnic basket. It was a large cake, sliced to feed 20 people. Those silly raccoons took of the cake. How many slices were left? Solve this multiple question word problem using at least three different strategies (i.e., draw a picture, guess and check, make a table, use manipulatives, write an equation).

Step 2: Post your Initial Findings, your Summary, and your Worksheet (due day 4 of the lesson)
Use the Reply button to post your response.

Post a 2-3 paragraph reflection that includes an overview of the strategies you selected, your rationale for using the approaches, what standards of mathematical practice you used, and how going through the steps of this activity might impact you as a mathematics teacher. Attach a link to your Choose Three Ways worksheet for your peers to review.

Step 3: Reply to a Select Peer
After reviewing several peers posts, choose one to provide detailed and substantive 2-3 paragraph scholarly feedback. Keep in mind that your colleague completed the worksheet from the perspective of a third grade learner, and address the following:

What can you decipher about the students learning style based on the strategies selected?
How can you use the information gathered from this activity to determine the students current performance level and determine next steps for instruction and assessment?
Do you feel this activity can help students with persistence with problem solving? Why/why not?
Extend your colleagues post by providing insight on how you can further math reasoning and problem solving, focusing on the inclusion of Standards of Mathematical Practice and keeping in mind the Einstein quote presented in the TED Talk: The formulation of a problem is often more essential than its solution, which may be merely a matter of mathematical or experimental skill (Einstein).
Remember to anchor your reflections in course materials, using proper APA style and formatting.

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