Category: Psychology and Education

Online Infidelity

For this assignment, think about a potential study you might want to conduct in which you would need to collect numerical data. You can use the research topic and problem you developed earlier, but make sure to modify your research questions to fit a quantitative method for this assignment. In addition, while selecting the topic for the research project please consider the contribution to the field of MFT. Copy and paste the instructions below into your document and provide succinct responses below each:

State the research problem and ensure it is supported by at least three to five scholarly resources within the past five years to ensure relevancy. Discuss whether you had to alter the problem statement to now reflect a quantitative design.

How could you use quantitative methodology to address your research problem?

State the purpose of the research effort. Make sure the purpose is aligned with the problem.

Draft two to three research questions that would be appropriate for a quantitative study and addresses your research problem and are aligned with your purpose statement. You might choose to revise your previous qualitative research questions or develop new research questions. Either way, ensure alignment with the problem and purpose.

Identify and discuss a design that is associated with quantitative methodology that you would consider to answer your research questions.

Based on your analysis above, do you feel the use of a quantitative methodology and your chosen design is best suited to address your research problem and answer your questions. Why or why not?

Depression in the Elderly

Depression in later life is usually diagnosed on the basis of two clusters of symptoms: feelings and physical changes. In a 3-page paper, written in APA format using proper spelling/grammar, research the topic of depression in the elderly and address the following:
How would one know if an elderly relative had clinical depression or was sad because of specific life changes and losses?


Question Development

Consider a question about a child or adolescent development that you find interesting. Then, identify three empirical articles that have attempted to answer the question.  For example, perhaps you would like to understand whether playing Pokemon GO influences a teens academic achievement. You might find articles that attempted to answer that question by 1) interviewing teens who play Pokemon GO and ask them about their experiences, and their academics; 2) gathering academic achievement data on teens who play Pokemon GO and teens who do not play Pokemon GO and compare two; and 3) conducting brain scans on teens as they play Pokemon GO to determine if the results reveal brain activity that would promote academics.
Assignment Instructions:
This week you will examine how we can answer the same research question in many different ways. Once you find three research articles that pertain to your interest, write a brief reflection including the following:
        Present your question.
        Explain how each study tried to answer the question/topic, noting the strengths and weaknesses of each study
        Offer another suggestion or explain which approach you found the most useful and why.
Length: 10-13 slides

Your presentation should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course by providing new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards. And on graduate level writing.

The Education of children with exceptional needs

Reaction Paper 2 Due Chapter 3 Baca & Cervantes

Discuss what social, cultural, and linguistic disability construction means and how it influences the way in which we perceive disability categories. Reaction Paper: Refer to Course Requirement section; item 3.1

This reaction paper will be a minimum of 2 pages typed response to class content and activities and integration of the readings completed.  You will be expected to refer to specific readings required for the course. You will use the questions below to guide the reading and writing of your reaction paper: 1) What are the concerns of the author(s)? 2) What questions is the author addressing?  3) How does the reading/study address the issue of teaching students with limited formal schooling and/or disabilities? 4) In your opinion, what are the implications for teaching students with limited formal schooling and/or disabilities and the school community?  5) As an educator, what is your reaction to the article/study?  Do you make any connections? Do you agree or disagree?  Why or why not? What questions remain unanswered? Note that this reaction paper is not meant to be a summary of the information.  You are expected to synthesize the reading, make connections to previous readings and critique the reading based on your own experience and understanding of teaching students with limited formal education and/or disabilities.  NB –  cite your reference using APA style. 

Behavior Change Project

Assignment 1 – Behavior Change Project. This assignment includes the following sections:

Section 1. Target Behavior(s). Are you trying to increase or decrease the target behavior? Have you specified it in terms that are measurable?

Section 2. Baseline. Is the measurement objective?

Section 3. Environmental Conditions that may be encouraging the behavior.

Section 4. Analysis of your baseline. What patterns did you identify? Completion of an FBA

Section 5. Intervention. What techniques did you use and why?

Section 6. Results and Analysis. Why did it work or not work? What factors contributed to your success or failure? What would you change if doing it again? How can you maintain the changes you achieved (if you did) in the future?


You are to create a case study which examines a mental disorder we study this term. In the case study you will:

Describe a fictional mental health therapy client whom you feel meets DSM criteria for at least one of the mental illness covered in our textbooks and course materials.
Outline and explain the symptoms related to the disorder
Discuss the background story for your imaginary client
Recommend treatment options based on what you learn throughout the term.
Support your points with at least two peer-reviewed journal articles. You will be required to use APA formatting for your paper. You are NOT required to include an abstract. You are required to include a running head and pagination.

Student demonstrates an understanding of the subject matter by clearly stating the objective of the paper and links diagnostic criteria to selected fictional character. The project contains relevant material that is correctly referenced, and this material fulfills the objective of the assignment.
The project must include the following:
Clear description of fictional mental health therapy client.
A client description that meets at least 1 DSM diagnosis discussed in our course
An outline and explanation of how symptoms presented in clients case are related to disorder
Discussion of clients background
Images to support points.
Treatment recommendation options based on approaches discussed in our course
Evaluation of cultural influences on personality development of celebrity.
A minimum of two (2) educational/peer reviewed sources from the library. These should be journal articles from psychology journals related to course topics. DSM may be used but will not count toward required number of sources.

What Special Education means to me

Please read the document labeled ” Module 1 Assignment and rubric,” for the requirements.

Please ONLY FOCUS on page one part one and page two part two!!!

I will upload the documents that you need to do pagee three part three, when I complete them

Any topic (writer’s choice)

In essay format (typed, 12 pt font double-spaced) provide a detailed description of the structure of your therapeutic frame.  Anticipate the following elements of practice: touching, hugging, kissing, gifts to/from patient, offering Kleenex for crying, eating, drinking, cell phone use during session, out of office contacts, google searches of patient by you and of you by patient, response to personal questions (what would you reveal and why), information gleaned from unexpected sources, management of electronic and social media, and any one issue very important to you.  Explain your rationale for all elements of your frame.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Important note: The focus of this assignment must be centered on issues of ensuring equity for your students in the context of instruction and/or assessment in the classroom.
You will demonstrate organizational change and leadership in a detailed action plan:

Rejuvenate an existing, but flawed change process focused on increasing equity in instruction and/or assessment: Select a conflict situation at your school, district, or work site that resulted from the introduction of a new change initiative, but has stalled or created disequilibrium and now requires resolution.

Identify the change that has caused issues.
Provide a brief background or history of the issue including:
Whose idea was it?
Was it a consensus or forced initiative?
Who bought in and who did not?
Clarify the situation and determine the true roadblocks by identifying such items as the driving forces, restraining forces, personal agendas, specific interest groups or cliques, varying agendas of the major players, etc. You decide. You may also want to consider the following:
Environmental forces (national, regional, state, or community level forces driving change at your school)
Strategic imperatives (action your school or district needs to take)
Organizational imperatives (changes needed in the school or district)
Cultural imperatives (school or district norms that need to change)
Leader and employee behavior (specific behaviors that need to change)
Mindset (assumptions, beliefs, and mental models that need to change)
Next, go to the balcony like David King at Kennedy High to gain insight. What do you see? Which frames are paramount and which are lacking?
Now you are ready to create a strategy based on your growing knowledge of organizational change and leadership to remedy the stalemate or disequilibrium that includes a minimum of:
5-6 action steps based on your knowledge of theory and framing
Address such items as what your role will be. Who else will be involved?
From which frames and organizational theorists will you borrow the heaviest?
Consider Kotters (1996) 8 steps for leaders outlined in earlier learning activities. How might these help? (I can scan this to you if you want)
Lastly, what intimidates you the most about becoming an agent of change and enacting this plan?

NOTE: you need to know that I teach 3rd grade bilingual (English & Spanish) something we (bilingual teachers) struggle a lot with is the curriculum.


Lean on Me (1989), starring Morgan Freeman
Begin your film study by collecting some data or, as Bolman and Deal (2017) suggested, going to the balcony to acquire a panoramic view of the organization and leadership scene. If you have time, watch your film twice. Watch it the first time for enjoyment and to get a big picture of the film. The second time, watch it more critically and academically, taking notes.
Take a moment to examine the situation one frame at a time (pun intended) and ask two questions to help you move through the valley of confusion to the mountains of clarity:

What is going on?
How is the organization in the film functioning?
What are the roadblocks to progress?
How do personalities and relationships impact performance?
What external forces are at play that directly or indirectly impact the organizations ability to function?
What options exist?
What are potential solutions?
What needs to be done and what needs to stop?
How does the film apply to organizational change themes in the course text and in your organization?