Category: Psychology and Education


1. Scan The Nation’s Report Card at

2. In your role as a school leader or human resources personnel, identify and summarize important findings from the report.

3. Explain how these findings would shape your recruitment of teachers for your school.

Your paper should be 5- pages in length and cite, at a minimum, The Nation’s Report Card.


Mindset: The New Psychology of Success (Dweck, 2007)

After reading the book, students will write a 4 page critique on the book that includes: a brief overview of the book, the theory and research used in the book, the ideal target audience of the book and the students overall thoughts and take-aways from the book.

Partnerships with Parents and Nursery (EYFS)

Split literature review into 4 themes:
Definition of partnership working (4 different authors)
Barriers to effective partnership (4 different authors)
Benefits of partnership working (4 different authors)
How to improve partnership working (4 different authors)

In final paragraph summarize your conclusion. In addition, your opening paragraph is very generic and not backed up by academic body. From research we know partnership working is essential for achieving childrens  best learning and developmental outcomes. This needs to be your focus from the start. How to develop effective partnership, what are the barriers and how to improve them will be discussed in your subsequent paragraphs

African American Community

After completing the literature review(African American Community), interview someone from that community. Ask the person to be an informant regarding the subtle aspects of culture and his or her influence on possible clinical issues. This informer should have a relatively strong identification with the group she or he is discussing. The person will act like a gatekeeper for his or her cultural group. Pay particular attention to systemic issues of oppression/social injusticethat is, sexism, racism, heterosexism, classism; contextualize the individual within her or his societal/social-political-economic background and his or her cultural-historical background; clarify the impact of these issues on how the person functions in the wider Eurocentric social system and/or differences in functioning within her or his respective cultural contexts; finally, identify whether clinical, counseling, or communication skills might need modification to increase effectiveness.
At the conclusion of your interview you will submit a three-page reflection paper that includes your general thoughts/reactions about the interview and what you learned (e.g., how you felt while conducting the interview, what you learned about yourself and the community in this process, and implications for practice)do not provide a verbatim transcript or summary of the interview. How did the information the person gave contrast with what you read in the literature? Again, these ideas are not exhaustive; they only serve as a starting place for consideration.

I have uploaded an example paper from last year, get an idea of how this paper should look like but please note that this (uploaded example paper) is NOT a templet. It’s just there to help you write this new paper.

I have also uploaded a rubric for this order. Please look closely at ( Exceeds Expectation 100% ) this paper should get an A



Carlson and Birkett (2017) advance the seminal idea of the trichromatic theory, namely the idea that color vision is based on sensitivities to three primary colors. These primary colors are blue, green, and red. It should be noted that color blindness is generally the result of the absence or reduction of one or more cones stemming from genetic abnormalities. For example, dichromats, are missing one cone, but still have two remaining cones to perceive the other colors. So red/green dichromats can see many colors but have trouble distinguishing reds as those that have all color cones (Lilienfeld, Lynn, Namy, and Woolf, 2011).

          Nevertheless, Lilienfeld et al. (2011) elucidate that there is an interesting phenomenon that trichromatic theory cannot explain, which is afterimages. Afterimages occur when one stares at a color for a long time and then looks away. In an interesting outcome of this process, the afterimage is a different color replica of the original image. Opponent process theory endeavors to explain this interesting outcome which trichromatic theory does not address. The opponent-process theory holds that people perceive colors in terms of three pairs of opponent cells, namely red or green, blue or yellow, or black or white. The afterimages appear in one of these opposing colors. Lilienfeld et al. (2011) elucidate that ganglion cells of the retina and cells in the visual area of the thalamus respond to red spots are inhibited by green spots or respond to blue spots and inhibit yellow spots,  or respond to black spots and inhibit white spots. The nervous system uses both trichromatic and opponent processing in color vision.

          A few interesting points regarding the above phenomenon. First, two theories that ostensibly appear to be contradictory may be complementary. This can be seen with trichromatic theory and opponent processing theory, which are not adversarial theories, rather they both have utility in explaining different visual processes.

        Additionally, historically, the author wondered how people explained such an occurrence of afterimages. Perhaps, this gave corroborating evidence for the paranormal. Neher (1990) advances that the concept of afterimages may have given reason for people to believe in mystical forces manifesting from physical energy. Yet, in the late 1800s, a theory was first proposed by German physiologist Ewald Hering to anchor this experience in science. He advanced that since certain colors oppose one another, they cannot be seen at the same time. Therefore, each color is seen separately, while suppressing the opposing color. Afterimages appear when the original color is removed, giving way for the suppressed color to manifest.

Here is a video link that demonstrates an afterimage:

Color Flag Afterimage


Carlson, N. R., & Birkett, M. A. (2017). Physiology of Behavior, 12th Edition. Boston, Massachusetts: Pearson.

Lilienfeld, S.O., Lynn, S.J., Namy, L.L., Woolf, N.J. (2011). Psychology: From Inquiry to Understanding. Boston: Allyn & Bacon Publishing.

Neher, A. (1990). The psychology of transcendence. New York, NY: Dover.

3025 dq5 main post

Find a Youtube video or similar source with an interesting visual illusion. Provide the link for your peers to also be able to watch the illusion. Based on your understanding of the visual system, describe which neurologic processes (such as lateral inhibition or opponent process color vision) might explain this illusion.

**Discussion board posting requirements: For each discussion board, be sure to have one main post of at least 400 words and two reply posts of at least 200 words in order to demonstrate sufficient depth to your responses. To receive the highest grade for the discussion board posts, be sure to integrate the textbook as well as additional scholarly sources to support your contributions. Take a look at the empirical literature and include peer-reviewed journal articles to support your posts. Please have your posts submitted on at least two separate days (e.g., don’t post your main post and reply posts all on the same day). This will be worth one point per discussion board and falls under the “Advances Conversations” portion of the discussion board rubric. This helps to spread out the conversation over the course of the unit, and it gives every student the chance to respond to the discussion at a time convenient to their schedule (instead of most of the discussion occurring on the due date). Reply posts can be to either your peers’ posts or to the instructors posts.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

After reviewing  materials and conducting your own research on treatment planning, describe the components of case conceptualization and the counseling treatment plan specific to moral injury.  Discuss and provide at least two scholarly evidence-based practices to include in a treatment plan for a client who has experienced moral injury. What are potential ethical and culturally considerations for treatment planning? What parts of the treatment plan or process might be most challenging for you?

Engaging, Interdisciplinary Instruction

Educators who integrate disciplines throughout the curriculum foster student learning as they make correlations in their learning. The correlations promote the relevance of the discipline in a global aspect. When students learn the significance of these connections, engagement increases. Student learning improves when the content is relevant and engaging, and when students feel safe in a well-managed classroom.

Obtain a curriculum map from a school or website pertaining to a grade level and subject matter of your choice. Evaluate the curriculum map on its effectiveness for engaging, interdisciplinary instruction.

Write a 7501,000 word essay evaluating the curriculum map on the components of engaging, interdisciplinary instruction and the effect on student behavior management. Include:

How effective is the curriculum map in demonstrating the integration of interdisciplinary instruction? What is the evidence to support this evaluation? Provide examples of how the curriculum map could be improved in this area.
How effective is the curriculum map in demonstrating intentional, engaging learning for the students? What is the evidence to support this evaluation? Provide examples of how the curriculum map could be improved in this area.
What does engaging instruction look like? How does engagement relate to instruction? How does behavior management connect with engagement and instruction? How is interdisciplinary instruction linked to engagement?
What is the teachers role in improving their instructional practices to ensure they are meeting diverse student learning needs?
What is a final, overall summation of the curriculum maps effectiveness in developing engaging, interdisciplinary instruction? Summarize how engagement and interdisciplinary instruction contribute to meeting diverse student learning needs?
Include 2-3 scholarly articles to support what research provides about the topic.

Dissertation (editing 2 chapters) about suicidal ideation

Edit Chapter 2 (Review of the Literature) and Chapter 3 (Methodology) based on comments left in the document.

Comments such as:
1. Write summaries of each section before moving on the the next section.
2. Edit vague terminology and circuitous sentences.
3. Add a few more literatures to review about suicide.
4. Specificity and detail for Chapter 3 to make sure that your study can be replicated.
5. Explain how other research methods would not be appropriate for the research questions.

The document I uploaded here contains some parts that I extracted from my chapter 2 and chapter 3. I will upload the whole document to the selected writer.

Instructional Strategies

After you have thoughtfully considered the learning theories, the next step is to develop your pedagogy, or effective teaching methods, through instructional strategies.

Instructional strategies encompass all the techniques teachers use to make learning engaging, relevant, and attainable to students. It is important to understand the various strategies you can use to instruct students and to meet the various needs of all students through these strategies.

Part 1: Template

Use the Instructional Strategies Template to complete this assignment.

Part 2: Summary

Write a 500-750 word summary addressing the following:

Description of the strategy identified, its benefits, and any potential challenges.
Explanation of how the strategy applies to one of the learning theories from the Topic 1 assignment.
Description of a specific learning experience or activity that supports the chosen instructional strategy and learning theory.
Summary of accommodations, resources, and materials to differentiate instruction according to the needs, strengths, and learning goals of individual students.
Support your summary with a minimum of three scholarly resources.