Category: Psychology and Education

ADHD students struggles in school

Select an article/video provided or choose one in your own area of interest.
Summarize the article or video
Respond to the article or video
Ideas gleaned from article/video
Suggestions for action based on ideas found in the article/video
Relate ideas to your experiences
Support your comments with evidence found in article/video
Reflect college-level writing
Cite sources using APA or MLA format
Double-space and use 12 pt. font
Paper should be 2-3 pages long
Cite your source

This is an analysis paper!!

3025 resp to abi

Main post

Find a Youtube video or similar source with an interesting visual illusion. Provide the link for your peers to also be able to watch the illusion. Based on your understanding of the visual system, describe which neurologic processes (such as lateral inhibition or opponent process color vision) might explain this illusion.

Abagails post


To understand exactly what is going on in this clip, one must understand sensation vs. perception. Sensation is described as the cells in the nervous system specialized to detect stimuli from the environment (Carlson & Birkett, 2017, p. 166). Perception refers to how the conscious experiences and interprets the info from the senses. This involves the neurons in the central nervous system.

Optical illusions use light, patterns, and color that can be misleading to the brain. The information that is gathered by the eye is then processed by the brain that may make one perceive it as reality, but it really does not match what the eye sees.

In this optical illusion, there is a spinning dancer. One may see her turning in one direction and others may see her turning in the other direction. If a person concentrates enough, they may even have the ability to make her switch directions while spinning. About twelve years ago, this illusion was incorrectly labeled as a personality test. This dancer is just a silhouette and therefore, the brain must fill in the rest. This does not show whether someone is left or right brain dominant, but more so what their visual preference is.

This optical illusion looks at the brain’s perception of spatial location. The retina helps us see images when we move our heads, contributing to depth perception. This is done by the use of stereoscopic vision and is extremely important when it comes to the guidance of fine movements done by the hands and fingers. The striate cortex has neurons that are mostly binocular. These neurons respond to retinal disparity. When looking at a three-dimensional scene, each eye sees it differently. Due to the presence of retinal disparity, there are differences in the distance of objects from the observer (Carlson & Birkett, 2017, p. 195). Looking at the perception of orientation and movement in the striate cortex, one is able to see that the neurons seem to respond best to a line that is in a particular position. To make the optical illusion more clear to the observer, white edges are often placed around the silhouette or details are given to the dancer’s body.

This optical illusion takes advantage of the striate cortex and extrastriate cortex mainly to deceive the brain and its perception of the direction of the ballerina. If akinetopsia, damage to area V5 in the extrastriate cortex happened, then one would not be able to perceive movement.


Carlson, N. R., & Birkett, M. A. (2017). Physiology of Behavior, 12th Edition. Boston, Massachusetts: Pearson.

Social Observation

Read the book Development Across the Life Span by Robert S. Feldman to understand the social development in preschoolers, focus on the ways in which individuals’ interactions with others and their social relationships grow, change, and remain stable over the course of life

use two journal articles in your report that deal with preschoolers and their peers

added example of different observation of a preschooler

Assignment 2

choose a culture different from the one you were raised in.

You will be reflecting on what you have been taught about birthing practices (including location, type of environment, and medical attendants), parental roles (especially as they relate to gender before, during, and after birth), and what roles other family members play in the process in your own culture. How are these different from the culture you chose? What do you think are the different influences that led to these differences? What could each gain from the other?

You’ll need to find at least 1 resource in order to answer the questions regarding your non-native culture.

Reaction paper

Reaction Paper #1 Family

Please write a minimum of 2 pages (double-spaced) exploring the gender roles in your family throughout the past 2 generations (if possible).  I know that this may require some research with family members. Take some time.  Interview parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, etc. It is your choice. You may learn some interesting things about how we, as a generation, have evolved.  You also may hear some family stories that have not been heard previously. Focus on the discussion framework “Is dating better today or in the past?”  Explain “why”.
In case the question comes up…..yes, your reaction paper can be longer. Note that there are two parts to this:
1) Family gender roles in past two generations
2)  Is dating better in the present or past?

Prepare a review of a professional journal article that you feel is significant for educators who are developing and/ or implementing curriculum for a diverse school community.

Purpose of Assignment
The purpose of this assignment is to provide the student enrolled in ED 681 with an opportunity to review current professional journal articles related to curriculum planning, development, and implementation that address topics that are of special interest to the student, and to help the student relate course content to the content of the article.

Guidelines for Preparation of the Review of a Journal Article
Many professional journals that feature articles and research studies related to curriculum development, implementation, and/or evaluation are available to educators.  (Note: Students also may select an article from an appropriate source on the Internet.) Examine several of these journals or on-line sources and select an article that is of interest to you, and that you feel is of particular importance for the educator who is involved with curriculum development and implementation for a diverse society.  Prepare a summary of the article, and explain why you feel the article is of importance. Relate the content of the article to concepts discussed in class and presented in the course resources.

Format for the Reviews of Journal Articles
Professional journal article reviews should include four parts as described below. Journal article reviews typically are about three pages in length. (You may include a copy of the article if it is convenient to do so. It is not required.)

Part A: Introduction: The introduction should state the name and author of the article, the date of publication, the name of the professional journal in which the article appears, and your reason for selecting the article. Please use sentence format.
Part B: Summary of Content:  The summary of the content of the article should highlight the material in the article that you feel is most significant for educators who are involved with curriculum development and implementation.
Part C: Reflection on the Importance of the Article for Educators:  Explain why you think the content of the article is of particular value to educators who are involved with the development and implementation of curriculum for a diverse population of students.
Part D: Application of Theory and Research from Course Content to Content of the Journal Article: Provide at least three examples of how the article relates to the content of the course, and provide support for selecting these examples.  The examples should include a citation of the appropriate references in the course resources.  Each example should represent a separate reference from the course resources.

Psychology (Social Work)

Create an introductory and give background information about the issues surrounding a client admitting to a therapist that he/she abuses their partner.  The different views surrounding it , identifying race, culture, socioeconomic status, gender, sex, family structure, religious beliefs, etc. Relate to work in human service field with at least 3 scholarly references and in text citations.

Backward Chaining

Read and discuss this article. Your first paragraph should provide a brief summary. Your second paragraph should include why this information is important for practitioners and how you might use it in your own practice. Your final paragraph should propose two additional research questions on the same topic.


Organizations and Organizational Culture

Write no more than 7 pages (not including the reference or title page), double-spaced, 12-point font
Create a title page with APA header
Use the headings to guide the reader and focus your writing
Introduction with a clear thesis statement presented by the end
Clear conclusion
Use APA citations and a reference page
Use appendices for any additional charts or visuals that would be helpful to communicate your ideas or strategy to support the organization’s goals
This course has discussed motivational theories, rewards, organizational climate and culture, engagement, ethics, dark behaviors, diversity, communication, individuals, groups, and organization levels of analysis. Keep them in mind as you read the case below:

A large healthcare system comprised of a network of health centers located in the metropolitan community, a chain of hospitals interspersed around the metropolitan area, and business units for support also located around the metropolitan area scored quite low on its yearly employee engagement survey. The workforce of the entire healthcare system is approximately 40,000. Some employees are very satisfied with their positions yet others are extremely dissatisfied. There have been three different Chiefs of Human Resources within three years. Up to now, HR development training has been separate for physicians, nurses, and administrative staff. A mandate was set forth by the Chief of Staff, under which Human Resources is accountable and answerable, to unify the HR training and development units among these three groups while maintaining their separate clinical development, of course. This effort is driven by the Affordable Care Act (ACA), to streamline operating costs but also to mix the different members of the three groups for a better appreciation of job demands. Some members appreciate this mandate and say it is long overdue, yet others are adamantly against it. The extremely high-stress levels to do more with less not only affects the administrative staff, (i.e., those who are not considered clinical staff) but also the physicians and nursing staff.

Knowing what you now know from all the topics covered in this course, what would you do to raise employee engagement scores for next years survey?


The level of analysis you choose to first intervene: individual, group, organization.
The specific social psychology aspects that can be leveraged to make an impact.

A plan/process of intervention using the concepts discussed in this class.
Clear steps of your plan and how each step will impact various levels in the organization, and what you hypothesize the result of each action to be.
Who will be responsible for implementing each step?
Logic and research support for your recommendations.
Limitations or challenges of your intervention plan.
You do not have to integrate all the topics/concepts covered in the class, however, incorporate what fits together according to your plan thinking about all downstream impacts.

You must defend your choices with evidence from the literature to support your plan. You may use any of the resources in the course, but you must also use at least three OTHER resources you find with your own research. You must have at least 6 different resources from which you are citing and referencing. Of course, you may use more. At least 4 of the resources must be peer-reviewed academic resources. The others may be from the internet pages or popular literature. Therefore, of at least six resources, three may be from the class.

belmont report

Tell Me More Papers
The goals of the TMM papers are assess your ability to:
Use available resources to locate research-based and/or peer-reviewed sources related to course materials,
Integrate course material with additional information,
Utilize information from multiple sources to write clearly and effectively.
Choose a research article about a topic we have discussed in class. This means that the articles present new, original data about the topic. Please avoid book chapters or review articles for this assignment. The articles SHOULD NOT be sources that we have used in class. Also, DO NOT USE WEB-BASED sources, such as Wikipedia,,, etc. USE YOUR LIBRARY RESOURCES!!!!!!! If you turn in a paper that uses Wikipedia or as a source, you will receive a score of zero for the paper. Im not kidding about this! The article that you choose should have a publication date within the last 5 years. The goal of the TMM assignments is to explore current/recent research.
Begin your paper with a short summary (roughly half a page) of what you learned in class about the topic. So, if you choose an article that focuses on CBT for anxiety disorders in children, provide a short summary of our class discussion. Then, use your article(s) to tell me something more about the topic, and expand on what we have covered in class. What additional information is presented? Does it change or add to information we have discussed in class? Does the article contradict any information discussed in class? Does it support information we have discussed in class? Why is the information in this article important? What does the information add to our understanding or knowledge about the treatment of childhood psychological disorders?
Your paper should be at least three pages long, but no more than six pages, excluding the title page and reference page.
Use APA format. It is especially important to make sure you cite your sources appropriately, including information from class as well as your additional articles or resources.
Have fun with this assignment! I am looking forward to learning more about current research by reading your papers.