Category: Psychology and Education

Writer choice

I will send the professor instructions to the writer I assign. The professor’s instructions will mention what the paper is to be written over. I will also upload additional material you must follow to write the paper. Also, this paper is to be written by using the 6th edition publication manual American psychological. I will check the paper over before I except it This topic may be touchy to some and if you feel it is don’t choose the assignment. I prefer a writer with a major in Psychology. All journal articles must come from google scholar, ProQuest. I’m rooting on you. 🙂


The name of the class is Advanced Information Management and the Application of Technology.

This powerpoint has to be 10 slides. There is not a certain number of sources. I will upload the instructions
Please note every slide must be atleast  100 words                     

Any topic (writer’s choice)

During Week Five you should reevaluate the goals you set in Week One.  Use the space below to discuss the following:
Specific progress on portions of sub-components of your identified goals
What have you accomplished
What remains to be completed
Challenges that have arisen in completing or advancing the identified work product(s) for this term
Steps you are taking to address these challenges
Assistance or support you need from your Committee Chair or Committee members for successful completion or advancement of the identified work product(s)

black men and police

you will search for and select a journal article which uses observation in the methodological design.
i chose an article already:

all you are doing is answering questions on the sheet provided.
Using the article you select, answer the questions in the Observational Study Worksheet. A narrative format is not required. Your answers should be embedded directly into the worksheet; you do not need to create a new document.


This Midterm Exam will be available by 12:01 am (et) on the Monday of Module/Week 4 & will be due by 11:59 pm (et) on Sunday of that module/week.

You can answer the Midterm Exam as many times as you want throughout the week. If you don’t plan on finishing it in one sitting then I recommend writing down your answers in a separate document and saving those answers until you are ready to finally submit your midterm exam. Don’t expect to  save a somewhat completed exam and expect those answers be there if you access the exam again. You don’t have to finish it the first time you take it but if that’s the case make sure all your answers are saved in another document that you can use to submit the final time.

If you have any technical problems during the exam, submit a help ticket via the Services/Support menu item.

This exam must be completed by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Sunday.

Time limit: Submit by Sunday 11:59 pm (et) of Module/Week 4
5 short answer/essay questions

FourSight Preferences

Describe the Clarifier, pertaining to the FourSight of preference and give examples. Identify the other three process preferences; the Ideator, Developer, and Implementer. Discuss the team contributions and perceived obstacles between each process preference. Based on the research, explain how a team can be more productive on projects. A minimal of three scholars references.


Development of PTSD

Assume that as a forensic psychologist, you have been asked to evaluate and submit a narrative report. You have now submitted your sentencing report to the Judge. Let’s evaluate how as experts, you need to understand certain guidelines and resources in your communities to assist you in making clinical recommendations.

Treatment Programs for Violent Offenders
Society is significantly concerned about the likelihood of violent offenders repeating their crimes. Although a great number of offenders in the United States are sentenced to prison, prison overcrowding has created a need and demand for alternative sentencing programs.

To prepare for this assignment, conduct Internet research to find out what types of treatment programs are available in your state for violent offenders. In addition, review the US Sentencing Guidelines (Ruback&Wroblewski, 2001).

Based on your research, address the following:

Describe some of the treatment programs available in your area. Identify the types of services they offer and how these programs relate to psychology.
Identify several interventions used in the treatment of sex offenders from psychological, medical, and physical perspectives.
Assume you are working in the criminal justice field as a forensic medical health specialist. Describe some of the key aspects of your job responsibilities. Support your responses through Internet research and your textbook readings.
Ruback, R. B. &Wroblewski, J. (2001). The Federal sentencing guidelines:
          Psychological and policy reasons for simplification. Psychology,
          Public Policy and Law, 7(4), 739775.

Behavior Definitions

Before we can target behaviors, we have to understand how they are defined. In addition to understanding how behavior is defined in general, behavior analysts must always define targeted behaviors before data collection can begin on them.

Before beginning this course, how did you define behavior?
How does your textbook define behavior?
How does your previous understanding or definition of behavior differ from the definition in your textbook?

journal article summary

You will complete 1 Journal Article Summary that relates to the Social Psych Topic each module/week for modules/weeks 2-3 & 5-7. The idea is to find research that relates to each weeks topic to better understand the topic, and to get a better understanding of the research related to each topic. To find these potential articles, you can search google scholar, one of the psychology databases (i.e. PSYC INFO), or look in a specific journal (i.e. Journal of Applied Psychology). **Please dont summarize the attached journal articles for each week.
You will read the article and then summarize the article in approximately 350 words or more. Remember, these summaries are to help you to remember the most important aspects of each article so you have 5 article summaries on social psychological research that can help you both in this course and in future research and coursework.
Make sure that you include:
–    Title and authors of the article
–    Why the article was written (introduction), and what it attempts to find or answer (hypothesis section)
–    How it answers the question or questions it proposes (method section)
–    What the article found (results)
–    What the results actually mean (discussion)
Be careful to ensure that your answers to the above information make sense to you, as you want to be able to develop the skill of making complex/academic information easy to understand to non-academic people and I eventually will be reading these. Make sure to explain any complex ideas in plain language, and dont assume I as the reader know what you are talking about. Summarize these articles succinctly but yet thoroughly. Each Paper Article Summary must be at least 350 words. Refer to the Paper Article Summary Example for guidance on this assignment.

Submit your Paper Article Summaries 2-3 & 5-7 by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on the Sunday of the assigned module/week.

The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime

book “The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime”
NOT a book review!!!  What choices did the author make in how he described the family structure throughout the book? Did it feel truthful? Since it is a short paper, you can focus on just one aspect of the family structure or one choice the author made.