Category: Psychology and Education

Progress Report

The purpose of the progress report is to:

reflect on your current experience and understanding to date in the program and
create planning objectives for the thesis/applied project behavioral research in which you will investigate questions related to socially meaningful behavior change.
The paper should be 2-3 pages in length, double-spaced and with 1-inch margins, using Times New Roman 12-point font, and adhere to APA format writing standards.

It should include sections in which you:

reflect on the content of the program thus far and the impact of school on other areas of your life and vice versa (e.g., job, family)
reflect on previous and current expectations you have for your graduate school experience
discuss your previous and current view/understanding of the science and practice of behavior analysis, particularly in terms of the kinds of research and treatment conducted by behavior analysts.
create at least three behaviorally-written goals for thesis/applied project preparation that you will achieve by the end of the semester. The three goals should target behavioral changes that will result in finding and regularly reading relevant research, keeping records about what you read, organizing the information, keeping track of what interests you, recording interesting research questions and replication ideas, a schedule for writing about behavior analytic literature, etc. as you move forward toward the thesis/project. *(Hint remember the thesis/project training you watched!)
include a short personal statement taking responsibility for your goals and the actions that will need to be taken to meet those goals.
*(Hint make a heading for each of the main areas of your paper that is related to those areas listed above!)

To help you write your professional goals, here are samples. Use this format.

By the end of this term, I will maintain my commitment to professional development by attending (or livestreaming) 1 conference per month (February-May, 4 total) or accruing 15 continuing education units (CEUs) relating to the field of behavior analysis as evident by my proof of attendance (receipt, pamphlet, note guide, handouts, etc.).
By the end of this term, I will contact (via phone, email, or in person) a minimum of three current BCBAs that may be potential supervisors to discuss supervision options as evident by a contact log that includes data/time of contact, summary of conversation, and next steps for future planning.
By the end of this term, I will maintain fluency on previously mastered BDS modules by completing a minimum of two (previously mastered) BDS modules to 100% criterion 4/7 nights each week as evident by my BDS exercise log.
By the end of this term, I will have an annotated bibliography with 5 articles related to possible research topics.

VMIR Representation Paper

In 2-3 pages and in APA format, critically reflect on portrayal of violence or maltreatment in popular culture. To analyze a representation of violence, students will identify and examine a portrayal of a particular act or type of violence. Students may select from a wide spectrum of representational media such as public memorials, museum exhibits, entertainment media (TV, movie, comic books etc.), personal narratives, journalism, documentary film, photo reportage, or websites.

Reflection papers should answer the following questions:

What is the incident or topic of violence that is presented? When did it happen? What were the contributing factors?
What is the goal of the portrayal? Considering the principles discussed in class, how successful or problematic is the portrayal?
What feelings did this portrayal of violence elicit in you?
How have other people responded to this portrayal? Use online critiques as resources.

Statment of purpose for applying to masters psychology program

Please indicate your purpose and objectives in undertaking graduate study, (which mine is a psychology masters program) your special interests and plans, and your strengths and weakness in your chosen field. In reviewing applications, considerable importance is placed on the applicant’s relevant experience as well as his or her interest in and commitment to advanced study and professional development. I also would like to add in how I dealt with psychological issues in my own house, with my two brothers who are drug addicts.

Read Instructions

Read the document labeled, “Reaction-Paper-Rubric,” for the requirements!

Please make sure throughout the paper you include two main elements: the background or context of these readings (that is, how they fit into the class as whole, what we’ve already read and/or talked about) and your own personal response to these readings.


1.    Handout of Baumrinds theory
2.    Baumrind, D. (2013). Authoritative parenting revisited: History and current status. In R. E. Larzelere,
A. S. Morris, & A. W. Harrist (Eds.), Authoritative parenting: Synthesizing nurturance and discipline for optimal child development (pp. 1134). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
3.    Chua, chapters 23-30

1) summarize the content in all assigned readings; 2) give your comments; 3) and connect to your own experience and case project. Page length: 2-3 pages, double-spaced, 12-point font, 1-inch margins.


The papers should provide your comments and reflections on the readings and be submitted onto Harvey BEFORE each class. You should 1) summarize the content in all assigned readings; 2) give your comments; 3) and connect to your own experience and case project. Page length: 2-3 pages, double-spaced, 12-point font, 1-inch margins.
1.    Handout of Baumrinds theory
2.    Baumrind, D. (2013). Authoritative parenting revisited: History and current status. In R. E. Larzelere,
A. S. Morris, & A. W. Harrist (Eds.), Authoritative parenting: Synthesizing nurturance and discipline for optimal child development (pp. 1134). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
3.    Chua, chapters 23-30

Role of the Teacher in Early Childhood Education

Answer the following questions in Essay form using general knowledge and powerpoint.

Describe the many roles as a teacher of young children.

Which roles do you find most challenging?

What Strategies have you observed or applied in the classroom to scaffold and/or extended children’s learning?

Describe the characteristic of an effective teaching team.

What do you bring to the team to make it effective?

Psychology Forum 3 Module 3

You will complete 1 Content Presentations/Discussions throughout this course. One of the modules/weeks you will present, and for the 4 other modules/weeks you will be a part of the discussion. At the beginning of the course you will be assigned to groups of 5. If your group does not have exactly 5 members, the instructor will direct your group as to what to do.

Each group member will be assigned a module/week to record and present a brief video that includes: a summary of the reading material (12 minutes), a summary the 2 articles for that module/week (45 minutes), and 2 questions posed by the presenter. One question must deal with biblical integration and the second must pertain to why that information is important and/or how it applies in everyday life. The questions you intend to pose must be approved by the instructor before you pose them on your video submission. The video must be 1015 minutes.

For ideas on how to present, you may use your creativity and can record a narrated PowerPoint or utilize any other web-based presentation site. It would be advisable to do more than just talk for 10 minutes, as that can be very difficult to follow. Be professional, and wear professional attire for the video presentation.

For every other module/week, you will watch the video presentation posted by one of your classmates, and then answer the 2 questions that were poses at the end of the video presentation. You reply must be at least 100 words and must use at least 1 citation that is in reference to the textbook, journal articles, theory, or individual research you are doing for your paper.

The replies must look like a conversation is taking place, so the first person to respond will answer the questions as discussed above. Then, the second person will do the same, but must build off of, or at least address, the previous post before answering the questions. This will be done for the rest of the posts that follow as well.

Submit your video presentation by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Friday of Module/Week 3. Submit your responses by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Sunday of the same module/week.


****** LINK DOWN BELOW for power point presentation

Social Perception G2 Forum 2

You will complete 1 Content Presentations/Discussions throughout this course. One of the modules/weeks you will present, and for the 4 other modules/weeks you will be a part of the discussion. At the beginning of the course you will be assigned to groups of 5. If your group does not have exactly 5 members, the instructor will direct your group as to what to do.

Each group member will be assigned a module/week to record and present a brief video that includes: a summary of the reading material (12 minutes), a summary the 2 articles for that module/week (45 minutes), and 2 questions posed by the presenter. One question must deal with biblical integration and the second must pertain to why that information is important and/or how it applies in everyday life. The questions you intend to pose must be approved by the instructor before you pose them on your video submission. The video must be 1015 minutes.

For ideas on how to present, you may use your creativity and can record a narrated PowerPoint or utilize any other web-based presentation site. It would be advisable to do more than just talk for 10 minutes, as that can be very difficult to follow. Be professional, and wear professional attire for the video presentation.

For every other module/week, you will watch the video presentation posted by one of your classmates, and then answer the 2 questions that were poses at the end of the video presentation. You reply must be at least 100 words and must use at least 1 citation that is in reference to the textbook, journal articles, theory, or individual research you are doing for your paper.

The replies must look like a conversation is taking place, so the first person to respond will answer the questions as discussed above. Then, the second person will do the same, but must build off of, or at least address, the previous post before answering the questions. This will be done for the rest of the posts that follow as well.

Submit your video presentation by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Friday of Module/Week 2. Submit your responses by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Sunday of the same module/week.

Here is the link to my Social Perception Presentation:


please, don’t plagiarze me, ill find you 🙂

1) If you were asked to go to Lynchburg College and persuade a liberal audience on the negative effects of abortion, how would you do this using the Elaboration Likelihood Model? In your response make sure to reference: Kassin Text, Chadee Theory Book and One Empirical Article at least once each for a minimum of 3 references. (30 pts (Define ELM Model (15 pts) / Explain why & how you will apply ELM using each source above. Each source is worth 5 points for a total of 15 points)).

2) Explain the polarizing forces of social issues displayed on social networks like Facebook, using Social Identity Theory. What mechanisms allow this to play out like this? (30 pts (Explain Social Identity Theory (10 pts) / Identify 4 mechanisms/explanations of SIT that explain the polarizing displays on social networks (each explanation is worth 5 pts for a total of 20 pts)).

3)The research on how social comparisons influence the self have been mixed. Some research argues that upward comparisons inspire assimilation, whereas other research argues that upward comparisons lead to feelings of inferiority and a low self-concept. Based on your understanding of how people make social comparisons, what might influence how comparison standards affect a persons view of themselves? (30 pts (Make a summary statement about social comparisons (10 pts) / Review research on upward comparisons (list 2-3 reasons) (10 pts) / Review research on downward comparisons (list 2-3 reasons) (10 pts))

4) Explain attribution theory in the context of the results of the article Consumers Responses to Negative WOM Communication: An Attribution theory Perspective. Why does it make sense via attribution theory that brand evaluations decreased when the negativity of the WOMC message was attributed to the brand, but brand evaluations increased when the negativity of the WOMC message was attributed to the communicator? (30 Pts (Explain attribution theory in this context (15 pts) / Explain why brand evaluations decreased for brand but increased for communicator (15 pts))

5) Under certain conditions, people who behave in attitude-discrepant ways go on to change their attitudes. Whether this phenomenon reflects a human need to reduce dissonance, however, is a matter of some controversy. Compare/contrast 3 explanations that have been proposed to address this issue.(30 pts (Come up with an example that creates dissonance (6 pts) / Address this example with each of the 3 explanations to change attitudes (3 explanations each worth 8 pts for a total of 24 pts)).