Category: Psychology and Education

Cultural Competency Evaluation

Create a graphic organizer or infographic to display how your school addresses, supports, and integrates culturally responsive pedagogy that encourages student engagement and learning.

In 500-750 words, write an essay addressing the following points:

*An evaluation addressing whether your school is at an appropriate level of cultural competency using the four practice areas in Figure 1.2 in the textbook.
*Based on the schools cultural competency results, describe the effect culturally responsive instruction and curriculum may have on student learning. Express the need to further develop culturally responsive pedagogy for todays digital natives in the 21st century classroom with respect to creating globally minded citizens in a globalized world.
*Describe how you will promote digital etiquette, responsible social interactions, and cultural awareness in local and global digital communities with students collaborating with students from other cultures using digital age communication tools.
*Describe three student-centered strategies to improve the schools current level of cultural competency and cultural climate.
*Review two local and global learning digital communities that explore creative applications of technology to improve student learning. Promote the schools participation in these communities to enhance the students global awareness, cultural understanding, and comprehension of the globalized, interconnected world.
Use 3-5 scholarly resources to support your main ideas.  Your graphic organizer or infographic should be first and then your essay.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

You will participate in a series of research updates throughout the semester. We will be periodically reading the most up-to-date research within state politics, and you must review the research question, methods, and findings in your own words, along with providing original insights of your own. You will follow the CREATE method to help you do this.

reading: for research updates choose one

-Aldrich, J and Thomsen, D. 2017. Party, Policy, and the Ambition to Run for Higher Office. Legislative Studies Quarterly. 42:2

-Reuning, Kevin. 2019. Mapping Influence: Partisan Networks across the United States, 2000 to 2016. State Politics and Policy Quarterly

Helping Seniors Cope With The Loss Of A Spouse

Submit a full draft of your Grief Intervention Proposal to the discussion board

Title: Helping Seniors Cope With The Loss Of A Spouse


Problem to be addressed and prevalence
    The problem is helping the seniors cope with the loss of a spouse, as this is a highly prevalent problem in the US. 
Target population
    The target population in the project is seniors. Although people handle grief differently, the seniors specifically are mostly affected because they have been married for many years, and they may feel like grief may never come to an end. 
Three SMART goals your proposed interventions
    Helping them understand that grieving is a process and it takes time
    Finding them a support system, i.e., grief support groups
    Educating them on the importance of avoiding to be isolated as it leads to loneliness and other depressive symptoms
    Jacobson, N. C., Lord, K. A., & Newman, M. G. (2017). Perceived emotional, social support in bereaved spouses mediates the relationship between anxiety and depression. Journal of affective disorders, 211, 83-91.
The article stipulates that following bereavement, people tend to develop anxiety symptoms, which leads to depression. The study uses the Bayesian structural equation models and reveals that offering emotional and social support dramatically helps in reducing anxiety and depressive symptom for the bereaved people.
    Jeffreys, J. S. (2014). A family-centered approach to helping older grieving people. Bereavement Care for Families, New York, Routledge, 232-246.
The source stipulates that adopting a family-centered approach is imperative in assisting senior citizens when grieving. With the help of a therapist, the family can go through the grieving process together.
    Meichsner, F., O’Connor, M., Skritskaya, N., & Shear, M. K. (2020). Grief before and after the bereavement in the elderly: An approach to care. The American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry.
            The authors denote that seniors encounter four forms of grief, which are pre-death, acute, and integrated grief disorder. They suggest several instruments that geriatric psychiatrists can use in identifying patients who need support and best practices to take care of grieving patients. The support should focus on helping them understand their grief, manage pain, think about their future as well as connect with memories.
    Nolen-Hoeksema, S., Larson, J., & Larson, J. M. (2013). Coping with loss. Routledge.
            The source states that seniors coping with loss tend to isolate themselves often and thus become lonely. Losing their partner in life and their unwillingness to see friends or talk about the loss leaves them in so much pain. It is, therefore, essential for them to find a support system to help them go through the grief process.
    Sullivan, C., & Infurna, F. J. (2019). The multidimensional nature of social support and engagement in contributing to adjustment following spousal loss. Aging & mental health, 1-13.
According to the article, the loss of a spouse has a negative effect on both the mental and health of an individual. Social support and engagement are found in the research to have significantly improved the adjustment of individuals after a spousal loss. 
Structure of proposed intervention (duration, services, and format)
    The bereavement intervention program will take 12 months.
    It will offer several services, including grief counseling and grief therapy.
      The intervention program will use different formats because people grief in different ways, and it’s important to avoid imposing on them a particular type of grieving. There will thus be options for group support and one-on-one support.

Environmental influences of medications on prenatal development

Choose a topic from the list below (or choose a topic of your own) to use as the foundation for this assignment. Use the Capella library and Internet to locate academic and professional articles on the topic. Use a minimum of three (at least one academic and one professional) recent (within the last 5 years) articles as resources for this assignment.


The effect of maternal stress on prenatal development.
Prenatal exposure to drugs and the effects on brain development.
Environmental influences on prenatal development. Please select only one:
Outside environmental hazards.
Medications (legal and illegal).
Alcohol and tobacco.
The effect of maternal post-partum depression on newborn infant development.
The effects of premature birth on the developing infant.
For this assignment:

Describe the problem as it exists today in the United States. Be sure to include any statistics on frequency, geographic distribution, cultural distribution, and so on.
Explain how the problem affects the developing infant.
Explain how the research findings have influenced both social thinking and social policies with regard to the problem.
Describe the research methods used to reach those findings.
Offer one intervention you would recommend if a client came to you with the selected problem.
Example assignment: You may use the assignment example, linked in the Resources, to give you an idea of what a Proficient or higher rating on the scoring guide would look like.

Additional Requirements
Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message and is consistent with expectations for members of the psychological professions.
APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to APA (current edition) style and formatting.
Resources: Minimum of three scholarly or professional resources. Please note that popular resources such as Wikipedia or are not considered to be appropriate.
Length: 34 typed, double-spaced pages not including title page and reference page.
Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12-point font.
Refer to the Infant Development Scoring Guide to ensure that you meet the grading criteria for this assignment.

Shamanic medicine (cognitive)

HI 😀
This is for a friend. I have attached the instructions. He is assigned to cognitive.

Shamanic medicine has been used for centuries as a method of healing all over the world including South America, North America, and Asia. An anthropological look at the history of these magical healers reveals that their effectiveness can be attributed to methods that resemble biological, psychological, and sociocultural therapies seen in modern western medicine. Neo-shamans, as they are known today, are currently evolving their holistic approach to healing, and continue to see success within their practices.

Educational Psychology

Critical Response #1 – Cognitive Development Theories (due 2/17)

What is a central difference between Piaget and Vygotsky? 
What is an example of an assignment using Vygotskys concept of scaffolding?  You dont need to create an assignment — though you may — but you may link to something you found online and share why it is an example of scaffolding.
Which theorist do you find more meaningful for your future classroom? Why?

please note each question

Qualitative Research Design

For this assignment, you will build on your assignment last week to further explore how you might examine your research problem within MFT using a quantitative methodology. Imagine the same reporter from Week 4 contacted you again and is asking you to provide specific examples pertaining to the development of your quantitative study. Keeping these hypothetical scenarios in mind, respond to the following questions:

In a maximum of five to seven sentences, please restate the research problem, purpose, and research questions you developed previously and incorporate any faculty feedback as appropriate.

In a maximum of five to seven sentences, please reflect on how use surveys might be used to answer your research questions. Please provide one advantage and one disadvantage of using surveys to collect data.

In a maximum of five to seven sentences, please provide a specific example of how you might use an experiment or quasi-experiment to answer your research questions. List at least one advantage and one disadvantage of using quasi-experiments to collect your data.

In a maximum of five to seven sentences, consider how you might analyze the potential data you collect and factors that could affect those analyses. Specifically, what are Type I and Type II errors? How might these impact your study? What is statistical power? How might this impact your study? What steps can you take ahead of time to help avoid issues related to Type I & II errors as well as power?

Essay 3

Write essay with the following prompt:

Entwistle asserts: those with whom we disagree often have things to teach us [we must] ask ourselves what is to be learned and appreciated from those with whom we disagree. Identify at least 3 things that you appreciate/can learn from those who hold the secular combatants or Christian combatants versions of the Enemies model.

You must support  assertions with at least 3 citations in current APA format. Please use the textbook, scholarly article and the Bible as sources.  Please include a title page and reference page.Textbook is Integrative Approaches to Psychology and Christianity by David Entwistle 3rd Edition. Content should be at least 500 words.

3025 respond dq6

Rons post

      Carlson and Birkett (2017) advance that information regarding touch, temperature, and painful stimuli travels via somatic nerves before entering the spinal cord. Sensory information from touch travels more expediently than the information about painful stimuli. Lilienfeld et al. (2011) advance that this distinction is because touch is meant to give information regarding the surroundings, while pain is meant to inform about injuries that need tending. The latter can generally wait, while the former is more imminently needed. Pain can manifest in different variations such as sharp, stabbing, throbbing, burning, and aching (Lilienfeld et al., 2011). Moore (as cited in Lilienfeld et al., 2011) advances that scientist believes people can control pain by controlling thoughts and emotions in reaction to the painful stimuli.

      A fascinating idea related to his concept is advanced by Melzack and Wall (1965) called the gate control model. According to this theory, pain can be blocked from consciousness, since neural mechanisms in the spinal cord function as a gate-keeper controlling the flow of sensory detection to the central nervous system. The gate control model explains that psychological states influence the pain level felt (Melzack & Wall, 1965).  Ropero Pelez and Taniguchi (2016) elucidate that the gate control model suggests that the present stimulation experienced blocks the pain from consciousness. Eccleston and Crombez (1999) advance that pain requires attention and distraction is a means of disrupting pain sensations. The author has had experience with feeling pain from a headache or body ache, only to be so absorbed at his clinic that he forgot all about the pain.

      Hoffman and Patterson (2005) advance an interesting study where the pain of burn victims undergoing wound care was diminished by placing them into a virtual environment of snowmen and igloos! This supports the idea that vision and body senses interact to diminish painful experiences. However, the opposite is also true, if one perseverates on catastrophic events or repeats that he or she will not be able to bear the painful experience, the floodgates of distress can inundate the person.

    One element to consider is that since the brain controls activity in the spinal cord, pain can be modulated, nevertheless, that can be the outcome of the placebo effect. Lilienfeld et al. (2011) advance research which indicates that pain activity via the spinal cord is sharply reduced when patients were told that the placebo cream that was being applied would ameliorate pain. Potentially, placebos may be responsible for activating the bodys own natural endorphins to reduce pain. More research on this interesting subject is needed.


Carlson, N. R., & Birkett, M. A. (2017). Physiology of Behavior, 12th Edition. Boston, Massachusetts: Pearson.

Eccleston, C., & Crombez, G. (1999). Pain demands attention: A cognitiveaffective model of the interruptive function of pain. Psychological bulletin, 125(3), 356.

Hoffman, H., & Patterson, D. (2005). Virtual reality pain distraction. American Pain Society Bulletin, 15(2), 1-6.

Lilienfeld, S.O., Lynn, S.J., Namy, L.L., Woolf, N.J. (2011). Psychology: From Inquiry to Understanding. Boston: Allyn & Bacon Publishing.

Melzack, R., & Wall, P. D. (1965). Pain mechanisms: a new theory. Science, 150(3699), 971-979.

Ropero Pelez, F. J., & Taniguchi, S. (2016). The gate theory of pain revisited: modeling different pain conditions with a parsimonious neurocomputational model. Neural plasticity, 2016.

3025dq6 main post

As you have read, pain perception is extremely complex. For example, Walch and colleagues (2005) randomly assigned hospital patients to either bright or dim hospital rooms after back surgery. They found that patients in the brighter rooms used 22% less pain analgesic medication per hour than those that were staying in the dimmer rooms. Thus, exposure to natural sunlight appeared to affect pain tolerance!

For this discussion, please give an example of how pain is more than a simple sense. Describe how another variables affects pain perception. Examples of other variables might include the weather, stress, trauma history, hospital window view, insomnia, etc. Share a primary source (research study) and discuss its findings with the class.

Walch, J.M., Rabin, B.S., Day, R., Williams, J.N., Choi, K., & Kang, J.D. (2005). The effect of sunlight on postoperative analgesic medication use: A prospective study of patients undergoing spinal surgery. Psychosomatic Medicine, 67, 156-163.