Category: Psychology and Education

Educational psychology

I have given you eight questions below.  You must ONLY answer three (3).  Please choose the three (3) questions below that you feel most comfortable and confident in answering.  Each of these can be answered as a separate short answer (not an essay). The length is whatever it takes to fully address the question (but dont write a book).

What are the two approaches to teaching a second language and which do you think is more effective? Why?
How are Piaget and Vygotsky different?  Whose basic assumptions do you connect with? Why?
What are the most significant factors that make up a persons temperament, and why are they important?
How do Eriksons theory of psychosocial development help us better understand how we learn? 
What are the three levels of Kohlbergs stages of moral reasoning? Do you agree with his breakdown? Why or why not?
How do you encourage morals in a secular, public-school classroom?
What are examples of group differences, and how do these impact a persons make-up?
How can a learners misconceptions about a subject get in the way of real learning? 

Managing Diversity – African Americans

This is a PowerPoint Presentation that needs to be created for a minority group. The group that needs to be used is African Americans.

Make sure to include at least one picture or graphic per section.
Put the heading of each category on or before the slides in that group.
The project must be a minimum of 20 content slides, this does not include title, section heading, and reference slides.
The citations must be in proper APA format.

A minimum of 4 references must be used.

Please follow the order that is listed below. Make sure your slides stay in order.

Part 1 Introduction of Minority Group: 2 slides introducing the minority group. This may include things like pictures, symbols, or any cultural characteristics representing the minority group you are researching.

Part  2  Key Facts: 3 slides mentioning some of the relevant key facts outlined by the chapter or research.

Part  3  History of Minority Group in the US: 3 slides describing the history of the minority group in the US. 

Part  4  Population: 2 slides describing the population of the minority group in the US. 

Part  5  Education,  Employment,  and Earnings: 3 slides describing the education levels,  employment,  and earnings of the minority group.

Part  6  Stereotypes: 3 slides describing the stereotypes associated with this minority group in the US. 

Part  7  Strengths: 2 slides describing some strengths of this minority group.

Part  8  Strategies: 2 slides describing some strategies for inclusion of this minority group.

Part  9  Popular Culture: 3 slides describing some ways that this group is represented, or not represented, in modern popular culture.

Part  10  Reference Slide: Please conclude your presentation with a reference slide.

Gender or sexual orientation research paper

Write 35 pages in which you describe an issue related to gender or sexual orientation, apply psychological theory, and summarize a research study related to the issue.

Why do men and women approach sex and sexuality differently? Does sexual identity change over time? What are the similarities and differences between same sex couples and different sex couples? Take this opportunity to delve more deeply into a topic that strikes your interest, by applying psychological theory and research.

Assessment Instructions

Complete the following:

Choose a topic related to gender or sexual orientation to use for this assessment.
Gender roles and stereotypes.
Gender differences in sexuality.
Male sexuality.
Female sexuality.
Transgender sexuality.
Sexual identity.
Same sex couples.
LGBTQ youth.

Use the Capella University Library to find one more article to use for your paper.
Select one theory from the following categories: evolutionary, psychological, critical, or learning theories. The theory you select should help explain the issue faced by a group on which you chose to focus.


The paper should include a brief introduction of the topic and a review of relevant theories and research. The organization of the paper should be as follows:

Introduction (12 paragraphs).
Descriptions of definitions of key terms (12 paragraphs).
Issues faced by the group or groups (35 paragraphs).
Review of a relevant human sexuality theory or theories related to the group using the text as a key source (34 paragraphs).
Summary of one related study. You can choose the article provided to you or the one you found (35 paragraphs).
Research questions.
Relevance to topic.
Conclusion (12 paragraphs).
You should use a minimum of three references for this assessment, including the course textbook, one of the articles provided, and one additional source you select. Remember to support all portions of your paper with scholarly sources using APA style in-text citations and a reference list.

Additional Requirements

Your assessment should also meet the following requirements:

Written communication: Written communication should be free of errors that detract from the overall message.
APA formatting: References and citations should be formatted according to current APA style and formatting.
Number of Resources: Use a minimum of three scholarly resources.
Length: 35 double-spaced pages.
Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.
Template: Use the Gender or Sexual Orientation Research Paper Template to complete the assessment.
Portfolio Prompt: You may choose to save this learning activity to your ePortfolio.

Applied Research in Psychology

Draft an academic paper (34 pages) that applies psychological theories and research findings to practical, real-world issues or problems.

Before beginning this assessment, preview the following:

Next, choose one of the scenarios described below. After you have selected a scenario to analyze, select theories to help you frame the problem described in the scenario. You will present possible solutions and support your work with a minimum of three scholarly research articles.

Research your chosen theory. . For each scenario, you will find recommended search terms and databases that will help you get started. Use the following Capella University Library resources to conduct research:

Psychology Databases for researching a topic.
Scenario 1: Mars Mission
You are part of a psychological team planning to prepare astronauts for the manned mission to Mars. Your task is to identify solutions for possible psychological problems that may result as part of the trip.

Think about potential psychological problems that can occur during preparation for and during space travel. In your assessment, describe the potential problems so your reader has a good understanding of the negative psychological impact astronauts can experience. Consider and discuss possible prevention or intervention ideas in your paper, and support your thinking about potential problems and solutions with information you find from the scholarly research articles you selected.

Possible theories or perspectives:
Positive psychology.
Humanistic psychology.
Possible sources:
Botella, C., Banos, R. M., Etchemendy, E., Garcia-Palacios, A., & Alcaniz, M. (2016). Psychological countermeasures in manned space missions: “EARTH” system for the Mars-500 project. Computers in Human Behavior, 55(B), 898908.
Cohen, I., den Braber, N., Smets, N. J. J. M., van Diggelen, J., Brinkman, W-P., & Neerincx, M. A. (2016). Work content influences on cognitive task load, emotional state and performance during a simulated 520-days’ Mars mission. Computers in Human Behavior, 55(B), 642652.
Possible search terms:
NASA, Spaceflight, Mars 500, Mars 520 (use alone and in the Summon Library Guide, Database Guide: PsycARTICLES, or Database Guide: PsycINFO).

Scenario 2: Office Dcor
Your company is redesigning office spaces. You are tasked with examining the psychological effect on employees of different decorating options with the goal of increasing productivity.

Think about and search for how color and use of space can impact people psychologically. What does the research say about environment and productivity?

Possible theories:
Attention restoration theory.
Social identity theory.
Possible sources:
Nieuwenhuis, M., Knight, C., Postmes, T., & Haslam, S. A. (2014). The relative benefits of green versus lean office space: Three field experiments. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, 20(3), 199214.
Greenaway, K. H., Thai, H. A., Haslam, S. A., & Murphy, S. C. (2016). Spaces that signal identity improve workplace productivity. Journal of Personnel Psychology, 15(1), 3543.
Possible search terms:
Office, space, well-being, productivity, applied psychology (use in combinations in the Database Guide: PsycARTICLES or Database Guide: PsycINFO).

Scenario 3: Youth Sports
You are coaching your child’s soccer team and want psychologically proven ways to motivate your players. Consider what research says about motivation and sports. What are some specific coaching strategies that can increase enthusiasm and motivation?

Possible theories:
Self-determination theory.
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs.
Possible sources:
Stenling, A., Lindwall, M., & Hassmn, P. (2015). Changes in perceived autonomy support, need satisfaction, motivation, and well-being in young elite athletes. Sport, Exercise, and Performance Psychology, 4(1), 5061.
Amorose, A. J., & Anderson-Butcher, D. (2015).  Exploring the independent and interactive effects of autonomy-supportive and controlling coaching behaviors on adolescent athletes’ motivation for sport. Sport, Exercise, and Performance Psychology, 4(3), 206218.
Possible search terms:
Coaching effectiveness, motivation, sport psychology (use alone or in combinations in the Database Guide: PsycARTICLES or Database Guide: PsycINFO).

Scenario 4: Anti-marijuana Campaign
You have been asked to create ideas for an awareness campaign to prevent teenagers from using marijuana. Consider ideas that have a chance to attract adolescents’ attention. What does the research say about prevention?

Possible theories:
Behavioral theory.
Psychoanalytic theory.
Possible sources:
Crano, W. D., Alvaro, E. M., Tan, C. N., & Siegel, J. T. (2017). Social mediation of persuasive media in adolescent substance prevention. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 31(4), 479487.
Alvaro, E. M., Crano, W. D., Siegel, J. T., Hohman, Z., Johnson, I., & Nakawaki, B. (2013). Adolescents’ attitudes toward antimarijuana ads, usage intentions, and actual marijuana usage. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 27(4), 10271035.
Possible search terms:
Drug use prevention, media campaign (use in combinations in the Database Guide: PsycARTICLES or Database Guide: PsycINFO).

Use one of the following scenarios and supporting resources (described in the Preparation section above) as the basis for this assessment:
Scenario 1: Mars Mission.
Scenario 2: Office Decor.
Scenario 3: Youth Sports.
Scenario 4: Anti-marijuana Campaign.
Write a 34 page paper (in addition to the title page and references page) that describes a possible solution for your selected clinical scenario with support from both theory and research.
Use in-text citations in the paper and create title and reference pages.
Use the following sections to organize your paper:

Title page:

Follow the template instructions.

Apply a foundation psychological theory to address the problem in the selected scenario.
Summarize the identified problem in the selected scenario.
Propose a solution to the identified problem.
Describe your solution.
Foundational Theory:

Describe the theory or theories that apply to your scenario.
Explain how theory shaped the proposed solution to the problem.
Research Method and Findings:

Apply findings from scholarly research to develop a proposed solution to the problem in your scenario.
Explain how the research findings shape your proposed solution.
Describe the research methods outlined in your scholarly research articles.
Mental Health and Well-being:

Speculate how your proposed solution could impact mental health and well-being through behavior changes.
References page:

Follow the template instructions.
Additional Requirements
Written communication: Writing should be free of errors that detract from the overall message.
APA formatting: References and citations are formatted according to the current APA style and formatting.
Paper length: 34 typed, double-spaced pages, in addition to the title page and references page.
Resources: 34 peer-reviewed sources.
Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.

Note: Course faculty may also use the Writing Feedback Tool to provide feedback on your writing. In the tool, click on the linked resources for helpful writing information.

Human Development Application of Theory

Create a PowerPoint (1214 slides) to present your application of developmental theory to a case study that you have selected and analyzed.

Psychology professionals, such as caseworkers and therapists, often think in terms of human development when assessing problems that individuals, couples, or families bring to them. A caseworker, therapist, or other psychology professionals may take notes to document the situation and make interpretations and recommendations. This assessment will give you the opportunity to apply developmental theories in a hypothetical clinical setting while imagining yourself in one of these roles.

Toggle Drawer
Human Development
Coon, D., Mitterer, J., & Martini, T. (2019). Introduction to psychology: Gateways to mind and behavior (15th ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage. Available in the courseroom via the VitalSource Bookshelf link.
Chapter 3, “Human Development,” introduces major theories and perspectives pertaining to the field of developmental psychology.
Learn about a famous developmental experiment and look at some of the major theories of human development in the following media pieces:
Human Development Theories.
Piaget’s Conservation Test.
Asssessment Instructions

Launch and explore the following multimedia piece. After you have reviewed the two case studies, select one to analyze, either Thomas or Imani.
Human Development Case Studies.
Next, imagine that you are a caseworker or any other psychology professional gathering information from a client represented by either Thomas or Imani. Based on the information presented, consider the developmental challenges the person is facing. Then identify at least two developmental theories (such as attachment, cognitive development, moral development, psychosocial development, et cetera), and apply the theories to understand the person in the scenario.
While it is not possible to fully understand the person in the scenario based on the limited information provided, there are a number of developmental theories that can provide context and offer a possible framework for understanding the person’s attitudes and behaviors.

Based on the scenario and theories you chose for this assessment, create a PowerPoint presentation (1214 slides)  in which you complete the following:

Give a brief overview of the chosen scenario in your own words.
Provide an overview of the theories you have selected to apply to the scenario.
Describe the stage or stages of the theory that are most applicable to the current phase of life of the person discussed in the case study. Describe in some details the stage of life according to the theory. (For example, in Erikson’s psychosocial development theory a child who is 4 years old is in the stage of “initiative versus guilt.”)
Search the library for at least two scholarly (peer-reviewed) articles that provide research about the concerns faced by the person in the chosen case study.
Describe how the research from the articles applies to the person in the scenario you selected.
Apply the theories to describe how they help us to better understand this particular person at the current point of life based on the concerns and their impact on the person’s well-being.
Your presentation should include the following:


Title your presentation.

Describe the scenario you chose.

First theory:
Describe your first theory.
Describe the stage of life for your chosen scenario based on this theory.
Explain how it fits your chosen scenario.
Second theory:
Describe your second theory.
Describe the stage of life for your scenario based on this theory.
Explain how it fits your chosen scenario.
Applied Theories:

Detail how your first theory helps explain your chosen scenario.
Detail how your second theory helps explain your chosen scenario.
Applied research:
First article.
Describe the findings.
Describe how they apply to your chosen scenario.
Second article:
Describe the findings.
Describe how they apply to your chosen scenario.

Review key points and important take-aways.

List all references according to APA format so that your fellow researchers can follow up on anything they found interesting or important to their own research.
Slide Structure:

Slide 1: Title Slide.
Slide 2: Overview of Selected Case.
Slide 3: Selected Theory 1.
Slide 4: Theory 1 Application.
Slide 5: Selected Theory 2.
Slide 6: Theory 2 Application.
Slide 7: Scholarly Resource 1 Findings.
Slide 8: Scholarly Resource 1 Application.
Slide 9: Scholarly Resource 2 Findings.
Slide 10: Scholarly Resource 2 Application.
Slide 11: Research Methods.
Slide 12: Summary Slide.
Slide 13: References.
Additional Requirements
Written communication: Writing should be free of errors that detract from the overall message.
APA formatting: References and citations should be formatted according to the current APA style and formatting.
Presentation length: 1214 slides, including a title slide and references slide.
Font and font size: Presentations should use minimum 18-point font. Make sure that the fonts you choose are clear and legible.

Psychological Disorders

Eccentric, Disordered, or Schizophrenic?
We often use terms such as “crazy”, “psycho”, and even “ODC” to describe people’s unusual behaviors.  However, there is a distinct difference between a person who prefers a tidy house and someone who meets the diagnostic criteria for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD).  In this assignment, students will distinguish between normal and abnormal behavior.
Step 1:
Consider the following scenario:
Suppose you had a friend who said, “You never know what’s in processed foods.  There could be thousands of carcinogens in any box of cereal or carton of ice cream.  That’s why I only eat organically grown foods, and I never eat in restaurants.  In fact, I won’t even eat at other people’s houses.  The only food I trust is what I prepare myself in my own kitchen.”
Some might describe this friend as paranoid about food.  But exactly what would they mean by that term?  “Paranoid” can be used (as it is in this chapter) to denote a specific type of personality disorder or to describe a symptom of Schizophrenia, but is that what this friend is experiencing?  Maybe, or maybe not.
Step 2:
In an essay, thoroughly discuss the following:
Do the criteria for abnormality given in the chapter apply to your friend’s behavior? 
What additional knowledge would be helpful in deciding whether your friend’s behavior is abnormal?   
Suppose you decide that your friend’s behavior is abnormal.  Does it fit best with the description of paranoid personality disorder or paranoid schizophrenia?  Why?
Formatting Requirements:
Use 12-point Times New Roman or Arial font
Use double line spacing in the document
1-inch margins all around
Citing Sources:  You must use APA style to reference your source(s) at the end of your submission.  For this assignment, you must include reference information for your textbook and the 3D brain website or app.  Information on how to format reference information (including a reference generator) in APA style can be found on the Purdue Online Writing Lab website at (opens in a new window).

Mental Health and Wellness

Part 1: Mental Health and Wellness Trends

Directions: Provide short answers of 150-200 words for each of the following two questions. Use three scholarly resources in addition to using the textbook to support your responses. Follow APA guidelines when answering the questions. 

What are the current trends in mental health and wellness?
How do these trends influence the practice of mental health professionals?

Part 2: Mental Health and Wellness Associations

Directions: Pick one or two of the topics listed below and discuss current trends related to each topic. Your response for each question should not exceed 200 words. Follow APA guidelines when answering the questions.

Online counseling
Client rights, specifically informed consent
Implications of behavioral diagnoses in integrated health
Prevention and wellness
Another topic of your choice

How does being a member of professional associations help a mental health professional?

What benefits can these associations provide these professionals and how they treat clients and maintain ethical decision-making?

Any topic (writer’s choice)


You will explore and apply diverse theoretical perspective and psychological concepts that have shaped some of the major areas contemporary psychology to your own life. You are welcome to discuss concepts and ideas that you observe retrospectively, or you can discuss the current role of these concepts in your life and how they might affect you as you move forward. This is a paper about YOUR curiosities.

Improving Veteran Services

Cycle of Continuous Improvement Project  (Improving Verterans Services)

Students will develop a flowchart representing the most appropriate approach to working with data regarding your selected institutional issue or problem.  You will illustrate the data collection and analysis process as well as include a narrative description of how this data will be used to inform your organizational improvement project.

Students will develop a flowchart that represents the most appropriate approach to working with data regarding their issues or problem. Illustrate the data collection and analysis process and how this data will be used to inform organizational improvement using Piktochart, Canva, or some other tool. You can represent this information in any visual format that works best for you.

In addition to the flowchart, you will explain (1-2 pages) of the diagram that explains anything the audience might overlook or misinterpret.  Consider this section the overview you would give in a meeting to a roomful of stakeholders.  What should be in the overview that helps clarify critical points in the process?  What kinds of questions do you anticipate stakeholders asking about the flowchart?

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Instructors may use a range of strategies (including plagiarism-prevention software at the university) to compare student works with private and public information resources in order to identify possible plagiarism and academic dishonesty. Comparisons of student works may require submitting a copy of the original work to the plagiarism-prevention service. The service may retain that copy in some circumstances. Academic units or programs may establish a more rigorous standard of review or consent, which will be noted in the relevant guidelines.

Mental Health and Wellness

Part 1: Mental Health and Wellness Trends

Directions: Provide short answers of 150-200 words for each of the following two questions. Use three scholarly resources in addition to using the textbook to support your responses. Follow APA guidelines when answering the questions. 

What are the current trends in mental health and wellness?
How do these trends influence the practice of mental health professionals?

Part 2: Mental Health and Wellness Associations

Directions: Pick one or two of the topics listed below and discuss current trends related to each topic. Your response for each question should not exceed 200 words. Follow APA guidelines when answering the questions.

Online counseling
Client rights, specifically informed consent
Implications of behavioral diagnoses in integrated health
Prevention and wellness
Another topic of your choice

How does being a member of professional associations help a mental health professional?

What benefits can these associations provide these professionals and how they treat clients and maintain ethical decision-making?