Category: Psychology and Education

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Please complete this 900 words essay writing (discussion part) from the presentation scratch. The original assessment is a group report, and my teammates have finished their parts. Therefore, dear writer, what you need to do is to summarize the literature review on my part – discussion section of the presentation (last 6 slides). Please kindly see the powerpoint slides for your reference.
Additionally, from my professors feedback on the presentation, we are encouraged to dedicating more words for the implications of practice (i.e., CBT treatment strategies for single parenthood & community/neighborhood related parental monitoring). The relevant references are asserted in those slide notes for your reference.

Lecture Reflection Responses

During the online lectures for the topics of Trait, a writing prompt will be announced. These writing prompts are to encourage watching the online lectures in a timely fashion and reflecting on the material presented. Students will be given a prompt to complete a brief (approximately 1 paragraph) reflection paper on the class material, worth 4 points each. Papers will be scored on the basis of submission (2 points) and correctness and effort engaging with the material (2 points).

discussion post

Prior knowledge and learner development: Concepts and implications

Drawing on concepts from the Ambrose et al. (2010) readings for this week (Chapters 1 and 2) create a visual diagram, table or figure that explains three concepts or principles about prior knowledge, knowledge organization and learner development. Also include a total of two implications for adult educator practice that derive from this group of concepts/principles.

Embed your visual diagram in the discussion and say a little bit about why these concepts and educator practices matter to you.

Parent FAQ ABA

Please read the Bozkus-Genc, et al. (2016) article regarding PRT and complete the Parent FAQ as described below.

There is a total of four Parent FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) assignments throughout the semester.  You will imagine you are working in a setting that serves children on the Autism Spectrum.  Your imagined setting might be a clinic, a public school, a private practice, in-home treatment, etc.  Each FAQ will reference the article (s)/Chapter (s) within the corresponding module on Canvas. For each FAQ, the student is responsible for:

reading the article (s)/Chapter (s)
preparing a 3-4 page, double-spaced FAQ/answer document related to one of the interventions (this could be a group/type of intervention) covered in the module.
FAQ areas may pertain to one or more of the following (at least 1 of your FAQ questions should involve diversity):
a clear description of your chosen intervention from the module readings,
information about the possible child presenting needs which may respond to your chosen intervention from the module reading,
a clear summary of the research support for your chosen intervention,
information about possible child presenting needs which may NOT respond readily to your chosen intervention,
any diversity related knowledge found in the readings. 
Please be creative and consider your very own FAQ questions based on the module readings.  Try to imagine questions parents might ask about your chosen intervention.
Feel free to have a bit of fun with this assignment.
You might add a brief description of your imagined treatment site/public school.
You might add a few pictures/graphics if you wish but this is not required.
Just be sure to cover the basics of the intervention (e.g., overall description, best population for the intervention) before covering more obscure questions.
You should cover at least 5 FAQ questions/answers of your choosing. (at least 1 of your FAQ questions should involve diversity)  More details about assignment expectations are listed in the rubric on Canvas. Each Parent FAQ is worth 35 points.
It is best to label them, for example:
FAQ 1: list the question, then answer the question
FAQ 2: list the question, then answer the question, ect…
More details about assignment expectations are listed in the rubric on Canvas. Each Parent FAQ is worth 35 points.

Parent FAQ Rubric
Parent FAQ Rubric
Criteria    Ratings    Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeQuality
Grammar and Spelling
5 to >4.0 pts
Very few (if any) grammar and/or spelling errors present.
4 to >2.0 pts
Some spelling and grammar errors present
2 to >0 pts
Several grammar and/or spelling errors.
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeClarity
Questions and answers are described in clear and understandable terms.
10 to >6.0 pts
Most (if not all) descriptions are clear. Vocabulary is described clearly in most (if not all) instances.
6 to >3.0 pts
Many descriptions are clear. Many vocabulary words are explained clearly.
3 to >0 pts
Explanations are unclear. Vocabulary is not explained.
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeRelevance
Questions and Answers are related to required reading.
10 to >6.0 pts
Questions and answers seem relevant to the assigned reading. Very few (if any) loosely related questions/answers present.
6 to >3.0 pts
Some relevance to assigned reading is evident; however, some questions/answers may seem unrelated or very loosely related to assigned reading.
3 to >0 pts
Questions and answers are not clearly related to the assigned reading. Questions and answers appear somewhat random or pulled from personal experience.
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSpecificity
Clear evidence of information taken from assigned reading.
10 to >6.0 pts
Most (if not all) questions and answers appear to be directly tied to assigned reading information. Extensive evidence is present to suggest the reading was thoroughly explored.
6 to >3.0 pts
Some questions and/or answers appear to be directly tied to assigned reading information. Some evidence is present to suggest the reading was thoroughly explored.
3 to >0 pts
Very little information contained in the questions/answer document appears to come from the assigned reading. Question/answers may be based on information from personal experience or previous courses.
10 pts
Total Points: 35

social psychology

In a Word Document present each question and then your response. 

Use at least a 12 point font.
Double Spaced is expected.
Use APA format for references.

In text
In a reference list at the end of the paper 
Question 1
  Compare and contrast the definitions of applied social psychology and social psychology.
Question 2
Identify and evaluate two social psychological theories from the list of social psychology theories posted on this website: (Links to an external site.)
  A.  Select two theories of interest to you.
Explain your choices.
  B.  Based on the descriptions and any additional research, which theory between the two you selected appears to be more understandable and applicable to real social problems? 
Explain your choice
Question 3
The applicability of applied social psychology extends beyond social problems as it also addresses practical problems.
  A.  Using the workplace setting, identify and describe one workplace practical problem that an applied social psychologist might address.
  B.  Use the five scientific goals of scientific understanding (Description, Prediction, Determining Causality, Explanation, and Control) related to your selected workplace problem above. 

Provide a corresponding research question aimed at addressing each goal.
For example, if your topic is employee burnout , for the scientific goal #1 of Description, a descriptive corresponding question might be What are the key features of employee burnout? 
Question 4
Be the consultant.  Watch the video clip in the Week 1 Required Resources of Your Body Language May Shape Who You Arepresented by Amy Cuddy.  Imagine you work as a consultant for Berkeley College Career Services. 
  A.  Given what you learned from watching the video, how would you create an intervention to help Berkeley College students prepare for their job interviews?
  B.  How will you know if it was effective?


social justice

For this assignment, you will need to visit and review the Counselors for Social Justice (CSJ) website, especially the Counselors for Social Justice Newsletter . From this website/newsletter, you will choose an advocacy/social justice topic to highlight. This social justice topic must be counseling related and counseling focused; this is not a political opinion paper. Rather, the focus is on highlighting social justice issues that you were not aware of until exploring this weeks topic.

You will need to complete a 3 page APA style written summary. All written papers will need to adhere to guidelines outlined in the APA Manual 7th Edition and the rubric guidelines associated with this assignment.
Please include a professional paper (not student paper) title page, abstract, and reference page with a minimum of 4 peer reviewed articles.
You will write using the APA Manual 7th Edition professional paper format.
Please make sure you use proper grammar, sentence structure, and paragraph format.

Organizational Psychology

Since individual differences and behaviors influence job performance, I-O psychologists make use of assessments and tests to learn more about individuals and provide an explanation for their behavior in the workplace. In this assessment, you will compare and evaluate tests used by I-O psychologists.


Under the Suggested Resources heading in the Resources for this assessment, you will find a link to the online “Personality Test,” a five-factor personality test from the The Big Five Project. This test is often cited as an effective indicator of employee performance and fit for organizationsit can provide insight into the types of questions that interest organizations. However, there are many other tests to explore.

Conduct research on the Internet and use the Capella library to learn more about the various tests and assessments I-O psychologists and organizations use to evaluate potential employees. Some types of tests and assessments to consider include:

Cognitive tests.
The Test of Everyday Reasoning.
Critical reasoning tests.
GMAT critical reasoning practice questions.
Physical ability tests.
Sensory ability tests.
Psychomotor ability tests.
Personality tests.
The 16 Personality Factor (16PF) test.
Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, Conscientiousness (DISC).
Emotional intelligence tests.
Multi-Dimensional Emotional Intelligence Quotient (MEIQ).
Emotional Quotient Inventory 2.0 (EQ-i 2.0).

For this assessment:

Choose an organization you have worked for or volunteered at, or one that sells a favorite product of yours.
Search your chosen organization’s website or the Internet (or both) for career postings.
Identify a position that needs to be filled.
Address the following in your assessment:
Provide a brief description of the organization you have chosen.
Identify the position that needs to be filled and summarize the job requirements.
Based on your research, compare the types of tests available for screening employees for this position.
How are they different?
What are their various applications?
Choose the test (such as one of those listed above) that is the most appropriate for your organization. Address the following:
Why is the test you chose more appropriate than other types of tests?
How will your chosen organization use the results? Be specific.
What are the drawbacks to this test? Are there concerns with reliability, validity, the population it is designed for, or other factors? You may use information from Mental Measurements Yearbook (MMY) to provide evidence. Note: You will find a link to the Database Guide: Mental Measurements Yearbook in the Resources under the Suggested Resources heading.
How much will you rely on this test for hiring? Give examples.
Additional Requirements

Your assessment should meet the following requirements:

Written communication: Written communication should be free of errors that detract from the overall message.
APA format: Resources and in-text citations should be formatted according to current APA style and formatting guidelines.
Length: 45 typed, double-spaced pages, not including the title page and references page.
Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12-point.
Number of resources: A minimum of 4 scholarly resources.

Cognitive behavioral

In your initial post, please address the following questions:

1. Ellis, Beck, and Meichenbaum are all in the cognitive-behavioral (CBT) camp, yet they all have distinctive approaches to counseling. Which of these approaches are you most drawn to and why?
2. CBT provides for the use of a wide range of techniques. What techniques are you likely to incorporate in your work with clients? Why?
3. Cognitive-behavioral practitioners use a brief, active, directive, collaborative, present-focused, didactic, psychoeducational model of therapy that relies on empirical validation of its concepts and techniques. What are the potential advantages and disadvantages of this approach?
4. Explain three strengths and limitations of using the CBT model from a diversity (multicultural) perspective.
5. REBT interventions (psychotherapy, educational, or counseling interventions) are effective for various conditions, regardless of clinical status, age of the sample, and delivery format. A critique of REBT is that we need more psychometrically sound instruments to uniformly measure REBT mechanisms of change, and more studies employing mechanisms of change analyses to further test the REBT change theory. Do you agree or disagree with this critique? Why?

The underlying factors of psychopathic behaviour in youth

submit a proposal topic for your final paper. Your
topic proposal should be 2 pages in length (excluding title and reference pages) and
formatted according to APA style. You also need to utilize a minimum of 3 peerreviewed sources that were published within the last 5-7 years, in addition to the
Begin with an APA title page this is great practice!
1. State your tentative Final Project title:
2. State your research question(s): How does your study relate to previous work in the field
and address a gap in the literature, and why is your study important?
3. Complete a literature search. Identify at least 3 peer reviewed journal articles for your
Literature Review. Create an APA style References section listing each source you will
4. Describe the main information you found in the literature about your topic and how your
research question is related to this information.
5. Describe how you will locate data for your analysis (e.g., will you do a survey, where
will you get your subjects, etc.).
6. Identify your subjects, sampling procedures, measures with reliability/validity, research
design, and proposed statistical analyses. What do you plan to do?
7. State your hypothesis:

Discussion 3

Watch a documentary split : divorce through kids eyes

There are multiple sections in the documentary. Choose from one of the sections:  Families, Change, Feelings, Wondering, What happened?, Wishing, Moving on, Back and Forth, Missing, Two Homes, Stuck in the Middle, What Helps, Talking, New People and Life Goes On. Identify at the top of the post the section you chose, the name, and age of the child.
Identify one child and highlight what was particularly poignant about what they said in facing that stage of the divorce.  WHY was it particularly poignant for you?
Does the child’s reaction agree or disagree with the readings? 
Describe how you will incorporate the reading content into your work with children and families. Consider the strength-based protective factors. What would you specifically do, when, and how?