Archive for May, 2020

Performance Improvement and Best Practices

Describe the relationship between provider performance and patient outcomes.
3.    Most physicians feel as if EHRs do not save them time. What is your response to this?
a.    Were EHRs designed to save time in the healthcare documentation process?
b.    If not, what was the EHR designed to do? Be thorough in your response.

4.    When implementing organization wide PI initiatives, many employees and physicians take the attitude of that wont work here. How would you respond in reference to the use of clinical decision support systems?
5.    Describe the relationship between provider performance and patient outcomes.
6.    Establish the use of EHR CDS functions as a best practice.
7.    Produce best practices based on application of the performance improvement model. Use your findings in the sample records and PI process, to support your best practices.

Health Hazards

Reflect on two sources you believe would provide the best information that you could use to identify health hazards in a workplace. Explain how you would use information from each of the sources you choose.

Your journal entry must be at least 200 words in length. No references or citations are necessary.

Choose ONE Of The Online Speeches- Essay

This assignment must be written as an essay (with an Introduction, Body, Conclusion, complete sentences, etc.) and not simply one-line answers to the questions below. Choose ONEof the following online speeches (see links below) and write a critique (an evaluation) on the speech you have selected, touching on all seven areas below, and using the questions below as your guide. All papers must be typed using an 11- or 12-point font, double-spaced, and with flush-left margins (no justified text) and paragraph breaks. Your essay should run 2-3 pages (no more than 3 full pages). 



     DisneyWorld for the Kid at Heart (6:55) 

What happened at New Orleans Danziger Bridge (7:19)                       

Music in Film (5:46)

Afro-textured Hair (6:11)

Informative speech on ALS (4:51)

Victoria Woodhull (7:08)

Nap Time (6:35)

  — Pro-Vaccination (8:18)

Animal Testing (5:23)

OR watch one of the following speeches through MINDTAP:

Chapter 16: Flag Etiquette by Cindy Gardner

Chapter 17: Together, We Can Stop Cyber-bullying by Adam

1. Subject and Purpose

What is the general purpose of the speech? Is the purpose of this speech clear? Is the subject worthwhile and/or relevant?  Please explain.

2. The Thesis and Key Points

a. Is the speechs thesis (that is, the main idea of the speech) clear and limited to one main idea? What is the thesis of this speech?

b. Are the key points of the speech clearly related to the thesis? What are they (No matter whether the speaker has stated them or not, what do you believe are the key points of this speech? Are the key points sufficiently narrow?  Explain.

3. Research

a. Is the speech adequately researched? How do you know? Name some specific references/citations the speaker mentions.

b. Has the speaker properly referenced his/her research data in the body of the speech? Explain, and give specific examples. How do you feel when a speaker cites his or her sources?

c. Does the speaker have a good understanding of the subject and specific points? How do you know?

d. Did the speaker provide enough evidence to back up and support each key point? Explain your point of view.

4. Organization

a. How well is the speech organized? Does it have an introduction, a body, and a conclusion? If not, what improvement(s) do you suggest?

b. How does the speaker grab the audiences attention?  What type of attention-getter did the speaker use?  Can you describe the attention-getter? Was it effective?  Why, or why not?  Explain. Also, evaluate the speakers Reason to Care; is the speakers reason to care clear?

c. How well does the speaker preview the speech for the audience, letting them know what to expect?  Explain.

d. Does the speaker summarize the thesis and key points of his/her speech in the conclusion?  Is the closing statement effective?  Explain.

e. Are there adequate transitions, so the audience can follow the presentation more easily?  Explain, and provide examples.

5. Delivery Evaluating the speakers visual and vocal elements of delivery

a. How well does the speaker maintain eye contact with the audience? Explain.

b. Describe and evaluate the speakers overall posture, gestures, movements, and other body actions. Explain.

c. Describe and evaluate the speakers overall confidence level when delivering the presentation. Explain.

d. How is the speakers voice volume and rate of speech?  Is the speaker easy to understand? Does the speaker pronounce words carefully?  Does the speaker frequently fill their pauses with um, uh, you know, etc.?  If so, how does this make you feel about the speaker?

e. Does the speaker show enthusiasm (and/or passion) for the selected topic?  Explain.

6. Presentation Aids

        What presentation aid(s) did the speaker use (if any)?  How effective is the use of this presentation aid(s) in this speech?  Explain.

7. Suggestions for Improvement REQUIRED

a. What suggestion(s) do you have for improving the content of this speech?  Be specific; include at least ONE suggestion for improving the content of this speech.

b. What suggestion(s) do you have for improving the delivery of this speech?  Be specific; include at least ONE suggestion for improving the delivery of this speech.                                                  

Any topic (writer’s choice)

research a current event that is related to one or more of the Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) listed in your syllabus. You should use the Internet; electronic news agencies or journals to research a current event should be 1 to 3 years old. An analysis should be conducted on your researched current event (related to one or more CLOs).

Each student must create PowerPoint slide(s) and should include:

A summary of the event

A brief statement about the relationship of the current event to the CLO(s)

As a manager, how would apply what you have learned to an organization

Include an industry example demonstrating the application of your researched current event

You must label your slides as Current Event to CLO

CLO:Assemble knowledge about the essentials of strengthening others. Develop independent, critical thinking, and reasoning skills to identify and improve personal leadership competency into a personal best project.

Vaccine Hesitancy as a Public Health Challenge

2.  The research paper should include an introduction of the topic, a body in which the topic is developed and references cited, and a well-defined conclusion.

3. Your paper must have a strong thesis statement. Your thesis is a statement (not a question or a topic) that describes what your paper will be about and provides a unique perspective (see:

4. You are required to have an abstract for your paper. 

Administrative Requirements

1.  The paper must be a minimum of ten (10) pages in length, not including the cover page, abstract, table of contents (optional) and reference pages.  Charts, graphs, photos, drawings, lists and extended quotes* will not count against the pages of written text required. *Note: It is a rare instance that an extended quote is appropriate and most of the time they are considered non-academic.

2.  References must follow the American Psychological Association (APA) guidelines for reference and bibliographic citation. If necessary, refer to Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ED). 2009 Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association.

3.  You must use at least five (5) academic bibliographic sources (in addition to any of the required course readings you may use). The University does not support the use of as a source for academic research papers.

4.  Use Times New Roman Font in a 12-point font.

5.  Use 1 inch for the top, bottom, left and right margins.

Research about Nike

Part 1 (750 words in total): 50% of the courseworks grade A critical analysis of the CSR strategy of your chosen organisation

Part 2 (750 words in total): 50% of the courseworks grade  A briefing paper written as a board paper, focusing on the same company as part 1A

I have chosen Nike as the research topic
The files provided are very useful ,they are examples of this work.Please do look at it and follow the instruction or format provided .Thanks!

The Principle To Avoid Killing

First, please read the attached document specifically for your Discussion submission: New England Journal of Medicine ( Redfining Physicians’ Role in Assisted Dying) –  

CNN: Dr. Sanjay Gupta Interviews Dr. Jack Kevorkian – (9:01)

CBS Eye to Eye : Assisted Suicide – (5:06)

In your discussion write a response to the article. Secondly, how do you personally feel about the news items over the last decade or so concerning the actions of Dr. Jack Kevorkian? Was he an evil “Dr. Death” or was he a benevolent “Angel of Mercy”?  Please integrate both the assigned readings and/or the videos into your discussion submission and make sure you make at least three direct connections to specific items in the readings and videos. Failure to do this will result in a lower discussion grade and a successful discussion post that refers to specific readings and videos will receive a higher discussion grade.

Make sure that you submit two posts: (1) “Main Post” – one post should address the discussion topic. (2) “Response Post” – one post should be a response to another person`s post. Each post needs to be 15 – 20 sentences in length. Also, make sure that you read all or almost all of the posts of your classmates. Your “Main Post” needs to be submitted by midnight on Friday. Your “Response Post” needs to be submitted by midnight on Sunday.


Using and the internet, research the supporters group or rivalry that was assigned to you and answer the following questions in about 500 words (total): ONLY USE UF DATABASE OR RELIABLE SOURCES (SUPPORTERS GROUP: Japan Womens National Team)

  1. Why is the supporters group or rivalry that was assigned to me interesting?
  2. On what social and/or psychological aspect(s) would we want focus our research and presentation?
  3. What resources do we plan on using for our presentation?

Museum Tour 1

Write a 300-word minimum personal response to the online tour of the Metropolitan Museum of Art (ancient holdings only) or the Penn Museum. Your response must have two components: (1) a summary  of a few artifacts in light of this week’s course material (including cultures and dates/periods), and (2) a personal reflection on the chosen artifacts and on the museum itself. Please provide links to the artifacts you highlight in your Museum Tour Response.

For this week, choose one of the two following museums to tour:

The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City (only the collections that pertain to this weeks material)

Follow this link to go to the online exhibit on Assyria. When at this Web page, note the tabbed directory for “Timeline of Art History” and “Exhibitions and Events” for further touring.!?offset=0&pageSize=0&q=assyrian&sortBy=Relevance&sortOrder=asc&perPage=20&artist=Assyrian

The Penn Museum at the University of Pennsylvania

The following Web pages list the various galleries and collections. Of particular interest to this weeks Mesopotamian material is the slide tour of the royal cemetery at Ur. Please also note this location for the “Ram in a Thicket” from the Royals Tombs of Ur.

Please keep in mind that a museum is, originally, a place of learning, accommodating not only artifacts and manuscripts, but also facilitating lectures and performances. The original museum, that at Alexandria, Egypt, in antiquity, set the direction for what a museum should be.


The Museum Tour Response must meet the 300-word minimum. A deduction of 10 points per 50 words short will be applied.
A minimum of two artifacts must be addressed in the response (including a hyperlink to each artifact). An automatic 10-point deduction will be applied if only one artifact is addressed, and a 25-point deduction will be applied if no particular artifacts are addressed in the response. “Exhibits” do not count as individual artifacts.
The response is to be written in complete sentences, including proper grammar and spelling. Excessive writing errors will result in a deduction.

Part Of Essay

 3. Define the purpose of your research and describe the population, sample method, size, and objective(s) of the study. Note: For population, define the population based on gender, age group, education, ethnicity or other demographics. The sample size should be sufficiently large with at least 50 participants. The greater the (n), the more credible the results will be as patterns begin to merge