Archive for May, 2020


150 word discussion topic. Review the trade balances in the photo below for at least 4 major global economics and discuss the data items relative to trends observed and any reasons you believe this is occurring based on research of these economies. Use the topics of trade balance, current account balance, currency units per US dollar, interest rates, and budget balance.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Module 04 project

Action Plan for Responding to Negative Online Reviews

Explore problem-solving skills for business analysis.
You manage a local chain restaurant that is known for its burgers. The restaurant is located on the corner of a major intersection in a suburban neighborhood. There are many choices in the area for a cheap meal that is family friendly. With so many options available, you want to be sure that you remain competitive. As a result, you recently decided to make a few changes to the menu. You added quite a few new items and took away a few that werent so popular.
Your general manager regularly checks your stores online reviews to see what your customers are saying. She made you aware that recently your online reviews have been less than positive. She provided you with reviews from your website and asked that you summarize the findings and determine next steps. While your sales dont seem to be slipping, she wants you to analyze the ratings and reviews so that you can proactively address areas that need attention.
The reviews and ratings are as follows:
Comments    Stars out of 5
Great burgers    3
My waitress was really nice    4
My soup was cold    1
My salad was wilted    1
We were seated very quickly    3
The carpet was filthy    2
The food was horrible, but the manager comped the meal    3
Food was ok for typical bar food    3
There is too much to choose from on the menu    2
Really kid friendly    4
There was a wait to be seated and the hostess brought my four year old crayons and paper to keep her busy!    5
The place is known for their burgers. They should stick to that. Their pizza was horrible and overpriced!    1
Bathrooms need some serious attention! Gross!    1
Our waiter slipped us a buy one, get one coupon before we paid the bill. Sweet!!    4
You have reviewed the data and have decided that analysis is required in order to prioritize the areas of concern. The data will also allow you to assess what is going right in your restaurant.
You and your general manager agree that this exercise is imperative to stay competitive in an already saturated market.InstructionsYou have decided to provide your general manager with a step-by-step action plan, in Microsoft Word, that provides the roadmap used to analyze the data to ensure the conclusions you reached are valid. You will be dealing with both quantitative and qualitative data. As you write your plan, be sure you explain your research method, measurement scale, results, and next steps based on your results.
In an introductory statement, briefly explain why the analysis of these ratings and reviews is important.
* Step 1 Contrast the two different types of data found in the ratings and reviews and how both will be used in your analysis.
* Step 2 Describe the research method and measurement scale you will be using to interpret the ratings and reviews. Be sure to include an analysis of the method, and why it is appropriate in this case.
* Step 3- Illustrate your coding process by displaying a table with the values ascribed to your qualitative data.
* Step 4 Explain whether you applied mean, median, or mode values to your quantitative data. Include a description why your choice best reflects the overall customer rating of your restaurant, what the value is, and a projection of where you would like the rating to be in 6 months.
* Step 5 Create a table, chart, or graph using Excel that shows your qualitative research results and identify the top two customer concerns to be addressed. Also, include the area where customers are most satisfied. Be sure to add the graph in the appropriate place in the Word document.
* Step 6 Write two recommendations to address customer concerns.
FAQs & Guides
* Excel Help Guide
Library Resources
* Business Source Complete
* Business via EBSCO
* APA Guide

I need this corrected and added too !



Use this message:

(FOLLOW THE “WHAT” example above)


Fill the message in the 4X4 MATRIX

and NOW Multiply by the AES MIX ROW – IN GALOIS FIELD (Below)





Remember the 2 is actually is actually 0010 

3 is 0011

1 is 0001


Recommendations and Action Plans

For this assignment, you will complete recommendations and action plans for privacy and security based on risks. You will integrate security and privacy requirements into HIM processes and consider the ethical and legal implications related to the use of health information. The final product will be a risk report.

Outline recommendations to avoid privacy and security violations identified in audit results.
Include at least three recommendations.
Outline action plans associated with each recommendation.
Include at least three action plans.
Discuss best practices, policies, and/or procedures that directly support the recommendations and actions plans.
Pay attention to the distinctions between recommendations; action plans; and practices, policies, and/or procedures in constructing your plan. Recommendations indicate what must be done; action plans show how it must be done; best practices, policies, and/or procedures outline how, by whom,  and in which settings and circumstances the recommendations and action plans are put into effect.
Summarize key uses of HIPAA standards, and legal and ethical implications, in relation to the recommendations and action plans. 
Submission Requirements
Format: Complete your assignment in the Risk Report Template provided in the resources.
References: Follow APA style and formatting guidelines for resources and citations.
Writing: Create a document that is clearly written and generally free of grammatical errors.

Philosophy Video Questions

This is for my philosophy class that must be answered as discussion posts; I have included a file for each post/episode that includes a video and questions to answer; ANSWER THE QUESTIONS IN EACH FILE USING ATLEAST 200 WORDS FOR EACH SET OF QUESTIONS; For example, answer episode 1 questions after watching the video using a minimum of 200 words to answer all the questions, then move onto the next file episode 2 and do the same

Kim Woods W3


  This paper is a detailed and specific forum for you to consider the ethical, legal, applied, and philosophical issues relevant to counseling. 

 Though these papers are your opinion they must be informed opinion.  

Thus, you must reference and discuss specific ethical code(s), cases, articles, etc 

 Each paper must be at least 5 pages long (maximum of 8 pages per paper). 

 What you state in these papers reflect your opinion.

  You are graded on how you interpret and think about the ethics of counseling as per the specific topic of the week.


Why would HIPAA never work well in a school Counseling setting compare to a therapeutic private practice?

Market Analysis

Please read the instructions in full in the attachment in word. below is a quick summary of what needs to be done. The word document entails all info that is needed to complete this assignment.
Create 35-page executive summary of a market analysis that identifies the critical success factors of a labor and delivery service line in a targeted marketplace. This assessment uses scenarios and data from St. Anthony Medical Center, a virtual health care organization set in Minneapolis, Minnesota.


 3 methodologies 


Grounded Theory 

 Generic Qualitative Inquiry 

The assignment should be formatted as follows:

  • Section 1: Describe the process of data analysis for the first qualitative methodology that was selected (12 paragraphs).
  • Section 2: Describe the process of data analysis for the second qualitative methodology that was selected (12 paragraphs).
  • Section 3: Describe the process of data analysis for the third qualitative methodology that was selected (12 paragraphs).
  • Section 4: APA formatted reference page. (The content of your  assignment should be supported with appropriate academic sources and  include both citations and references in APA format.)

Critical Ethical Thinking in Law Enforcement

Critical Ethical Thinking and Law Enforcement”  Please respond to the following with 100 words or more; 30 words or more when responding to your classmate. Posts will be checked for plagiarism:

Read the article titled Ethics in Law Enforcement and Policing: What the Public Expects From Police and How Officers Can Deliver located at The article suggests that there are three (3) tests that can help officers with the ethical decision-making process. Discuss which one (1) of the three (3) methods you believe is the best guide for officers for ethical decision making, and provide a rationale for your choice.
The article suggests that there are values that are universally held by society. Of those values mentioned in the article, determine which three (3) you believe are most important for law enforcement officers to have, and explain your rationale.

5 Ks of Sikhism

The 5 Ks of Sikhism and the issues they raise for modern Sikhs.

Please respond to the following:

After 9/11, many Sikhs were persecuted by people in America who mistook them for Muslims. The wearing of turbans by men, the “Middle Eastern” looks, etc. In August 2012, seven people were shot and killed at a Sikh Temple in Oak Creek, Wisconsin, because the killer mistook them as Muslims. At the same time, adherents like Sheena Khandari (p. 451: read this!) are having to rethink their outward expressions of faith.

Examine the 5 Ks of Sikhism. These are the ultimate expressions of faith in Sikhism.

1) Which intrigues you the most? Why?

2) Sheena says it is not the outward expression of religion that matters; instead, it is what is inside that counts. Is this a cop out or the sign of a genuine struggle to retain her faith in light of today’s realities?

3) Should America adapt to Sikh customs (for example, Sikh policemen being allowed to wear turbans instead of helmets or hats) or should they adapt to American customs? To get full credit for this question, you need to locate one web source–blog, video, website–that supports your view