Archive for May, 2020

Physics Final Project

A final project is due and is broken up into Milestones I, II, and III. I have attached the rubric for each milestone and also the guidelines and rubric with instructions on what it is to be about.

First milestone is due on 3/21

Second milestone due on 4/4

Third milestone due on 4/11

Final project due on 4/18

Choose a small or medium fishing company e.g Cuulong Fish(Vietnam)

The report will be assessed on the following criteria:
1.    Use of models – applicability to the chosen Service systems For example, this might include:
Application of concepts, further reading? Competitive information?
Clarity of business/management research question/s and formulation of clear aims, objectives and scope.
Identify and provide relevant academic and practitioner literature, to draw inferences from the literature
2.        Depth of analysis – as opposed to description:  For example, this might include:
    Evidence of understanding of links between business strategy, the market  and service strategy  and its operating systems
    The scope of data used in the analysis and the quality of the analysis conducted, for example: Tools and Process analysis? Lean Six Sigma?Analysis of both number of mentions and importance?
    For your analysis, you need to apply at least 3 tools  : Visual Management , SPC, SIPOC, VSM, FMEA Gemba, Swim Lane Flowcharts, 5S, VOC and CTQ Tools, Changeover (SMED) procedures, CMMI, Benchmarking, Brainstorming, Affinity Diagram
    Reporting and appropriate presentation of the data generated.
3.    Extent to which the recommendations and conclusions flow from the prior analysis :
    Recommendations derived: Comprehensive, for example in terms of Strategy/services/customer/improvements8/ service innovation /business model?) Lean? Visual Management? Design for Six Sigma? Agile developments? SCRUM Model?
    Synthesis: Development of a coherent argument and critical analysis of the findings
    Relates the analysis to the academic and practitioner literature
    Findings:  generalizable, critical and/or original application of knowledge
    Conclusions/recommendations based on the analysis:
4.    CONCLUSION THE ELEVATOR PITCH  (50 words max.)
Imagine you have just bumped into the CEO of your company while travelling in the lift of your building. Suddenly you have the opportunity to convince the most powerful person in your company that your plan is a good one.  Write a brief 50 word statement of the benefit of your plan to your organisation.  Make sure you take into account the analysis and objectives youve set in this document.  This chance meeting may have a profound impact on whether your plan wins financial support but remember he/she is a busy person and wont have more than 30 seconds to listen to you!

5.    Quality of report
    Presenting professionally and integrating the sections of the plan so that it makes a coherent and persuasive argument. Well-structured? Clear text? Good appendices? Well-integrated sections?
    Coherent and concise writing? Appropriate and accurate referencing?
    Effective and well-presented figures and tables? Grammar, spelling and appropriate vocabulary?

Case Analysis 4

Develop a case analysis on this topic: Assess helicopter performance, weight and balance, and their relationship to training and emergencies. Find an issue in these topics and tie them together in a CA. Consider pilot skills, aircraft capabilities, and limitations as a part of your discussion. As always, draw upon previous module knowledge to help you conduct your analysis.

-Follow Example attached

-Make sure you isolate one specific problem and relate every section back to the problem. Try to be concise in the summary and the alt actions.


Below is a link to slides discussing a case history titled “Nimblefoot”. Review the slides as well as case information on page 147 of the text. After reading and reflecting on this case, please answer the 2 questions posed in the slides in a Word document a minimum of 1 full page, double spaced.  The rubric or grading guide below indicates how your response will be graded. A maximum of 20  points is possible.


Pros and Cons of Compliance

The CEO of your organization has become embroiled in a dispute between the head of the psychiatric department, who insists that all of the information gathered in his department is highly classified and is not subject to sharing with any other agency, and the director of the local public health agency who insists that they have the right to request that this information be included in the monthly data transfer of all health data collected by the organization.

The CEO has asked that you provide your insights as to what the issues are and who you believe to be correct in their assessment. Discuss what you would include in this feedback. Include in the discussion the pros and cons of complying with the requests from each of these parties as well as providing your perspective as to who is correct.

Use APA formatting guidelines to properly cite any references used in  your post.

Response Guidelines

American State And Local Politics?

My state is Mississippi 10-14 slides

Using the state in which you live (or another state of your choice), create a PowerPoint presentation explaining the state election and campaign process, party politics, and legislative organization and procedure. Using the CSU Online Library as a resource, you will also need to include information on gerrymandering and its impact (or lack thereof) in your state. 

You have two options for presenting your material, which have been explained below: 

Option 1: Create a detailed PowerPoint of 1014 slides, not including the title and reference slides. 

Option 2: Create a video 810 minutes in length of you presenting your PowerPoint presentation. The number of slides is up to you as long as the length of the video and the content of the PowerPoint meet the requirements. Your video should clearly show you and your presentation, and the video can be submitted by attaching it or by providing a link to the video. 

Both options must include the following information: 

  • a title slide including your name and the state you selected; 
  • a political party structure; 
  • the types of primaries utilized in your chosen state; 
  • state party organizations; 
  • state government structure; 
  • campaign methods of a state candidate/incumbent;  
  • the makeup of your state legislature (e.g., gender, age, profession); 
  • apportioning and districting information; 
  • the legislative institutionalization of your state; 
  • the party issues in your state; and 
  • three to four pictures, maps, or graphs. 

Your slides or presentation should include explanations of the aforementioned points. Please do not copy and paste lists of senators and representatives into your slides. You may include additional information that you feel is relevant, but do not create more than 14 slides. Use your creativity, and organize the material in a logical and understandable manner.

Graphing And Describing Data In Everyday Life


Suppose that you have two sets of data to work with. The first set is a list of all the injuries that were seen in a clinic in a month’s time. The second set contains data on the number of minutes that each patient spent in the waiting room of a doctor’s office. You can make assumptions about other information or variables that are included in each data set.

For each data set, propose your idea of how best to represent the key information. To organize your data would you choose to use a frequency table, a cumulative frequency table, or a relative frequency table? Why?

What type of graph would you use to display the organized data from each frequency distribution? What would be shown on each of the axes for each graph?

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Using specific examples drawn from reading, lecture and the We Shall Remain film series we have viewed, identify and discuss  3 major cultural and biological impacts of European contact with the Native populations of North America.  Be specific!

Throughout the semester we have considered female status in many different cultural contexts in Native North America.  If you were a young woman coming of age before European contact, which Tribe would you choose and why?  Be specific.

Review a case

Review and summarize the case of Tesla Motors Canada ULC v. Ontario (Ministry of Transportation), [2018] O.J. No. 4394, 2018 ONSC 5062 and explain how the case is an expression of the rule of law, basing your observations on your research of the rule of law.
Your paper should be around 12 pages in length, font Arial 12, and will be graded on the strength of your logic and arguments and demonstrated understanding of the material and subject.  For option 1, the strength of your research will also be a consideration.


 Question 1. Define and select one of the seven principles of Incident Command Structure (ICS) and describe the importance.

 Question 2. How these principles of ICS beneficial to the community in responding to incidents? 

150 words and no reference needed