Archive for May, 2020

Discussion: Motivation Theory: Supporting and Contrasting Theories WK 4

Discussion: Motivation Theory: Supporting and Contrasting Theories
When you want to build a ship, do not begin by gathering wood, cutting boards, and distributing work, but rather awaken within men the desire for the vast and endless sea.

Antoine de Saint-Exupry, The Little Prince (1943)

People around the world are different. They belong to different families and different cultures. Therefore, it is understandable that what motivates one person may not motivate another. As a DBA independent scholar at Walden University, your source of motivation as an employee or student may be different than your classmates sources. Previously, you may not have consciously considered what motivates you or those around you. However, considering your personal and your colleagues experiences with motivationalong with insight provided by research on motivation and leadershipmay help you to better motivate yourself and others. As a global change agent, you might find the motivation theory and supporting theories helpful as you gain insight into this theory and its relevancy to you and others. Perhaps you can begin by asking yourself, How will I recognize my motivation for developing leadership skills so that board members will evaluate me for an executive leadership role?

To prepare for this Discussion, consider the scope of motivation theories (e.g., inspirational motivation and the path-goal and expectancy theories) and the various components of motivation. Share with your colleagues how at least three aspects of motivation (i.e., the will to lead, express dominance, and commit to the social good of the organization) are essential in developing leadership skills (Northouse, 2019, pp. 53-54).

By Day 3
Post your analysis of three aspects of motivation (i.e., the will to lead, express dominance, and commit to the social good of the organization) that are essential in developing leadership skills and your personal experience recognizing motivation exhibited by an employee within the workplace. In your analysis, do the following:

Describe three aspects of motivation that support leadership skills and an example of how a work colleague, employee, or leader exhibited these aspects of motivation.
Explain how each of these aspects of your analysis relates to the motivation and leadership theory.
Be sure to support your work with a minimum of two specific citations from this weeks Learning Resources and one or more additional scholarly sources.

Refer to the Week 4 Discussion Rubric for specific grading elements and criteria. Your Instructor will use this rubric to assess your work.

Read a selection of your colleagues postings.

By Day 5
Respond to two or more of your colleagues postings in one or more of the following ways:

Offer insight on the strengths and weaknesses of your colleagues analysis.
Compare your analysis of motivation to your colleagues analysis, and explain what the results suggest about the nature of motivation.
Please note that, for each response, you must include a minimum of one appropriately cited scholarly reference.

Return to this Discussion in a few days to read the responses to your initial posting. Note what insights you gained as a result of reading the comments your colleagues made.

Avoid Plagarism- A Refresher


Assignment 1: Avoid Plagiarism A Refresher

Create a MS PowerPoint brief on the topic of Academic Integrity. 

  • Cover (Course, Student Name, Date)
  • Ideas/Concepts –
    • Add graphics or screen captures if desired.
    • One slide is dedicated to locating and listing at least three (3) UC resources that the university provides regarding writing assistance, avoiding plagiarism
  • Conclusion
    • A brief personal statement about your pledge to avoid academic dishonesty and what that means to you and the university (standards, morals, character, etc.)

Search UC website(s), Course Announcements for appropriate resources.  You may use the UC Library and other websites for this assignment.

Suggested Format:

Slide 1: Cover page

Slides 2-7:  Ideas/concepts – discuss academic integrity, e.g. the effects of dishonesty on the violator, the school, the original author, society, etc.

Slide 8: A brief personal statement about your pledge to avoid academic dishonesty and what that means to you and the university (standards, morals, character, etc.)

Slide 10: List 3 resources that the University of the Cumberlands or other websites which provide information to help you avoid plagiarism.

Nursing Leadership & Mgmnt Wk 10 DQ 10

Just answer questions

No minimum word count

APA format


Read Chapter 12

1. What are three questions you should ask yourself when you begin your job search?

2. What are the most common mistakes people make in preparing their rsums?

3. What should you know about your prospective employer before the job interview?

4. What should the interviewee try to achieve during a job interview? What should you look for? What red flags should you watch for?

5. What can you do in advance to prepare for the changes during the first year of employment?

6. Create your own SWOT analysis. How would you respond to your personal strengths and weaknesses if you were a prospective employer? How can you enhance your strengths and improve in areas of weakness?

7. Draw a career path for yourself, beginning with the present year and extending to the age of retirement. Be sure to include any twists and turns of the path you expect to experience along the way and any barriers you expect to encounter. How will you handle these experiences?

Do an online nationwide search for information about current job prospects in nursing.Compare opportunities in various regions of the country. Why do you think these opportunities are the same or different?

5. Develop a list of questions that you should ask a potential employer. What homework will you need to do to prepare for an interview? 

Asian American Studies

1.Final Essay: Assemblage (1000 Words)

Form: The form of this essay is an assemblage of many different elements of writing, taking after Jackie Wang. You must include at least 10 of the following 13 things (though try to include all of them): a poem, an image, a quote, five uses of the word you, five uses of the word we, five uses of the word I, three question, a heading, a remix, a reference, a transcript, anaphora, two asterisks. You may use each item more than once; you probably will. Each usage beyond the required total does not add to your total count towards 14 things (ie. using 5 asterisks still counts as 1 thing).

 Content: The content of this essay will circulate around your choice of at least two of the following themes of the course: colonialism, gender, queerness, neoliberalism, the family, migration, empire, visibility, multiplicity, carcerality, or any other pertinent theme. Implicitly or creatively answer any amount of the following questions: Why are these themes are important to you? What do they mean to you? How do they help you? How do they still confuse you? What do you want to do with them? Who cares? Why do you care? What will you do now? Where are you going? Where did you come from? What are your hopes? What are your desires? What are your fears? What do you remember? Who do you love?

Citations: You must reference or cite four texts, either poems or essays, from the readings weve done in class.

2.On Global Racial Systems (250 Words)

Asian racial formationsas noncitizen labor, as model minority, as threatening capitalist rival devalue Asians and  measure and mediate geopolitical and  national transformations. In our current moment, Asianness as model minority/model modernity is an index of the present U.S. settler racial order that reduces and dehumanizes blackness as surplus population, constructs Indigenous peoples as extinct or vanishing, and frames Muslims as threatening violence.

The authors of our final essay articulate our current moment as one in which various Asian racial formations both devalue Asians and also devalue other populations. Which part of this essay was most important to you? Where did you feel most drawn to? Why?


For this assignment, you will use at least two secondary sources to support your analysis. Make sure you follow the rules for MLA format when citing outside sources (see Norton pp. 1953-62). Include “Works Cited” at the end of your essay.


Discuss the use of symbolism as it contributes to the theme in one of the following stories:

“Araby,” p. 288

Las Polleras De Agus

There have a company call Las Polleras de Agus. And there have Company profile.

The 11 page paper for content does NOT include the cover page, the table of contents page, and the works cited page .

The objective of this assignment is to meet or exceed the content requirement addressing 3 theories or concepts in each areas Human Relations, Communications, Intercultural Relations, and Ethics.

Ethics issue . You only need 3 of the Ethical Yardstick or a combination of 2 Ethical Yardsticks and Strategic Ambiguity  

Remember to include in the Introduction the type of organization (vertical, horizontal note most are vertical) and an Organization chart

Remember to identify 3 key findings of your study in the conclusion

The last task is to prepare an Executive Summary which should be a page describing an overview of your findings in each of the concepts or theories as well as including your 3 key findings.

Remember to include a Works Cited page

The 10-minute Oral Video presentation of your PowerPoint or Prezi should be 10 minutes

Remember to review the rating sheet to ensure you have complied with the requirements for this project.

This course has been about meeting the criteria for each assignment and conforming to an expected timeframe; also known as project management and time management.   This approach provides the framework for working within constraints of a business environment. 

Once you get into the business/government/non-profit world you will be expected to comply with the organizations way of doing things which means you will need to focus on Why/What/How/Who should be included in successfully meeting the project or program goals.  There will also be a time management requirement, that is the When will the project be due. This time management of When may include incremental milestones as well as a final expected due date.



Name _____________________

Homework III:  Tactics and Resources

There are three parts to this assignment, all three need to be completed for full credit.

Part 1

For part 1 review the six categories of tactical plans (product and service tactics; process tactics; standards and evaluation tactics; organizational and structural tactics; marketing and sales tactics; and customer tactics) on pp. 179-181 of Barksdale and Lund. Identify 3 tactics that you will be using in your strategic plan, and complete the table below.

NOTE: Here’s a write-up on the difference between metrics and measures. You will need this information to finish this assignment. Preview the document

Due Tomorrow


Week 9 Assignment 5: Social Media
Due Week 9 and worth 150 points

Your best friend Anthony Drums has asked your help in securing a job where you work. You want to help your friend, but you know his social media sites have photos and other material that violate your companys social media policy. You also know that the human resources department of your company always does a thorough search of social media sites of prospective hires. You need to write an email to your friend that explains which content needs to be deleted from his social media accounts and why. You need to discuss how refusal to delete the inappropriate photos and material might impact his ability to get the job. Your email should clearly and specifically state the relevant rules from your companys social media policy.

Create a one to two (1-2) paragraph email in which you:

  1. Create a one to two (1-2) paragraph email.
  2. Target the appropriate professional audience.
  3. Use appropriate language for professional audience.
  4. Use correct email formatting.
  5. Follow appropriate netiquette rules for electronic communication.
  6. Use correct sentence mechanics, grammar, spelling, punctuation, and style.
  7. Provide the following heading on your email and then begin your email:
    1. TO: Anthony Drums
    2. FROM: Insert Your Name
    3. SUBJECT: Create a title that relates to your topic and gets your audiences attention

Non-Profit Personnel

It is important to have the right people in the right positions. Not having the right fit may lead to many issues such as not getting optimal performance from the individual, which affects the organization.

Read the article:

Ponder the following for your classroom discussion:

How does the leaders character traits affect the success of the organization?
How feasible is it for an organization to change direction without changing its leader?
How do agency employees embrace an administration while opposing its policies?
How can loyalty for employees be demonstrated in the midst of leadership upheaval

Assignment: Taxonomy of Leadership Theories WK 3

Assignment: Taxonomy of Leadership Theories
Leadership attracts significant attention from researchers in a variety of fields. Researchers have developed a variety of theories to explain the nature and practice of leadership. Of course, no one theory exists in a vacuum. Each theory draws on the work of previous researchers. Moreover, researchers routinely revise older theories based on research completed after the initial theories were developed. For instance, research on charismatic and transformational leadership draws on earlier research on trait theory. In addition, trait theorists develop new theories that address the role of situation in leadership. These new theories are a direct result of the subsequent development of situational theory. As a possible contributor to the field of leadership research, you should have an understanding of and appreciation for the breadth and depth of leadership research and the relationships among the various theories.

To prepare for this Assignment, review this weeks Learning Resources and select four leadership theories. Search the Walden Library for additional peer-reviewed, scholarly resources about your selected leadership theories. You should use both the articles in the Learning Resources and additional scholarly resources in your evaluation.

By Day 7
Submit an evaluation of at least four leadership theories in the form of a properly formatted, APA-compliant taxonomy table. For each of the theories you select, you should include the following:

The name of the theory
The year the theory was introduced
The theorist/author
Key components of the theory
For each theory presented, be sure to include a minimum of two references to peer-reviewed, scholarly resources, as well as appropriate in-text citations.

Note: Be sure to use the Leadership Theory Taxonomy Template to complete this Assignment. Also, refer to the Week 3 Assignment Rubric for specific grading elements and criteria. Your Instructor will use this rubric to assess your work.

Submission and Grading Information
To submit your completed Assignment for review and grading, do the following:

Please save your Assignment using the naming convention WK3Assgn+last name+first initial.(extension) as the name.
Click the Week 3 Assignment Rubric to review the Grading Criteria for the Assignment.
Click the Week 3 Assignment link. You will also be able to View Rubric for grading criteria from this area.
Next, from the Attach File area, click on the Browse My Computer button. Find the document you saved as WK3Assgn+last name+first initial.(extension) and click Open.
If applicable: From the Plagiarism Tools area, click the checkbox for I agree to submit my paper(s) to the Global Reference Database.
Click on the Submit button to complete your submission.