Archive for May, 2020

Cold War

There are three basic schools of thought when it comes to the causes of the international Cold War:
1. Traditionalist- Caused by USSR
2. Revisionist- Caused by USA
3. Post Revisionist Caused by both USA and USSR with some third world influence.
In this essay you are to discuss the three major schools of thought regarding the causes of the Cold War, You will examine nine (9)  scholarly books or articles on the International Cold War. You will summarize and classify each authors argument, explain why the argument does or does not have merit and explain WHY you agree or disagree with the position without using first person. For your convenience, I will post 12-14 Articles on Canvas to help. YOU MUST HAVE 3 Articles from each school. Your Conclusion will discuss which school of thought you support and why.

Essay Exams Essay exams are based on an 11-paragraph format and are Graded as follows:

Paragraph 1 (5 points) 0-5 points Based on the quality of the thesis. Additional Deductions will be made for poor grammar, spelling, and capitalization

Paragraphs 2-10
0-2 points awarded for the assertion, 0-2 points for evidence, 1 point for analysis (argument)0-5 points are awarded for proper grammar, spelling, and capitalization, as well as following proper Historical Conventions.

Paragraph 11
0-5 Points awarded on a proper conclusion and weighting of evidence. Additional Deductions will be made for poor grammar, spelling, and capitalizationAdditional

Additions or deductions
Up to 10 extra points will be awarded for proper Chicago style cover page, footnotes, and formatting
Up to 10 additional extra points will be awarded for a proper Chicago Style Alphabetized Bibliography
No Extra points are awarded if the required number of sources are not used

Wk 3 – Fraud Article Summary


Research an article in the University Library or from another credible source. The article should be about a recent accounting fraud incident within a company.

Summarize the article in 400 words. 

Describe any measures you believe could have been used to avoid the problems presented in the article.

Extra Credit 2

Please review the Ted Talks YouTube video.

The extra credit assignment is based on a YouTube video entitled “Why You Will Fail to Have a Great Career” by Larry Smith, an economics professor at the University of Waterloo in Canada. The video is funny but gives very honest tips to motivate people to follow their goals and dreams.  In two full paragraphs, please answer the following questions:

1. Identify one thing you have learned from the video as it relates to you and your goals.

2. What recommendations would you share with an expatriate as an International HR Manager that would help them become motivated about an expatriate assignment based on what you have learned from the video?

Biology Assignment 1

Biology Assignment 

You are a doctor in a hospital, and a patient is experiencing trouble with her skin repairing itself from a cut. The patient is also expecting a child, but the cells in the reproduction development are experiencing malfunction in cell division.

  • Describe the stages of each type      of cell reproduction process from a normal patient whose body cells can      repair themselves and normal cell division during the reproductive      development of the unborn baby.
  • Explain the disadvantages and      advantages of each type of cell division.
  • Discuss how the patient      experiencing problems with the cells repairing from the cut and the      child’s reproduction development malfunctions can alter haploid and      diploid cell development.


1000 Words


12 point , Calibri   Font, no more than 1″ margins

Program/File Type

Submit in Word


Should be pasted   into the Word document if possible.

Referencing system

APA referencing   system is necessary in assignments, especially material copied from the   Internet. 

For examples of correct citations, visit the following 

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Use the resources provided to help you respond to the following:

Gallo, C. (2014). The unbreakable laws of storytelling. Khosla Ventures. [Transcript]. Retrieved from

Gallo, C. (2014). TED Talks are Wildly Addictive for Three Powerful Scientific Reasons. Forbes. Retrieved from

Outline the key elements of a business story.
What are important points to keep in mind when telling a business story?
How might you use stories in your work (now or in the future)?
Optionally, you may want to discuss:
How things are going with writing your story for the Week 9 assignment.
How the elements of your story align with the elements outlined by Gallo.
Any issues you are having with the assignment that your peers might be able to help with.

High Stakes Testing

Resources: Local or state testing programs, regulations, and handbooks; 

Research the requirements for any high-stakes testing and the practices for ethics violations and misadministration.

Create an infographic of the expectations for high-stakes testing.

ECO 310 RP


Answer one of the following:

1. The great problem facing capitalists in this period was the creation of an industrial workforce. How was this problem solved?

2. What factors determined where the transition to wage labor happened early, and where it happened later or not at all?

3. What kinds of people were the first to be employed in factories? Why them?

4. Why did people resist proletarianization? How were they able to resist becoming wage workers, or to improve their conditions once they did?

5. Beckert writes that “the capitalist revolution succeeded because it remained incomplete.” What does he mean by this?

Discussion: Organizational Stress: Positive or Negative? WK 5

Watch the video in the link below
How To Deal With Stress as a Leader – Miles Adcox (  )

Discussion: Organizational Stress: Positive or Negative?
Consider the following two scenarios:

Scenario 1
The atmosphere at a small technology firm in California is always confusing and chaotic. Employees are under constant pressure to meet deadlines, and expectations frequently and suddenly change. Despite the lack of clarity, supervisors frequently reprimand employees for failure to perform. Supervisors often give these reprimands publicly. Employees constantly compete for supervisor attention.

Scenario 2

Workers at a business consulting firm in Massachusetts do the same job they have done in the same way they have done it for the past 10 years. Employees receive almost no supervision or feedback. Leadership does little to promote change or foster creativity. Employees rarely communicate with those outside of their departments. Employees work quietly in an orderly manner but receive little stimulation.

It is likely easy to identify which of the scenarios is less stressful, but is either environment desirable or indicative of a healthy organization?

Normally, the term organizational stress is a negative concept. The majority of stress researchers have focused on personal distress rather than on examining the positive aspect of stress called eustress (Chou et al., 2014). Scholars and practitioners need to give more attention to the question of if and when organizational stress can be beneficial.

To prepare for this Discussion, consider your experiences with stress in organizations and how you as a leader would address organizational stress.

By Day 3
Post your evaluation of the impact of organizational stress on the health of an organization. In your evaluation, do the following:

Explain whether you think organizational stress can be positive, negative, or both.
Then, given your proposed nature of stress, explain how you, as a leader, would work to promote or minimize stress within your organization.
Identify two or more specific tools and strategies you would employ to assess and manage organizational stress.
Be sure to support your work with a minimum of two specific citations from this weeks Learning Resources and one or more additional scholarly sources.

Refer to the Week 5 Discussion Rubric for specific grading elements and criteria. Your Instructor will use this rubric to assess your work.

Read a selection of your colleagues postings.

By Day 5
Respond to two or more of your colleagues postings in one or more of the following ways:

Offer an example from personal experience that validates your colleagues evaluation of organizational stress. Explain how your example validates his or her experiences.
Critique one or more of your colleagues suggested strategies and/or tools for assessing employee stress, and offer an alternative perspective.
Please note that, for each response, you must include a minimum of one appropriately cited scholarly reference.

Return to this Discussion in a few days to read the responses to your initial posting. Note what insights you gained as a result of reading the comments your colleagues made.

response paper

Think about the ways in which both Ruggles and Gonzales use contemporary experiences to re-think historic Islamic architecturein this case, the Alhambra. Gonzalez compares the monument to a contemporary artwork made in 1992, while Ruggles analyzes the history of the palace as a public space and museum.

In a 300-word response, evaluate their successes/failures in using this approach and cite at least one example from one of the readings which supports your opinion.

Upload as PDF

global leadership

You will have to take your Globe Smart Cultural assessment at and follow the instructions to take the assessment)
Compare your profile against your home country and at least about 4 other countries. Two of these countries should be in your immediate home country proximity and two other countries should be in a completely opposite side of the world. For instance, say you pick India, Vietnam, Australia, China, or Japan in the one set, you pick Britain, United States, Canada, Brazil, or Peru in another set.
Seek advice from the GlobeSmart again how your style matches against the various countries.
Develop a Personal Leadership Profile that will best suit all these competencies should you work in any of these countries, have team members in your project or in your department, or need to interface with people from these countries as clients, suppliers, vendors, etc.

1. APA Style Coversheet
2. Introduction (high-level findings from taking this Globe Smart Self-reflection)
3, 4, 5, 6, 7. For every five traits (Independent vs Independent, Egalitarian vs Status, Risk vs Certainty, Direct vs Indirect, Task vs Relationship), address the following. 
    a. Summarize your understanding of this trait
    b. How was your profile different from the countries you selected?
    c. What do you think was the reason behind the differences?
    d. From the list of recommendations given by the Globe Smart tool, what do you relate and can implement?
8. Conclusion
9. Appendix (Pictures of GlobeSmart profile analysis and recommendations given by GlobeSmart)
10. References