Archive for May, 2020

to recognize and understand the effects of culture on pain, perception, responses, and management

The culture chosen would be the chinese
These are the questions below needed to be answered.

1. Describe the different natures of pain (physical, emotional, etc.)
2. Describe the relationship between ethnic background and pain.
3. Discuss ethnic differences in pain perception and pain responses
4. Explain how a nurses own culture, personal bias, values and beliefs may alter the
interpretation of patients pain experience .
5. What might some variations be in assessment of pain when caring for the ethnic group
you chose? What are the verbal cues? What are the non-verbal cues?
6. Which pain assessment tool would you use? Why?
7. What might some variations of nursing interventions be in management of pain when
caring for the ethnic group you chose? Pharmaceutical: Traditional? Alternative? Interprofessional?

Assignment 4: Current and Future Economic Issues Impacting Healthcare Sector

Provide a detailed description of the issues that you have researched.
Analyze the most significant economic effects of the researched issues on healthcare industry. Provide at least two (2) examples of these issues to support your response.
Suggest specific strategies that relevant entities / stakeholders may use to address the selected issues from an economic perspective. Justify your response.
Determine the strategic manner in which the United States can apply best economic best practices from other countries in addressing these issues.
Assess the likelihood of government and or private sector effectively addressing the issues.
Use at least ten (10) current references. Five (5) of these references must be from current peer-reviewed sources to support and substantiate your comments and perspectives.

CLA1- Week 8 – My Internship:

In a 1-3 page paper describe your workplace. You are to analyze the strategic objectives of your organization, and reflect on your contribution towards achieving such objectives. Illustrate your understanding of the organization’s marketing strategy, competitive differentiation, and advantages. 

Your paper should be formatted in the APA style and should include at least three references: the place, one reflection related to a course (textbook) and one scholarly journal.

Exploring Global Student Values With Descriptive Statistics

PROJECT 2: Exploring Global Student Values with Descriptive Statistics

For this project, we are exploring the global social values of our classmates. You will be asked to analyze three (3) different variables taken from Pew Research Centers survey on Global Attitudes and Trends (GAT) For each variable, you will need to compose a detailed statistical report, a frequency distribution (lesson 2), a graph/chart (lesson 2), a central tendency analysis (lesson 3), and a variability analysis (lesson 4). This project emphasizes learning goals and objectives 1, 2, 3, and 7 as listed in the syllabus. 

  • Download the Project 2 Guidebook here: Preview the document
    • This document contains the instructions, rubric, example, data information, and SPSS instructions needed for the project.
  • Download the Project 2 data file here: 
    • This is the data I collected from our World Values Survey. You will need to open this file in SPSS in order to analyze the data.
      • Sample: Undergraduates enrolled in Dr. Toothmans online social science statistics course (n = 94)
      • Sampling Procedure: Convenience sample taken online with offer of extra credit.
      • Target Population: Thats up to you!

Week 3 Project



Supporting Lecture:

Review the following lecture:

  • Forecasting Human Resources


The project assignment provides a forum for analyzing and evaluating relevant topics for this week on the basis of the course competencies covered.


You are the VP of HR, and the CEO has inquired whether a succession plan and a talent development plan is right for your organization. You need to prepare your proposal for a succession plan, and a talent development plan to present to the board of directors. Research an organizational chart of organization of your choice and answer the following questions:

  • Why is it crucial for HR professionals in this industry to be fully aware of their organizations strategy planning and talent development?
  • What levels within the organization should be included in succession planning? Why? What levels would you exclude? Why?
  • What levels within the organization should be included in talent development? Why? What levels would you exclude? Why?
  • What positions are critical to the continued success of this organization?

To support your work, use your course and text readings and also use the . As in all assignments, cite your sources in your work and provide references for the citations in APA format.

Submission Details

  • Present a 3- to 4-page paper in a Microsoft Word document formatted in APA style. Cite any sources using the APA guidelines.
  • Name your file as SU_HRM5010_w3_Project_LastName_FirstName.

The correlation between the rise in cesarean deliveries and the maternal mortality rate

Paper has 4 Parts (Total of 10 pages, plus cover and reference page, APA format)

Part 1: (4 pages in length)
Introducing the research topic, formulating a research problem, defining the quantitative research methodology, research design, completing a literature review using 4 peer-reviewed resources, presenting the research purpose, and developing a hypothesis for a quantitative study addressing a clinical problem.
Please use the headings below for your paper (center and bold):
-Research Topic
-Research Problem
-Research Purpose
-Research Design (A design that you decide to use for example, quasi-experimental, experimental, And Descriptive. See textbook for more designs. 
-Literature Review (using 4 peer-reviewed resources)

Part 2: (2 pages in length)
In Part 2 of the research paper, you will continue to write about these following linear sequence steps of the quantitative research proposal paper on: 
The population and the setting for the quantitative study.
The importance of selecting a representative sample when conducting research studies.
Please use the headings below for your paper (center and bold):
-Population and Setting

Part 3: (2 pages in length)
In Part 3 of the research paper, you will continue to write about these following linear sequence steps of the quantitative research proposal paper on: 
The plan for data collection for the quantitative study
The statistical analysis plan that will be used to analyze the data
Please use the headings below for your paper (center and bold):
-Data Collection
-Analysis Plan

Part 4: ( 2 pages in length)
In Part 4 of the research paper, the final phase of the quantitative research paper, students will finalize the paper by writing: 
How the quantitative research findings will be significant to enhance nursing practice, and nursing  research
The plan to communicate your research findings at your place of employment.
Please use the headings below for your paper (center and bold):
-Significance to Nursing Practice, and  Nursing Research
-Dissemination of Information                   

Assessment 3 Instructions: PICO(T) Questions And An Evidence-Based Approach

Create a 3-5-page submission in which you develop a PICO(T) question for a specific care issue and evaluate the evidence you locate, which could help to answer the question.

PICO(T) is an acronym that helps researchers and practitioners define aspects of a potential study or investigation. 

It stands for:

  • P Patient/population/problem.
  • I Intervention.
  • C Comparison (of potential interventions, typically).
  • O – Outcome(s).
  • T – Time frame (if time frame is relevant).

The end goal of applying PICO(T) is to develop a question that can help guide the search for evidence (Boswell & Cannon, 2015). From this perspective, a PICO(T) question can be a valuable starting point for nurses who are starting to apply an evidence-based model or EBPs. By taking the time to precisely define the areas in which the nurse will be looking for evidence, searches become more efficient and effective. Essentially, by precisely defining the types of evidence within specific areas, the nurse will be more likely to discover relevant and useful evidence during their search.

You are encouraged to complete the Vila Health PCI(T) Process activity before you develop the plan proposal. This activity offers an opportunity to practice working through creating a PICO(T) question within the context of an issue at a Vila Health facility. These skills will be necessary to complete Assessment 3 successfully. This is for your own practice and self-assessment and demonstrates your engagement in the course.

Demonstration of Proficiency

By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the course competencies through the following assessment scoring guide criteria:

  • Competency 1: Interpret findings from scholarly quantitative, qualitative, and outcomes research articles and studies.     
    • Explain the findings from articles or other sources of evidence.
  • Competency 2: Analyze the relevance and potential effectiveness of evidence when making a decision.     
    • Identify sources of evidence that could be potentially effective in answering a PICO(T) question.
    • Explain the relevance of the findings from chosen sources of evidence to making decision related to a PICO(T) question.
  • Competency 3: Apply an evidence-based practice model to address a practice issue.     
    • Define a practice issue to be explored via a PICO(T) approach.
  • Competency 5: Apply professional, scholarly communication strategies to lead practice changes based on evidence.     
    • Communicate using writing that is clear, logical, and professional with correct grammar and spelling using current APA style.

Boswell, C., & Cannon, S. (2015). Introduction to nursing research. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Professional Context

As a baccalaureate-prepared nurse, you will be responsible for locating and identifying credible and scholarly resources to incorporate the best available evidence for the purposes of enhancing clinical reasoning and judgement skills. When reliable and relevant evidence-based findings are utilized, patients, health care systems, and nursing practice outcomes are positively impacted.

PICO(T) is a framework that can help you structure your definition of the issue, potential approach that you are going to use, and your predictions related the issue. Word choice is important in the PICO(T) process because different word choices for similar concepts will lead you toward different existing evidence and research studies that would help inform the development of your initial question.


For this assessment, please use an issue of interest from your current or past nursing practice.

If you do not have an issue of interest from your personal nursing practice, then review the optional Case Studies presented in the resources and select one of those as the basis for your assessment.


For this assessment, select an issue of interest an apply the PICO(T) process to define the question and research it.

Your initial goal is to define the population, intervention, comparison, and outcome. In some cases, a time frame is relevant and you should include that as well, when writing a question you can research related to your issue of interest. After you define your question, research it, and organize your initial findings, select the two sources of evidence that seem the most relevant to your question and analyze them in more depth. Specifically, interpret each source’s specific findings and best practices related to your issues, as well explain how the evidence would help you plan and make decisions related to your question.

If you need some structure to organize your initial thoughts and research, the PICOT Question and Research Template document (accessible from the “” page in the Capella library’s Evidence Based Practice guide) might be helpful.

In your submission, make sure you address the following grading criteria:

  • Define a practice issue to be explored via a PICO(T) approach.
  • Identify sources of evidence that could be potentially effective in answering a PICO(T) question.
  • Explain the findings from articles or other sources of evidence.
  • Explain the relevance of the findings from chosen sources of evidence to making decision related to a PICO(T) question.
  • Communicate using writing that is clear, logical, and professional with correct grammar and spelling using current APA style.

Example Assessment: You may use the following to give you an idea of what a Proficient or higher rating on the scoring guide would look like:

  • .

Additional Requirements

Your assessment should meet the following requirements:

  • Length of submission: Create a 35-page submission focused on defining a research question and interpreting evidence relevant to answering it. A title page is not required but you must include a reference list.
  • Number of references: Cite a minimum of four sources of scholarly or professional evidence that support your findings and considerations. Resources should be no more than 5 years old.
  • APA formatting: Format references and citations according to current APA style.

Discussion Board

  1. Explain the meaning of Plato’s Allegory of the Cave.
  2. Do you think this could be applied to today’s context? How? Give specific examples.
  3. Based on what happened to Socrates, what are some of the risks of the philosophical enterprise.
  4. Pick the most accurate definition of “What is Philosophy” from this video. State the name of the professor and the time lapse of the moment. 

Reflection: Climate Change

In this reflection, you are preparing a scientifically informed response to someone who expresses a question, or incorrect assumption regarding climate change.  You will identify the situation and audience, then write a narrative that informs your audience. 

Begin with a section title Situation and Audience, followed by a brief description.   Examples:

Situation and Audience: While at dinner, Uncle Joe remarks that the question of climate change is just a political one.

Situation and Audience: Hometown librarian requests a mini talk at the library on climate change.

Be creative, yet try to make this reflection something you could try out in the future.

After identifying the situation and audience, your reflection should include at least three (3) scientifically based points that explain the reason for, or nature of climate change. Write about each in a separate paragraph that includes a clear topic sentence that identifies your point. Follow each topic sentence with several sentences of supporting or explanatory text or graphics.  You should include evidence gained from our text and the links provided in the guided notetaking:  this reflection is not intended as a research project.  You are welcome, however to include additional resources. 

In a fourth paragraph, identify one effect of climate change that you believe might be most important to your audience, followed by supporting or explanatory text.

Finally, while no one person can solve the problem of climate change, suggest what you personally plan to do or think others might do in relation to the problem.  It is ok if you think the action is exceedingly small.  It is a first step.

Include references where appropriate.  Cut and paste of links is acceptable for website citations.  You may cite our course text as Environmental Chemistry (4th edition) by VanLoon and Duffy. 

There is no specific length requirement for the reflection; however, my estimate is it will take 500-1,000 words to do a good job.  VIEW THE RUBRIC before you begin so that you understand how points will be awarded.

Assignment: Research Study: An Annotated Bibliography WK 5

Watch the video in the link below
How To Deal With Stress as a Leader – Miles Adcox (  )

Assignment: Research Study: An Annotated Bibliography
Although you are just beginning your doctoral journey, you should begin giving thought to your research topic. As you are continuing to learn, scholarly research and writing are critical skills required for completing the DBA program, including your Doctoral Study. One aspect of scholarly research is developing a systematic way of collecting your articles and using them for current and future work. Creating an annotated bibliography is the method for developing and storing invaluable research information. Your initial steps to create an annotated bibliography provide you with opportunities to collect scholarly, peer-reviewed research material from articles, journals, reports, and seminal books that can help you to lay the foundation for the completion of your Doctoral Study. Mastering the systematic building of your annotated bibliography early will save you time as you progress toward the completion of your Doctoral Study.

To prepare for this Assignment, select three peer-reviewed scholarly articles, with each article addressing a topic of your interest for research.

For more information and an example of an annotated bibliography, refer to the Walden Writing Centers annotated bibliography resource in this weeks Learning Resources.

By Day 7
Submit an annotated bibliography for the three peer-reviewed resources you selected. In your annotated bibliography, include the following:

A full APA-style bibliographic reference for each resource that includes the author, date, title, place of publication, and publisher
A summary of the document (23 paragraphs for each entry), including the main points, its purpose, the theoretical perspective on which it is based, and the scope
For each article, evaluate the following:
Reliability (research methods used, theories used, and data on which it is based)
Appropriateness for the intended audience
Background and authority of the author
Limitations of the research (which can depend on the scope, reliability, age of the document, and bias)
Significance of the research
Note: Be sure to use the Sample Annotated Bibliography template to complete this Assignment. Also, refer to the Week 5 Assignment Rubric for specific grading elements and criteria. Your Instructor will use this rubric to assess your work.

Submission and Grading Information
To submit your completed Assignment for review and grading, do the following:

Please save your Assignment using the naming convention WK5Assgn+last name+first initial.(extension) as the name.
Click the Week 5 Assignment Rubric to review the Grading Criteria for the Assignment.
Click the Week 5 Assignment link. You will also be able to View Rubric for grading criteria from this area.
Next, from the Attach File area, click on the Browse My Computer button. Find the document you saved as WK5Assgn+last name+first initial.(extension) and click Open.
If applicable: From the Plagiarism Tools area, click the checkbox for I agree to submit my paper(s) to the Global Reference Database.
Click on the Submit button to complete your submission.