Archive for May, 2020

Death Scenario Paper (Need Within 15 Hrs)

Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper including the following:

  • Describe, in detail, the thoughts and emotions you felt while imagining the scenario.
  • If you did experience this event, how do you think you would handle the final moments?
  • If you did experience this event, how would you describe your life up to this point?
  • In what ways can traumatic events be opportunities for growth?

Note:  -Please double space the body of the text on all assignments.

Psychological Compliance Techniques

Think about a time in which someone used the foot in the door technique, the door in the face technique, or the psychological reactance technique on you. What method did they use? Describe the situation. Were you influenced to comply; why or why not? Discuss.

Daughter of Immigrants

Add to paper!

Daughter of Immigrants

Born in a city embraced of ethnic cultures and pride in ones roots; Los Angeles is the city of dreams. Where immigrants come to from all over the world to pursue the American Dream and provide a future of opportunities for their children. Our parents struggled to get here whether is be the legal way or not.  Hispanic/Latino families are raised to stick together and take care of their own.  How we treat others says a lot about our character and who we are as people. Raised to give respect and to be appreciative of everything we have in life. Little did we know what life had in store.  At the age of 5 my father had an opportunity to work in a different state, Arkansas. He was excited to move out of the city where the violence was getting to be unbearable.  Moving to a small town was just what his family needed in his eyes. A new environment, new school, new friends for his children.  The perfect fresh start, little did he know how that would affect his children when it came time for them to start school.  

Springdale, Arkansas was a majority white town, I was one out of two Hispanic children in the class. Being a new child in a school where no one spoke Spanish was hard on me.  I was different, I no longer felt like I belonged, I was an outcast.  Every day I would have to leave who I was and be someone else when I walked into school.  As the years moved on the Hispanic/Latino students were finally sent to a class throughout the week known as English as a second language (ESL). As a child you feel targeted when you have to leave class to go learn more English (even if you fluent).  It separates you from the rest of the population in the school.  When we had to fill out forms about our race, I couldnt relate so I would typically put other.  

My parents made it a priority while in the home to embrace our culture and celebrate the traditions of our culture. No matter how much we wanted to quit or give up growing up, we knew that was not an option.  My father would always say no matter what, always stay one step ahead think about the possibilities and continue to push.  From being a first-generation high school graduate to now a first-generation college student. As a daughter of immigrants, I overcame, I struggled and I learned valuable life lessons.   I did what I had to, to make my parents proud to show them the life they changed and struggled so hard for paid off.  

PH 520 Discussion 8

Discussion Prompt 1: Select one of the peer-reviewed articles you have read in this course. Discuss how this article has affected your perspective regarding how statistics can help inform public health policies and practices. Please include the reference to the article so others can read it.

Discussion Prompt 2: Which specific topics or activities covered in this class will be potentially useful to you in your current or future position? Did your perceptions about statistics change from the beginning of this course to now? Explain your answer.

Start Discussion prompt 2 on the second page please,

Please select a peer reviewed article on prompt one from CDC in regards to diabetes and a correlation with obesity

For Prompt 2: the whole class was in regards to biostatistics, pick any topic in regards to biostatistics and you can talk about that

Two Assignments

Discussion-500 words with 2 references


Per Fennelly (2017: 219-228), countermeasures concentrate extensively on deterring unauthorized users entering the organizations security center. It is worth noting that external and internal users are conspirators. External perpetrators often gain legitimate access to organizations network center in the guise of technicians, professional consultants and irritated employees. You have been retained as the lead director of Adam Smith, Inc. Security Data Center:

  • Provide an active three long-range plan to deter and deny external perpetrators access to the corporate center?
  • Provide an active three long-range plan to deter and deny internal perpetrators access to the corporate center?
  • Provide an active three long-range plan to deter and deny disgruntled employees access to the corporate center?
  • How can you identify such individuals or group of individuals? 

Assginment -700 words 3 references



Deterrence is designated to dissuade potential violators from launching threat and criminal acts against organizations. Aura Security in physical security is often heightened by security professional measures such as signs placed along perimeters near openings of the facility. Aura security strives to create strong phycological deterrent warning offenders and keeping them away from the facility. Deterrence has very limited or no physical security mechanism and Detection apparatus is used in most facilities to detect perpetrators. Such devices include devices closed circuit television (CCTV), intrusion sensors, duress alarms, weapons screening devices and protective dogs.  Traditionally, these devices are installed to identify violators upon arrival in the facility.

  • The university president is very concerned about external threats. What countermeasures such as deterrence or detection must be implemented on campus to enhance student, faculty and staff security?

Geographic Crime Analysis

  1. The command staff has approached you regarding how best to distribute resources in order to curtail crime in various beats.
  2. Go to the Chicago crime map () and select four beats that are in different parts of the city. In the Optional settings, click on Index- More Serious Offenses. Select four types of crime that you will be comparing for each of the four beats.
  3. From that data for each beat, compare the beats, and determine the highest frequency of each of the four types crimes for each beat, including the highest and lowest frequency by month. Create a chart to compile this data.
  4. Create a Memo with the chart embedded, to the command staff that summarizes the analysis of your findings regarding the comparison of the various types of crimes in the four beats. In the memo, explain to the command staff everything that he might need to know to make the best decision. Support your analysis with Research.

Be sure to cite three to five relevant scholarly sources in support of your content. 

Explanation Essay Based Off The Vampires In The Lemon Grove

Explanation essay on the story Vampire in the Lemon Grove by Karen Russel.

Must pick 2 literacy devices

MUST INCLUDE – INTRO with the thesis being the last sentence in the intro & a Title no more then 4 words

2 BODYS BOTH ABOUT A SYMBOL (2 separate symbols)

Pick a symbol and explain, include work cited on a different page 

Then a conclusion for a total of 4 paragraphs!!!! paragraphs must have  7 sentences in them As the minimum.

APA, 500-750 Words. The Description Is Below:

Making research decisions:

Provide turn it in report.

Answer the question below (a-e):

*In the following situations, decide whether you would use a personal interview, telephone survey, or self-administered questionnaire. Give your reasons.

a. A survey of the residents of a new subdivision on why they happened to select that area in which to live. You also wish to secure some information about what they like and do not like about life in the subdivision.

b. A poll of students at Metro University on their preferences among three candidates who are running for president of the student government.

c. A survey of 58 wholesale grocery companies, scattered over the eastern United States, on their personnel management policies for warehouse personnel.

d. A survey of financial officers of the Fortune 500 corporations to learn their predictions for the economic outlook in their industries in the next year.

e. A study of applicant requirements, job tasks, and performance expectations as part of a job analysis of student work-study jobs on a college campus of 2,000 students, where 1500 are involved in the work-study program.

Book: Business Research Methods 13th Edition / Author: Pamela S. Schindler

Chapter 9, question 6.


-500750 words

Each answer must be supported by references to at least 2 peer-reviewed sources and 1 biblical integration.

-Use proper grammar and current APA format.


Case Study: Bone Screw

Read the file attached here called “Information about Case Study”. Then

First, make three short paragraphs to complete the parts under “Deliverables” and highlighted in red using the same scenario I made in 1,2,3,7,8,9:
Those are the Deliverables parts I need you to complete:
4. Bone screws of similar design and differing materials OR bone screws of similar design and materials but different coatings.

5. Bone screws of similar size with “slightly” differing designs.

6. Bone screws of differing sizes and differing designs.
Second, As the Companys regulatory consultant, draft one page (it’s quality, not quantity!) preliminary regulatory due-diligence executive summary including your thoughts, opinions, recommendations, concerns, questions, etc. relative to the scenarios described in the file attached that called ” Information about Case Study”.

Writing A Critical Review (Analytical) Essay

Critical Review No. 1 

(MOVIE: Professors Choice: Milk, 2008; Directed by Gus Van Sant) 

The total words should be more than 850 words.

Assignment Objectives:  Enhance and/or improve critical thinking and media literacy skills by: 

                                1. Developing a clear and concise thesis statement (an argument) in response to the

                                     following question: Does the film have the power to transform political sensibilities?

                                2. Writing an outline for a five paragraph analytical essay building on a clear and

                                     concise thesis statement, including topic sentences and secondary supports.

                                3. Identifying and explaining three scenes from the film text in support of the thesis


                                4.  Writing an introductory paragraph for the outlined analytical essay

Be sure to read thoroughly the writing conventions below before beginning this assignment.  

Note: You are NOT writing a full essay; rather, you are outlining an analytical essay by completing the dialogue boxes below.