Archive for May, 2020


The goal in this course is to ensure you have an understanding of all the considerations needed to create a project communications management plan (PCMP). The final project (due Class 13) will consist of the following deliverables:

1) Project Charter (Attached Excel) due class 6.
2) Project Communications Management Plan (PCMP) (attached Excel) due class 9
3) PowerPoint Presentation addressing the attached topics due class 13

Project Charter

I ask for a project charter (due Class 6) so I can see what project you are going to base your communication plan.  If there is no underlying project, what are you going communicate?  For the project itself, this can be real or hypothetical (not real).  BUT it must be REALISTIC. You can envision what the project may look like in the future but not yet have started it.  You can choose a project for any company. The key is to have detail.

Think about a project that you have the most interest and would like to use this course as the basis for your communications plan. T choice of project can be a realistic project that you are currently executing, or a future one.  The project can also be something that you may never actually execute but IF YOU DID, how would you plan for that project?  What would be the key communication messages/channels/stakeholders of that “wish list” project?  Choose a project that interests YOU, then capture all the information as best you can (research, thinking analytically and hypothetically etc) in the PROJECT CHARTER. 

Project Communications Management Plan (PCMP)

After the project charter, you then start to populate and fill out the Excel PCMP (stakeholders, key message, channel, frequency, timing). I ask for the actual PCMP due class 9 so I can see how you are creating the project communication plan for your project charter.

I give you feedback on both project charter and PCMP.  You will update your charter and PCMP based on my feedback. After you update your charter and PCMP you will then resubmit a FINAL version for grading in Class 13, IN ADDITION to a FINAL PRESENTATION (PowerPoint).   

PowerPoint Presentation addressing the attached topics due class 13

You will create a PowerPoint presentation to address the TOPICS below:

What are you asking from us, the Steering Committee (assume the class plays the Steering Committee role)?

What should we know why should we support your project?
Who are your key stakeholders?  Why?
What information/key messages do they need to know?  Why and how?
Any communication risk/issues you anticipate with stakeholders? How do you address?

Imagine you are presenting your project for a Steering Committee and would need to convince this Steering Committee (me and the class) that it should approve your project and give us the confidence that you will cover all those topics adequately supported by your PCMP.  You are crafting a story and you can be as creative as you would like when creating the PowerPoint presentation. 

Discuss Board

This assignment has 2 parts.

  1. Post an executive summary of your Comprehensive Project in the body of a post in this Discussion Board (do not use attachments). An executive summary is a 10% synopsis of a larger document that outlines the purpose, planned processes, actual processes, findings, and recommendations for the project. Chief executive officers (CEOs) often read and assess executive summaries before deciding to read entire reports. Consequently, the summary must be a high-quality narrative that demonstrates the significance of the work, addresses all the important issues being undertaken the seven GP questions are important issues – shows, the objectivity of research and analysis underpinning the report, and establishes the credibility of the resulting conclusions.
  2. Please review the executive summaries of other students, and provide an objective assessment and constructive feedback that will help strengthen the effectiveness of their efforts and the quality of their finished reports.


Select one of the two question sets and respond in about two paragraphs. Provide at least one passage from each of the readings to support your response:

1. According to Jeff Guo and Kat Chow, how did the idea of Asian Americans as the “model minority” emerge? What role did Asian Americans play in the creation of the term? What role did the government and media play in the creation of the term?

2. According to Guo and Chow, what was the original purpose of the idea of the MM (model minority)? What were the unintended consequences of the MM? Based on the intentional purposes and the unintentional consequences, how would you evaluate the MM (model minority)?

Research Studie Paper


paper should be 1-2 pages (double spaced, 12-point, Times New Roman) and critically evaluate a computational media research article, addressing the questions shown below. You will need to find articles published within the last 3 years from one of the following venues: ACM SIG CHI, ACM SIGGRAPH, ACM CSCW, ACM UIST, or ACM TOCHI (journal).

1) What were the research questions under investigation?

2) How did the researchers approach the research questions? What were their methods?

3) What did the researchers find? How did they interpret the findings?

4) Are you convinced of their results and interpretations? Why or why not? Explain.

Include the link for the article


After continued research, construct a working outline for the research paper. The outline should cover the topics and supporting details of your research paper. The research paper must affirm the thesis on the approved research topic you have selected.

The outline must be a minimum of 500 words (approximately two pages, if the template is used properly). It should include an updated thesis, conform to Turabian style standards, and be as detailed as possible.

Update your annotated bibliography. The annotated bibliography should reflect continued research by including added source material and refined choices from the working bibliography in Topic 3. In the bibliography:

Justify each source with a short description of its relevance and appropriateness to the papers argument.
Be sure the annotations concisely summarize the sources scope, accuracy, and usefulness.
Use only sources found at the GCU Library or those provided in Course or Topic Materials.

Prepare this assignment according to the Turabian guidelines found in the Turabian Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

Review the resource, Preparing Annotated Bibliographies, located in the Student Success Center, for additional guidance on completing this assignment in the appropriate style.

This assignment uses a scoring guide. Please review the scoring guide prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Movie review: Contagion (2011)

write a minimum of 3 paragraphs comparing this movie to the present COVID-19 outbreak. YOU MUST SEE the whole movie to get the point of what is happening to us and the movie.

Make sure to indent, spell check, and to make sure it makes sense in a written form.

project communications management plan (PCMP)

The goal in this course is to ensure you have an understanding of all the considerations needed to create a project communications management plan (PCMP). The final project (due Class 13) will consist of the following deliverables:

1) Project Charter (Attached Excel) due class 6.
2) Project Communications Management Plan (PCMP) (attached Excel) due class 9
3) PowerPoint Presentation addressing the attached topics due class 13

Project Charter

I ask for a project charter (due Class 6) so I can see what project you are going to base your communication plan.  If there is no underlying project, what are you going communicate?  For the project itself, this can be real or hypothetical (not real).  BUT it must be REALISTIC. You can envision what the project may look like in the future but not yet have started it.  You can choose a project for any company. The key is to have detail.

Think about a project that you have the most interest and would like to use this course as the basis for your communications plan. T choice of project can be a realistic project that you are currently executing, or a future one.  The project can also be something that you may never actually execute but IF YOU DID, how would you plan for that project?  What would be the key communication messages/channels/stakeholders of that “wish list” project?  Choose a project that interests YOU, then capture all the information as best you can (research, thinking analytically and hypothetically etc) in the PROJECT CHARTER. 

Project Communications Management Plan (PCMP)

After the project charter, you then start to populate and fill out the Excel PCMP (stakeholders, key message, channel, frequency, timing). I ask for the actual PCMP due class 9 so I can see how you are creating the project communication plan for your project charter.

I give you feedback on both project charter and PCMP.  You will update your charter and PCMP based on my feedback. After you update your charter and PCMP you will then resubmit a FINAL version for grading in Class 13, IN ADDITION to a FINAL PRESENTATION (PowerPoint).   

PowerPoint Presentation addressing the attached topics due class 13

You will create a PowerPoint presentation to address the TOPICS below:

What are you asking from us, the Steering Committee (assume the class plays the Steering Committee role)?

What should we know why should we support your project?
Who are your key stakeholders?  Why?
What information/key messages do they need to know?  Why and how?
Any communication risk/issues you anticipate with stakeholders? How do you address?

Any topic (writer’s choice)

1. Read and summarize “Universal basic income: a solution to a looming problem.” in 100-200 words
2. write your opinion on whether or not you think the writer did a good job or a poor job of getting his or her point across and why you think this (cite examples from the editorial to support your contentions). On the other hand, you are arguing that the writer was convincing (or not convincing) in his way of writing.

Journal – Understanding the Differences Between Cash Flow Statements, Balance Sheet and the Income Statement

Journal – Understanding the Differences Between Cash Flow Statements, Balance Sheet and the Income Statement

Students will journal on understanding differences between (a) the cash flow statement, (b) the balance sheet and (c) the income statement? Discuss and present an argument why the cash flow statement is important to business? Does the same hold true for investors, government, and individuals?

The purpose of this journal is to begin demonstrating synthesis of learning and to discuss the crucial information contained in the cash flow statement, the balance sheet, and income statement, and why this information is vital for investors, shareholders, depositors, government, regulators, and bank managers.



Students need to demonstrate the ability to apply a thorough understanding of the nature of conflict, conflict management, and negotiation strategies to a fictional case.

Each paper will be a narrative at least three pages in length, adhere to APA style (1″ margins, Times New Roman 12 point font, and include correctly formatted Title and References pages.

In addition, at least two academic sources (i.e., academic textbooks, peer-reviewed journal articles) beyond the class textbook will be required for each paper. No website citations will be allowed.

Effectively applied the concepts from the class textbooks to the hypothetical scenario between fictional employees.

Include in your narrative response answers to the following questions:

1. What distributive tactics were used by Donna and Mike?

2. Was the use of distributive tactics appropriate in this situation? Explain.

3. What might Donna have done to keep from threatening IGS to publicize the situation?

4. Should Donna write the letter to the editor to warn others or does she have an obligation to remain silent since they gave her a refund?

5. Consider the Christian worldview approach to this situation. Provide a Biblical scripture that would reinforce or support a preferred behavior to resolving this situation ethically, and describe how it might be applied in this case.


DeMarr. Negotiations & Dispute Resolution,  2nd Edition. Chicago Business Press, 2018-02-01. VitalBook file.