Archive for January 15th, 2020

Bedside Reporting

My PICOT question is: In hospitalized patients, does bedside reporting using walking rounds verses verbal hand off, decrease errors and improve patient care outcome during admission in the acute care setting?

1. On the Unit 2 Seminar assignment detail, Disregard question # 3.
2. Requires at least 3 references
3. Please look at grading rubric.

M1A2: Reflection Essay

Thinking about your own writing processes and experiences, write a short reflective essay 600 to 700 words in which you share your experiences as a writer. APA Style.

-What kinds of writing have you done in the past?
-How does your writing process compare with what you have learned about the writing process over this week?
-What are your goals for improving your academic writing?
-What do you hope to gain from this course?


Assignment Instructions

Learning objective:  Identify essential elements for a successful portfolio; Prepare a portfolio that can be used with potential employers.

Prompt:  Prepare and review documents to build an effective portfolio representing your skills


You have been uploading files to Portfolium over the duration of this class. As the final step in this process, you need to prepare your work in a format that will be beneficial to you in your career. Compile your documents in the following order:

Cover letter
Transcripts (for now, add the name/address of the APUS Registrar as contact)
Letters of Recommendation (for now, add the names of possible contacts)
Executive Summary
Program Learning Summaries
Appendix (if you decided to include individual course final projects)
Additional Information (optional)
conferences and meetings attended
awards or recognitions received
fellowships submitted
presentations given
copies of published articles
evidence of specialized training/courses attended
details of certifications or licenses obtained
memberships in professional associations
serving in the undergraduate student committee

Assessment and Treatment

Analyze the early assessment process. Why are accurate assessment and sound treatment protocols essential? What are the implications of stigmatization and improper diagnosis? Substantiate your rationale with scholarly research.

For additional details, please refer to the Assessment and Treatment Guidelines and Rubric document.

*There are 2 videos to watch within the rubric*



For this article reflection, you will read the assigned article for that module/week. The Article to be read and Reflected upon is attached in PDF format  titled ( Reading Scriptures for good news that crosses barriers of Race /  Ethnicity, Class and Culture )
Each article reflection paper must be 500700 words and include:

1.  A paragraph that provides an overall summary of the article.

2. The rest of the paper you will reflect on, analyze, and apply at least 3 specific content references (i.e. a direct quotes or references from the article).

3. Need a Table of Content, Title page Footnotes, and all the details contained in the Grading Rubric should be in the paper.

MN553 W4 – Respiratory Issues Complicated by Economic Disadvantage

Topic: Respiratory Issues Complicated by Economic Disadvantage

A mother brings her 8-year-old child to the clinic, stating the child just isnt breathing right, doesnt want to play, just lies on the couch this happens all the time.

The appearance of both mother and child is disheveled. The childs wheezing can be heard across the room. When asked if the child is better at any certain time of the day, the mother responds, Its like this all the time and has been for the past year we saw a doctor last year who diagnosed asthma but we dont have any money for drugs or to come back to the clinic.


Present this Assignment as a PowerPoint presentation with at least 10 slides

Be sure to complete the assignment as the NP treating this family, not as a third party.

You will use the Narrative notes section of the presentation to include the majority of your evidentiary support of your treatment choices and education of family complete with in-text citations.

Identify the resources currently available in your state (Alabama) to support this family in the care of this child, including assistance programs for costs of health care follow-up and pharmaceutical treatment agents.
Create a communication plan for mother and child for both prescriptive and non-prescriptive drug therapies.

minimum of 5 references


For this assignment, you will reflect on the different sociological theories and concepts you learned in this course. You will use critical thinking to evaluate those concepts and apply them to your work, home, and/or community life. You may draw from the readings, videos, lectures, discussions, and assignments to help you construct your paper, but you must also use at least one article from the CSU Online Library.

Write a two-page reflection paper that addresses the following requirements:

Explain how sociological theories and concepts affect your work, home, and/or community life and influence your future learning opportunities.
Identify a minimum of two different sociological concepts or theories you learned from this course and explain how you will apply these sociological concepts or theories to your work, home, and/or community life.
Use specific sociological terms and concepts from the textbook readings and article from the library in your paper to demonstrate that you understand and can apply the concepts.
Some examples of topics/concepts/theories that you can apply to your own life include (but are not limited to):

sociological imagination
sociological perspectives
elements of culture
breaking norms
the role of socialization
agents of socialization
theories of self
social structure
roles or status groups
social class
gender roles
perspectives on aging
life chances
social institutions (i.e., family, religion, education) role in society
social change
the environment
population dynamics
Create citations and a references list for all cited materials. Include a title page, and use 12-point font, double spacing, and one-inch margins for your paper.


The purpose of this assignment is to apply managerial accounting concepts and practices and use financial data to make business decisions.

Throughout the course, you have used the annual report from a Fortune 500 company to apply financial accounting concepts, including analysis of income statements and balance sheets, to evaluate the profitability and overall financial position of the company.

For this assignment, consider the research and analysis from prior assignments and apply the “Conceptual Framework for Managerial Costing,” as discussed in the topic materials. Follow the process outlined in the “Where to Start” section of this topic resource. Assume the company is considering making a change, such as adding a new product or entering new markets. Your task is to determine what the “change” could be and the steps that would need to be taken in the decision-making process.

In a 250-500 word memo to the chief operating officer (COO) of the company, address the following.

1.Summarize the proposed change the company is considering.
2.Discuss the specific information that must be collected to perform the analysis on the proposed change.
3.Discuss the scope of the analysis and what parameters will be used to determine whether the proposed change should be made.

APA style is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.


Read and analyze the assigned HBR Case Study: Idalene F. Kesner, Leadership Development: Perk or Priority. You will need to read this multiple times to understand the facts very well and be able to write the memorandum required. Write a memorandum from Karen Barton to Dave Palmer that convinces Dave Palmer to restore Karen Barton’s budget for leadership development. To be successful, you must understand what Dave Palmer cares about most and provide arguments and data to support your position. You must cite to specific authority in your textbook by book name and page number to support your arguments. You do not need to use APA format. This should be 3 double-spaced pages with a 12-point font. Chapter 2 of The Extraordinary Leader is very important.

Grading for this assignment is as follows:

Using the template, adhering to the page limits, and filling out each section 20%
Understanding how Dave Palmer is thinking about the organization and what the organization needs to be successful 20%
Clearly stating your position and providing the arguments and data to persuade Dave Palmer to change his thinking about the value of leadership development and its contribution to the organizations success. Acknowledge Daves (and the CEOs) concern and show how spending money on leadership development would address those concerns. Cite to specific authority in your textbook by book name and page number to support your arguments. You do not need to use APA format.  60%


Read and analyze the assigned HBR Case Study: Idalene F. Kesner, Leadership Development: Perk or Priority. You will need to read this multiple times to understand the facts very well and be able to write the memorandum required. Write a memorandum from Karen Barton to Dave Palmer that convinces Dave Palmer to restore Karen Barton’s budget for leadership development. To be successful, you must understand what Dave Palmer cares about most and provide arguments and data to support your position. You must cite to specific authority in your textbook by book name and page number to support your arguments. You do not need to use APA format. This should be 3 double-spaced pages with a 12-point font. Chapter 2 of The Extraordinary Leader is very important.

Grading for this assignment is as follows:

Using the template, adhering to the page limits, and filling out each section 20%
Understanding how Dave Palmer is thinking about the organization and what the organization needs to be successful 20%
Clearly stating your position and providing the arguments and data to persuade Dave Palmer to change his thinking about the value of leadership development and its contribution to the organizations success. Acknowledge Daves (and the CEOs) concern and show how spending money on leadership development would address those concerns. Cite to specific authority in your textbook by book name and page number to support your arguments. You do not need to use APA format.  60%