Archive for January 15th, 2020

Anatomy & Physiology powerpoint

the chapter on the central nervous system (CNS) that the general senses detect such stimuli as touch, pain, and temperature. General senses refer to the fact that these receptors are relatively simple and located throughout the body in both the skin and internal organs. The special senses, in contrast, are so named because they convey a specific type of information from specialized sensory organs in discrete locations of the head. For this assignment you will imagine you are driving or biking on a high-traffic road and you are approaching an intersection with a four-way stop and railroad train track. Additionally, there are three cars in the other lanes of the intersection and visibility is decreased because of foggy weather conditions.
This PowerPoint (Microsoft Office)  presentation should be a minimum of 20 slides, including a title and reference slide, with detailed speaker notes on content slides . You will describe what special senses you will and will not use to make the determination to safely proceed into the intersection.  Finally, describe how the brain interprets information from each of those special senses.

Is the EU Closing the Gap on Health Inequities?

Learning Resources
Note: To access this weeks required library resources, please click on the link to the Course Readings List, found in the Course Materials section of your Syllabus.

Required Readings
Breckenkamp, J., Patterson, L., Scharlach, M., Hellmeier, W., & Verma, A. (2017). Definitions of urban areas feasible for examining urban health in the European Union. European Journal of Public Health, 27(suppl_2), 1924. doi:10.1093/eurpub/ckv104

de Jong, L., Pavlova, M., Winters, M., & Rechel, B. (2017). A systematic literature review on the use and outcomes of maternal and child healthcare services by undocumented migrants in Europe. European Journal of Public Health, 27(6), 990997. doi:10.1093/eurpub/ckx181

Fanourgiakis, J., & Kanoupakis, E. (2016). An assessment of the results of European Parliament elections in Greece and European Union under the shadow of economic crisis. International Journal of Health Services, 46(4), 642655. doi:10.1177/0020731416660963   

Kazzazi, F., Pollard, C., Tern, P., Ayuso-Garcia, A., Gillespie, J., & Thomsen, I. (2017). Evaluating the impact of Brexit on the pharmaceutical industry. Journal of Pharmaceutical Policy and Practice, 10, 32. doi:10.1186/s40545-017-0120-z

Lippi, G., Mattiuzzi, C., & Cervellin, G. (2016). No correlation between health care expenditure and mortality in the European Union. European Journal of Internal Medicine, 32, e13e14. doi:10.1016/j.ejim.2016.02.025   

Puchner, K., Karamagioli, E., Pikouli, A., Tsiamis, C., Kalogeropoulos, A., Kakalou, E., Pikoulis, E. (2018). Time to rethink 4efugee and migrant health in Europe: Moving from emergency response to integrated and individualized health care provision for migrants and refugees. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 15(6), 1100. doi:10.3390/ijerph15061100

Sighem, A. van, Pharris, A., Quinten, C., Noori, T., Amato-Gauci, A. J., & Networks, the E. H. S. and D. D. M. (2017). Reduction in undiagnosed HIV infection in the European Union/European Economic Area, 2012 to 2016. Eurosurveillance, 22(48), 1700771. doi:10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2017.22.48.17-00771

EuroHealthNet & National Social Marketing Centre. (n.d.). Lessons from the DETERMINE pilot documents [DETERMINE working document #6]. Retrieved from

European Commission. (n.d.). Public health. Retrieved July 4, 2019, from European Commission website:

National Social Marketing Centre (NSMC). (n.d.). Video resources. Retrieved July 20, 2019, from

Official Website of the European Union. (2019). EU member countries in brief. Retrieved from

Required Media
Note: The media selections for this course are viewable by clicking on the image provided after the media citations. After you click on the image, use the navigation bar at the bottom of the interface and choose the appropriate week. A menu of video and audio resources for that week will appear. Click on the menu item to begin that program.

Laureate Education (Producer). (2011). Global health and issues in disease prevention [Multimedia file]. Retrieved from

Health Status in the European Union, featuring Stephen Bezruchka, MD
Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 4 minutes.
Health Inequities: Social Determinants of Health in Glasgow
Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 9 minutes.
Health Inequities: Social Determinants of Health in Copenhagen
Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 10 minutes.
Health Inequities: Social Determinants of Health in Murska Sobota.
Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 19 minutes.

Discussion: Is the EU Closing the Gap on Health Inequities?

The World Health Organization and European Union (EU) DETERMINE Consortium has acknowledged gaps in health equities within and between member countries. A variety of efforts are underway to help close those gaps.

To prepare for this Discussion, review your Learning Resources, particularly the readings from the DETERMINE Consortium and European Commission and the National Social Marketing Centre video programs. Select two EU countries on which to focus (It is advised to select two countries from the list of EU members and avoid repeating the same ones mentioned in the required media of this week resources). Look at efforts in those countries designed to reduce health inequities and inequality and examine appropriate outcomes for those efforts. Evaluate the performance of the health systems in those countries as reflected in population health data for each of the countries. Be sure to access the CIA country profiles (found within the CIA World Factbook) and WHO websites provided earlier for the most current resources.

Post a brief comparison of the health status of the two EU countries you selected with that of the U.S. Then, describe two efforts in those EU countries to reduce health inequities. Explain what lessons can be learned from the EU efforts you selected that can be implemented in the U.S. nationally or by individual states. Explain how the community you live in might adapt these interventions. Expand on your insights utilizing the Learning Resources.

Use APA formatting for your Discussion and to cite your resources.

Module 1 Discussion Post

Creating a post that includes the  title, performers, and genres of two of my favorite pieces of music. Including links to streaming audio/video  examples of both pieces/songs and discuss how or when you listen to them(in the car, while exercising, when cleaning house, etc.) Write a minimum of 2 sentences for this part.. I  like Christian music  black or white. I also like R&B, Pop, Reggae.  The writer can choice any two, just make sure it can calm my soul, with understanding lyrics.

Twitter analysis project

Research Report – Twitter Analysis and Presentation

The aim of this assignment is to collect Twitter data, summarise the data using a spreadsheet or other tool, and then write a report about that data. The purpose of the report is to investigate and discuss the use of twitter analysis by researchers, brands or journalists (depending on your major). The report is not meant to be written as a public facing report or feature, but rather an internal research report that might be used in a professional context or to inform your own practices.

You can choose to follow a group of people or a hashtag/hashtags over a period of time that will yield a reasonable sized data set ( a few thousand tweets at least up to a max of 250 thousand is about the right size for this task, much bigger as Excel will struggle to open the file). Suitable targets could be hashtags for a TV show or media event, a new or defective product, a group of journalists attending a conference or the conference hashtag,  a brand campaign, or news event as it happens.

You may have to try a few different scenarios before you get some data you can use. For example broad hashtags like christmas or happy is a bad choice, corbyn (during PMQ) or MUFC (during a game) are probably better ones. Spend a little time exploring how hastags are used together (co-hashags) partly to make sure that you have all the relevant tags covered (i.e ‘Manu’ as well as ‘MUFC’), this can be done with the Twitter advanced search page. You should write about this hashtag research as part of your reflection.

Once you have collected the tweets and profile data use this data set to discuss the following questions in your report. You can do more analysis than this, but these are expected as part of the report.

Required analysis

a) Who were the top tweeters and retweeters?

b) How many of your top tweeters are bots? (remove as many as possible from your data set before performing the rest of the analysis)

c) What was the top retweet? and what was the ratio of tweets to retweets in your data set?

d) What % of tweet/retweets in your data set came from the top 10  tweeters?

e) Use a word cloud or word tree of the most used words in your data set to show the type of language being used. Was the hashtag being used in conjunction with other hashtags?

f) Where to the tweets come from? What % are geocoded, what % of profiles have a location?

g) Do the tweeters fall into any demographic groupings that you can see (look at some follower, friend counts, total number of tweets etc)

In addition to answering these questions you can perform other types of acquisition and/or analysis and you may be awarded extra marks for doing so.

Visualisations you should also include your report.

Time series for your tweets on a suitable timeframe unit

Word Cloud or Word Tree of language in popular retweets (or co-hashtag use)

Chart showing the % of tweets to retweets

Chart showing the % tweets geocoded and the % of profiles with locations

Histogram of tweeters volumes (i.e. 1 person tweeted more than 100 times, 5 people tweeted 50-100 times, 50 people tweeted 10-50 times, 1,000 people tweeted 5-10 times etc)

The report should be ~1500 words done as a basic but well styled HTML page that includes some visualisations to help illustrate your data. MSc students should attempt visualisations using a JavaScript library rather than iframe embeds. You should try to use a template system to start your page. As well as answering the questions above in your report you should do some research on social media analytics and Twitter use in journalism and consider the how the types of analysis you have performed can be used in a professional context. Include references to research material you used in your report. You can also talk about the 5th estate and Twitter more generally and it’s effect on journalism and society making reference to your own data where possible.

You should also supply a written ~500 word reflection. The reflection should consider the following points. Why did you settle on the hashtag(s) and timeframe that you did? What issues did you encounter in gathering the tweets and analysing them, how did you overcome these problems. How would you extend or improve your study given more time and/or resources? Include attributions for any code libraries or images used in your report.


The submission should consist of a single word or rtf document that contains your reflection and a link to the online report. If you have used code in the acquisition or analysis of your tweets, you should also provide a link to a github GIST for each one. You should add plenty of comments to this code to demonstrate your understanding of how it works.

Marking scheme

Will be allocated based on the following scheme

5/25 Acquisition – Research and discussion of method used to acquire tweets and data obtained

5/25 Presentation – HTML/CSS, layout, quality of writing, overall quality

5/25 Visualisation – Quality, scope/difficulty, integration with report

5/25 Analysis – Quality, depth, difficulty

5/25 Reflection – Discussion of techniques, self critique, journalistic context

Note that extra marks can be used for using acquisition, analysis and presentation techniques beyond those taught in class.

Code is not required for the acquisition stage to pass the assignment unless you are on an MSc award. Note that use of code in this coursework can contribute towards the award of the MSc for journalism students.

Womens studies

can you write 5 pages worth of 2 different questions?
this includes references as well.
please use all 3 sources for each 5 pages labeled either Q1 or Q2

would be great if you could stay away from difficult words and phrases.
i will also attach my previous work so please consider to take a look.
thank you!


(Question 1)
Are women peaceful by their nature? And, are men inherently violent?
Drawing on these questions, elaborate on the different roles played by African women and men during times of war and peace.

(Question 2)
Should development projects such as highways, dams, oil, mining  and other infra-structural projects that force the displacement of local communities be built? Reflect on why is your answer to this question is either Yes OR No, please take a side!

Purpose of Reflection Papers: In this assignment, you will be expected to show that you have read, understood and reflected on 3 of the readings assigned for this class, which was covered in session # 3.


All reflection paper should be 5 pages, typed, double-spaced and in a 12 point font with one-inch margins.

Despite the fact that these papers are designed to reflect your thinking process, they must cite scholarly sources as these will help you develop an informed opinion based on the readings. Thus, each reflection paper must include scholarly sources, documentary films and other information utilized in lectures, readings and class discussions. You must use MLA citation.

Reflection Paper Guidelines:

– This Reflection constitutes 25% of your grade.
– The Reflection Paper should analyze at least 3 readings that are provided for this class (additional external readings could be used but are NOT required.)
– The Reflection should not only summarize the central arguments raised in these readings/films but should also demonstrate your exploration and critical analysis– in your own words.
– It should be doubled spaced, 12-point font– please do NOT use bullet format.
– You must use MLA citation.
– Please check the below reflection grading rubric.


In this course, you have been reflecting on the assigned readings.  In this assignment, I am asking you to answer the provided reflection question and expand your reflections by sharing some of the followings, which may apply:

– Thoughts
– Feelings
– Likes
– Dislikes
– Comments
– Ideas, words or phrases that have struck you, and why?
– Further questions this reflection brings up

Reflection Rubric (25%)

Responsiveness to reflection Q.

Score: 10%

– clearly addresses the reflection question/topic and responds effectively to all aspects of the assignment;
– clearly address the reflection question/topic, but may respond to some aspects of the assignment more effectively than others
– addresses the reflection question/topic, but may disregard some aspects of the topic
– indicates confusion about the reflection question/topic or neglects important aspects of the assignment
– suggests an inability to comprehend the assignment or to respond meaningfully to the reflection question/topic

Communication of Ideas

Score: 3%

– explores the issues showing thorough comprehension of the readings/films; goes beyond the obvious or class discussion
– shows some depth and complexity of thought
– may treat the topic simplistically or repetitively; doesnt demonstrate sufficient comprehension of the reflection question/topic lacks focus, demonstrates confused or simplistic thinking, or fails to communicate ideas
– is unfocused, illogical, incoherent or disorganized


Score: 3%

– is coherently organized, with ideas supported by reasons and examples
– is well organized and developed with appropriate reasons and examples
– is adequately organized and developed, generally supporting ideas with reasons and examples
– is poorly organized and/or undeveloped; lacks support from the readings
– is undeveloped; provides little or no relevant support

Control of Structure, Grammar, Spelling

Score: 3%

– is generally free from grammar and spelling errors and pay attention to sentence structure
– may have a few grammar and spelling errors and minor challenges with sentence structure
– may have some grammar and spelling errors, but generally demonstrates control of sentences & structure
– is marred by an accumulation of grammar and spelling/sentence structure errors
– has serious and persistent errors in word choice, grammar and sentence structure

Score: 1%

Length: 5 pages count noted, minimum met

Page count not noted or minimum not met

Good Luck!

Building Life Span

Imagine that you could set a universal system boundary that defined the life span of all commercial buildings. What would that life span be (in years) and defend why you chose this length of time. From this week’s reading material (see attached below- chapter 2, pages 44-47, 55-70) and assignments you may see that a common definition is LCA software is a life span of 50 years.

Please post a brief (not more than 250 words) response to this discussion question.

Sun Coast D

Descriptive Statistics Analysis

Describe the Sun Coast data using the descriptive statistics tools discussed in the unit lesson (Attached). Establish whether assumptions are met to use parametric statistical procedures. Repeat the tasks below for each tab in the Sun Coast research study data set.

**You will utilize Microsoft Excel Tool Pak. The links to the ToolPak is (attached)

**Utilize the Unit Scholarly Activity template**

Here are some of the items you will cover:

a.    Produce a frequency distribution table and histogram.

b.    Generate descriptive statistics table, including measures of central tendency (mean, median, and mode), kurtosis, and skewness.

c.    Describe the dependent variable measurement scale as nominal, ordinal, interval, or ratio.

d.    Analyze, evaluate, and discuss the above descriptive statistics in relation to assumptions required for parametric testing. Confirm whether the assumptions are met or are not met.

Guidelines to the Scholarly Activity: (Use Template attached)

a.    Use template attached and follow instructions.
b.    Organization should be logical, clear, and appropriate.
c.    You should provide strong evidence of critical thinking.
d.    Essay should end with a conclusion statement to support your essay.

** Need four (4) peer-reviewed, academic sources other than article attached no more than 5 years old minimum**

** Essay should be 4 Full pages minimum not including Title page and Reference page**

Please see and use attached Scholarly Activity Essay Template and Statistic Data tool Link

University Admission Essay

Character in leadership matters. At Ivey, character is defined as an amalgam of virtues, values and certain traits. Character speaks to who a person is rather than what they are able to do. Some would say the virtues of courage, humility and humanity are equally as important as the virtues of accountability, drive and integrity. Do you think this is true? Relate your answer to your experiences in the activities you’ve included as part of your application.

Internet Field Trip


Internet Field Trip (complete) conduct (take) a personal internet field trip …… post your findings as it relates to Global Supply Chain Management and the Supply Chain Manager. (Find any recent web article (no older than two/three years from today) and relate your findings on how the Supply Chain Manager is making a difference in todays global markets). Recommend you use the keyword(s) Supply Chain Management or Supply Management in your search .. ensure you properly cite your website (source) at the bottom of your post. Have fun this week because the world wide web is your research lab

Homelessness and Ethical Issues

Using the hard work that you put in the Research Paper for Unit VII, you will build a 10-slide PowerPoint presentation to present your findings, and portray the importance of implementing an ethics-training program for a public organization. This is the framework for an actual presentation that you may be asked to make in the future. Use this opportunity to get feedback and put together a first-rate presentation!

Components of the presentation will include:

five to six abbreviate bullets for each slide, using approximately 24-point font,
a simple but appropriate background for your slides, and
the Notes View section below each slide to incorporate the talking points that you would use when presenting each slide.
The sequence of slides will be:

Slide 1: Title slide title of the assignment, student name, course title, and date;
Slide 2: Basis for your research;
Slide 3: Conclusions from your research;
Slide 4: Four Goals for an ethics-training program;
Slide 5 and 6: Cite two examples of public administration corruption;
Slide 7 and 8: Describe two areas public institutions should focus on over the next five years;
Slide 9: Summary (note the key points and why you believe this is important), and
Slide 10: References (APA format).
All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations.