using relevant statistical data from sorces such as international trade centre, international trade statics yearbook at EUROSTAT anaylse and explain the pattern of trade of a country/group of countries of your choice evealuate the impact of trade policy

using relevant statistical data from sorces such as international trade centre, international trade statics yearbook at EUROSTAT anaylse and explain the pattern of trade of a country/group of countries of your choice evealuate the impact of trade policy

The coursework, as any academic essay, should be divided into several sections with
an appropriate heading for each section. The first essential section is an introduction
to the essay; the second key section (part) forms the core of the essay and can be
divided into subsections; and the final section is the concluding section (conclusion).
The coursework must end with a thorough bibliography (please see details provided in
the BMAN 70022 course outline).
1. Introduction
You need to state / define in the introduction the research question, why is it
important, describe how you would like to answer / approach the question and briefly
describe the structure of the essay. It is always important to end the introduction with
a paragraph such as the following, which depends on how you structure your analysis.
Example: ‘The remainder of the essay is organised as follows: Section 2 reviews the
theoretical considerations behind the aspect being analysed. Section 3 will present
relevant empirical results so far and discuss critically their contribution to the aspect
under analysis. Section 4 returns to the essay question and presents a relevant case
study in the context of previously reviewed theories and empirical findings. Section 5
will conclude the essay by highlighting our key findings.’
2. Main Part /Section
As indicated above, you may break the main body of the coursework into several
subsections. The first subsections should necessarily provide a clear statement of what
the problem is and how can and has been analysed theoretically and empirically until
now. It is important you are as clear as possible about the context in which you place
your analysis. Make sure your subsections reflect well both the subject matter and the
way you undertake the analysis. Whenever appropriate, make sure you present and
discuss the pros and cons of a trade policy as clearly and succinctly as possible.
3. Conclusion
In the introduction, you briefly summarise the key findings of the essay, point to your
own views/contributions to the debate, and possibly highlight outstanding problems
for future research. It is important that you highlight your own contribution to the
topic. A passively written essay, compiling various disconnected paragraphs from the
literature, is a ‘dead’ one and will not do. Critical analysis is the essence, and your
presence in the essay must be actively felt everywhere!
4. Bibliography
A well written bibliography is an essential part of an excellent essay. Please see the
course outline regarding accepted style. In the text, you only provide references by
mentioning the author name, year of publication and page number (e.g. (Irwin, 2009,
p.17)) and give the full reference in the bibliography.

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