The Sacklers and the OxyContin Epedemic

Prompt: We are in the midst of another opioid epidemic whose roots can be traced back the the Sackler family, owners of the Purdue pharmaceutical company. Not only did they know of the danger of addiction and sold their main product OxyContin under false pretenses to increase profits but they also blamed the victims who were simply following their doctors’ directions. Once it became apparent that their product was highly addictive, the Sacklers began to blame patients asserting that it was the patients’ fault that they became addicted by arguing that clearly the patients lacked will power and were weak individuals. Later the company devised a marketing plan for treatment facilities so that Purdue Pharma would profit once again. Should the actions of individuals or families, such as the Sacklers, be considered a modern day evil? Why? Why not? Use specific evidence to support your position.

** Attached is the direction I am going and the resources I would like to use. This will allow you to get a feel for my writing style too **

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