
Debate Prompt: Imagine you are going to participate in a class debate about survival strategies. You have read three texts about people who showed different types of strength as they struggled to survive life-or-death situations. Take and defend a position that answers the question: What type of strength is the most valuable in a survival situation? Using evidence from the three texts, write a brief argument (300 words that capture the central ideas of your claim and supporting textual evidence) in which you state and support your position. Strengths to consider are:
Love of self and others
Your a rgument should include:
Clearly stated claims, developed with evidence and reasoning
Effective and convincing examples to support your claims
Use at least three texts
Opposing views appropriately addressed
Logical organization of and connections between ideas
Clear and coherent writing appropriate to the task and the audience
Use of sentence variation (simple, compound, complex, simple complex) and transitions

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