reaserch methods air transport

The Research Methods module assessment is a 2000 words individual coursework assignment. Students are required to:
1. Identify a research problem related to air transport. It can be a challenge or need for further understanding any process, technology, policy or regulation.
2. Describe it using a mix of words and relevant data (measures, indicators, statistics) supported in equally relevant literature adequately referenced.
3. Develop one research question that synthesizes the problem.
4. Propose a research design to tackle the question (i.e. to attempt to provide a satisfactory answer): translate the research question into a research aim (singular, just one) and two to five specific objectives, then describe a methodological approach to achieve the objectives and research aim.
5. Gather a substantial data set that relates to your research problem. Describe the data using text and the measures (of central tendency and dispersion) and visualisations you consider best suitable.
6. Propose a model for the data collected and perform a type of statistical analysis that suits the model. By model, I refer to any sort of statistical representation either to describe the data and gain insights from it, or to study relationships between different variables.

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