PowerPoint presentation

I need a practicum powerpoint discussing social justice as a nurse on childhood obesity Im not sure what Im supposed to be doing please help Ill send the rubic and the directions. I cant fail this class. The class is walden nurse 4210 Role of the nurse leader in population health

“This week, you are given the opportunity to concentrate on finalizing your practicum project including collaboration with a community member/s to elicit comments from them. You have a paper due on Day 7 of this week that concerns a disaster in your community and the nursing response. Think critically about the gaps in the current disaster plan as you complete this assignment.”

I’ve included the paper, my practicum is childhood obesity in Dallas Texas.

Learning Objectives
Students will:
Evaluate effectiveness of practicum proposal through practice presentations feedback
Evaluate local disaster plans in relation to nurses roles in promoting community preparedness
Mitigate a communicable disease outbreak in collaboration with other professionals
Develop other solutions to community concerns during a communicable disease outbreak

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