Music Entrepreneurship

Imagine that you are creating a new music project that needs funding or a music business plan.  To propose a Music Business Design or present a music project to a funding organization, you must demonstrate an awareness of management, marketing, publicity and profit making / fundraising for your product for the music and audio production industries. Although hypothetical, the Proposal must demonstrate commercial viability or fundable merit.
Categories to look into:

.  Business / event name
Business/ event objective (Company or project mission & vision)
Actual business/ Performance or Recording project outline
Income generating plan (how you will make the income i.e. selling products/services,
funding, sponsorship etc)
Possible partnering company / organization (other companies or individual whom you
would need to work with to your benefit)

Write up of Work – clear artistic intent, project objectives, description of work (30)
Able to show how the marketing supports the show and the sponsorship (20)
Identification of target audience/consumer
Strategy to reach identified audience/consumer
Schedule / Project Timeline
Sample marketing collateral design
Identification of target media platforms
Potential story angles for identified media
Schedule / Project Timeline
Sample press release
Budget – researched, realistic/workable (10)
Able to articulate why it is in the Sponsor’s interest to support the project and benefits to
sponsors (10)
List of other potential sponsors (E.g. government, corporate, private) you will be
approaching and why (10)
Proposal Presentation: Layout / Formatting / Easy to read (20).

This assessment will assess the following Module Learning Outcome(s):

Apply a refined awareness of management, publicity and product for the music industry
Demonstrate refined professionalism, presentation, and networking skills
Apply concepts of management skills such as leadership and organisation in a student-directed project involving the local community
Demonstrate socially-engaged behaviour reflecting the importance of artistic practice to effect change through service to social, cultural, and economic communities
Synthesise information, ideas, critical thinking, and solutions to communicate in writing using appropriate academic referencing

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