Loss aversion refers to peoples tendency to prefer avoiding losses to acquiring equivalent gains . All of Hamlets soliloquies are concerned with the losses he has faced or will have to face.Zeng et al.(2019) found in their study that betting in [a] low

Please use the article from Nature.com predicting the behavioural tendency of loss aversion by Jianmin Zeng (2019) March 22 article. Use this as evidence and one of Hamlets soliloquies as mentioned in the order title question to explain loss aversion and how low loss condition is related in one of Hamlets soliloquies .pehaps one of his soliloquies regarding. His mother .example he did not want to take any risk of loosing his morals such as he found disgusting the incestuous relationship between his mother and uncle willing to risk the loss of his mother instead of his morals. Just a suggestion .what do you think .just to give you an idea.but you. Must find a soliloquy in hamlet that provides this evidence  and the evidence of the article for in text referencing including .bibliography references. Its only one to 2 paragraphs. Whats important not the quantity bu t quality what you say and evidence on the contex t of loss aversion. Any questions please let me know .URGENT MUST BE. DONE BY  JANUARY 10th. 5 pm evening no later .sorry but at least its. not a full essay. I need someone really good.who can follow instructions  perfectly. Thanks .

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