Discussion Question

Mrs. Grayson (75 years old) has lived alone for 19 years since her husband died. She has 4 adult children. Three children live within walking distance of her home. Until recently, she was completely independent in her home environment. Last month, Mrs. Grayson had a stroke that left her with some residual weakness. She received short term home health assistance after hospital discharge. After that assistance ended, one son invited her to live with him and his family. She politely declined. Since then, she has fallen two times at night with the most recent fall leaving a large bruise on her right side. When her son saw the bruise, she admitted to falling at night when she tried to go to the bathroom.

Based on the vignette, select a long-term care option (long-term care at home, community-based programs, or naturally occurring retirement communities) for Mrs. Grayson. Consider the strengths, weaknesses, and considerations for each option.

Book: Yee-Melichar, D., Flores, C. M. & Cabigoa, E. P. (2014). Long-term care administration and management. New York, NY: Springer Publishing Company.

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