Category: Undergraduate

Immigration Policies

Research, discuss, and analyze an immigration policy from another country. *WRITER -YOU MAY SELECT THE COUNTRY OF YOUR CHOICE **
After discussing and analyzing the immigration policy from the other country, compare and contrast it with a United States immigration policy. What is the policy? Whom does it impact? Whom does it benefit? Whom does it hinder? Who is the author of the policy? What is this policy for, what does it do? What are the policy goals?
Use 2 additional scholarly sources- google scholar
**Note- all postings must meet the requirements outlined in the discussion board rubric (see course information tab).

Immigration Challenges

research and discuss three challenges that immigrants today (by today, I mean within the past 20 years) experience that immigrants from the past did not. In your discussion, please make sure you mention assimilation patterns, acculturation, prejudice, discrimination, and dominant-minority group relations.
use at least two scholarly resources- from google scholar.
**Note- all postings must meet the requirements outlined in the discussion board rubric (see course information tab).

The rubric is attached.

Summary statistic business economics

please follow the instruction file.
I need a summary for the given chapters in the instruction file with all the formulas to solve eventually calculation.

I basically need a summary of those chapter to study it for my exam.

use please a simple English (not mother language)

the file uploaded are the study guide and the book that we used.
please use only that book as reference.

Veganism vs. Omnivores

“Read Consider the Lobster to analyze how the author maneuvers around attitudes towards consuming meats. That he does so before an audience of Gourmet, an audience that may not wish to address the issue, represents quite an audacious move. He writes that he is genuinely confused about what his position ought to be.

The essay should argue a particular position about the attached reading, and the essay should clearly state a thesis very early in the essay, but the essay should also consider other points of view. If you need to win the argument, should you also at least appear to reasonably consider the opponent?”

– Essay does not need any sources. If sources are used to back up your argument, please provide them in MLA. You can include your personal opinion, but please try and lean toward the omnivore position if possible because I would like to include my own opinion as well.


evolution theory

1000 words, MUST BE SINGLE SPACED!!!!
The citation page must be numbered and when referencing the source in the paper match the number source in citation to what was used in the paper at the end of the sentence. 

Discuss the theory of evolution by natural selection as proposed by Charles Darwin and Alfred Wallace around 1850s.    Discuss how modern day view on evolution may differ from their original theory.  Use at least one exam from the article referenced below or from Darwins masterpiece work on Origin of Species and 2 other MODERN DAY examples to illustrate how evolution may work and how these organisms evolve to be more adapted to their respective environment. 

Grading structure: Expected length of essay:  around 1000 word (around 2 pages single spacing).    The essay will be graded based on overall impression.  70% for content and 30% for Presentation.  Presentation includes style of writing, overall structure of essay, suitable use of paragraphs, spelling, grammar, vocabulary, overall language proficiency, originality, use of references, etc.  Your essay will be checked against known web sources of materials for originality. 

Type your essay in MS Word and save it as a docx or pdf with your name in the file (e.g. JaneDoe-evolution essay) , and upload in here.  Your submission will be checked against “Turnitin” for originality.   Email submission will NOT be accepted.  

Reference: Darwin and Wallace (1858).  On the Tendency of Species to form Varieties; and on the Perpetuation of Varieties and Species by Natural Means of Selection.    Published by: Evolutionary Biology Group, Linnean Society of London, Down House, Luxted Road, Downe, BR6, UK and


After you are done reading the material, please write a short-answer style paper. Your paper should be double-spaced and run between 800 to 1,000 words.

Please include the following in your paper:

Answer the review questions appearing on page 12 of the “First Amendment and Advertising” document.
If you decide to use bullet points anywhere in your paper, please introduce the bulleted list with a lead-in phrase, clause, or short paragraph.
Include a reference list for any sources that you have cited in your paper.  This list will go on a separate page at or towards the end of your paper. To cite your sources, please use the Modern Language Association (MLA) citation style (Links to an external site.).

Retail and 3 legal issues

Your will select a publicly traded company and industry. Next, you will find and gather information about legal issues that are important in the industry you chose, at least 3 legal issues. Then, you will prioritize the issues, organize your research, and engage in preliminary writing. This writing will provide an overview of the legal and regulatory environment in your industry. Additionally, it will outline two to three significant legal issues from the perspectives of at least two different stakeholders

ety. Using Rawls Original Position thought experiment, provide an argument justifying the appropriate role (or, lack thereof) in this new society for one of the following technolo

Question #2 (30%) Imagine that you are tasked with creating blueprints for the role of technology in some new society. Using Rawls Original Position thought experiment, provide an argument justifying the appropriate role (or, lack thereof) in this new society for one of the following technologies: a) self-checkout machines  b) lab-grown meat c) drones

Be sure to include specific ways (policies, rules, laws, etc.) that this new technology might best be implemented in the imagined society, within the realm of possibility. Your answer should be between 3-4 pages (double-spaced), and include engagement with lectures and at least one course reading. Your essay will be assessed based on your demonstrated understanding of the materials, critical thinking skills, and quality of writing/ adherence to style guidelines (whether MLA, APA, or Chicago)


1) explain Hill Collin’s conception of positivism and show how it is exemplified in one, small part of a previously assigned reading of ours;

2) briefly explain Hill Collin’s four dimensions of Black feminist epistemology, then explain in detail the one dimension that interests you the most;

3) show how the one dimension of Black feminist epistemology that you explain in detail in #3 could impact the one part of our previously assigned readings that you detail #1;

4) imagine a fruitful dialogue about what you’ve done in #4, above, between Hill Collins and the author you focus in #1, above. 

5) explain what the results of #4 could mean for philosophy classes in general.

6) thesis


I need to write mission and vision

Based on the business overview below for a ChaTime Cafe in Centennial College Campus
Please Write a Market Need Based on Marketing Research (Mission & Vision )

Needs must be QUANTIFIED and SPECIFIC to the product or service idea ( the part is worth 10 Marks)
– Vision (5 Marks)
– Mission (5 Marks)
Please include APA 7th editing references and include any relevant chart/table/diagram

Business overview
Progress ChaTime Cafe (PCTC) is a new business idea originated from international students at Centennial progress Campus, with the intention to fulfill the need of providing the popular different  sweet flavors of  Bubble teas for students and promote healthy tea or drink culture for studying. Also ChaTime is currently looking for franchisees in British Columbia and Ontario, which means good business opportunity.
The Bubble tea store will target both foreign students from southeast and east countries as well as Torontonians who live close to the college area. The unique location of the shop right inside the progress campus area offers great potential for yearly increase in the number of customers as the populations of foreign students keep increasing at the college. However, due to the present situation of COVID 19 pandemic, the business operations will focus on free delivery of the tea to customers within 5 kilometer to the shop and charge fewer amounts to deliver food at a far distance. Also there will be drive through pick-ups.

Progress campus has over 14, 000 of both international students and exchange program young students. In addition, the campus allows TTC and TTC stations are not so far away which makes it easy for many customers. With an average of 4,000 foreign students and workers residing at least 5 kilometers close to the campus, there will always be minimum sales to 2,000 people per day.
With relatively low cost associated with opening a bubble tea caf such as little specialized equipment, low staffing needs, the business start up would be at a lower cost by using one of the lounges on the campus and furnishing it moderately. The construction cost would be limited to creating exterior 2 doors and driving through windows for pedestrian traffic from within the college and for outside the college customers. The business would need to sign an agreement with school authorities to lease the place.

The three business owners would enter into a general partnership agreement to equally share both in the operations and liabilities. This partnership would add the advantage of contributing different skills; each partner would be providing a source of income and credit, sharing both management responsibilities and risks, and avoidance of special taxes. The partners would contribute to the cost of registering the business name and getting licensed according to Canadas business rules and regulation for starting. The business would be structured such that the share of ownership for each partner is 35% stake for the general cost of the start up.