Category: Software Engineering

Computer Networking

As mentioned above, in this assignment, you will not have to actually transmit packets over a network. Instead, you will simulate their delivery over a network. The “simulation” needed for this assignment is quite simple. You only have to determine whether a packet is lost or if a packet of data is delayed enough that it misses its playback time. Ultimately, it is really about whether the data is received before it needs to be played or not.


Write a program which implements the A* algorithm on an arbitrary map described through connections file and locations file. The locations file includes the names of the locations and their x and y positions. The connections file includes how the locations are connected.  The algorithm should allow the user to exclude 1 or more cities from the solution path.

C++ Programming Project – Puzzle Solver

make a C++ program that takes input a .txt through std (cin, getline, etc) of a map puzzle, and find solution from start to finish. Meant to utilize stacks and queues, whichever option is inputted. Attached is a pdf that explains in great detail the assignment and what’s needed. For this class (EECS 281 at University of Michigan), the programs are made through visual studio and should run without fault of that IDE. It would be easiest to code it all in one .cpp file, but if you’d rather you can create different dependencies in .h files, you’ll just need to add that in the Makefile (which I’ll attach). I’ve also attached another students work on this project for your reference, but this has to be new work, so just use it to understand what the program should do. This program also uses getopt, so I’ve attached both getopt.h and getopt.c files, and a file that explains how to use it with visual studio. Will pay whatever is necessary.

Files included in zip:
Project1_W20.pdf (detailed nstructions of assignment)
Project1_the_STL_and_You_Puzzle.pdf (some info of c++ STL for use in project)
Visual_Studio_Installing_Using.pdf (using visual studio for the project, how to use and update with getopt files for use in project)
puzzle.cpp (example of project, but this assignment should be new work, so use only as reference to see how one example might work)
Makefile (use as resource file in visual studio to compile, if needed. The only thing you should need to change is the name of the .cpp that contains the main() function and add any dependencies if needed).
getopt.c and getopt.h (used for choice input, must be used in project. Visual Studio pdf shows how to add these files to the software for use.
P1-sample-windows folder (files that show some input options for troubleshooting and how output should look. instructions talk about these in more detail.)

Raspberry pi Geotagging.

Using Raspberry pi 4, I want you to write a code using python 3 that is capable of taking a picture using raspberry pi V2 camera and taking the GPS location using the Adafruit Ultimate GPS Breakout module, and tag the image with the GPS location and save them.

This is the link to both parts that are going to be connected to the raspberry pi which also have sample codes,

Please let me know if you have any question.

Python project


I need to implement a strategy to remove noise from three different MRI images (all attached to this form). The noise applied on every image has different density in each one of them. I have also attached the images i need to aim for. I would much appreciate to have the code commented in detail in order to understand the work that has been done. Thanks a lot for your help.
