Category: Servers setup and administration


Part 4
Last week, a disk containing CSM Tech Publishing’s current project manuscripts crashed. Fortunately, there was a backup, but all files that had been added or changed that day were lost. A new disk had to be purchased for overnight delivery, and the data had to be restored. Several days of work time were lost. The owner of CSM Tech wants to know what can be done to prevent the loss of data and time if a disk crashes in the future. The server currently has two disks installed: one for the Windows boot and system volumes and one for manuscript files. The disk used for manuscript files is about one-third full. There’s enough money in the budget to purchase up to two new drives if needed. What solution do you recommend, and why?

Part 5
Let’s take a break from  CSM Tech Publishing and talk about your experience with virtualization. Unit 5 is Implementing Virtualization with Hyper-V: Part 1. In this class, we will be learning how to use Hyper-V, which is the virtualization platform that is included in Windows. Have you used Hyper-V or any other virtualization platform before? If so, tell us about it. If not, how do you think you could use it in the future?

Part 6
You recently became the server administrator for a company. As soon as you walked in the door, users were telling you the network is running slowly quite often, but they couldn’t tell you when it happened or how much it slowed down. What tests and measurements could you use to try to determine what’s going on?

Part 10
When CSM Tech Publishing started its Windows network almost a year ago, the network was small enough that you simply used the default Users and Computers containers for the user account and computer account objects that you created. However, now that the company has grown to more than 50 users and computers, you decide that some structure is needed. You talk to the owner to understand how the business is organized and learn that there are four main departments: Executive, Marketing, Engineering, and Operations. How would you structure Active Directory based on this information? What types of objects would you include in each container? Would you move any objects and where would you move them to?

Part 11
CSM Tech Publishing has added a branch office with about 50 users. The HR Department has given you a spreadsheet with the employee information that includes the employee name, office location, department, title, and so forth. Describe at least two different methods you can use to add these user accounts to Active Directory that don’t involve manual creation of each account from scratch.

Part 12
You’ve been called in to solve a problem for CSM Tech Publishing, which is running Windows Server 2016 servers in a domain environment. Strict account policies that require password changes every 20 days, a password history of 24, complex passwords, and an account lockout threshold of 2 are in place because five high-level managers have access to information about future projects that must be kept secret. The problem is that the support team is constantly fielding calls to unlock accounts and reset passwords because users forget them. Worse, many users have taken to writing their passwords on notes stuck to their desks or monitors. What can you suggest to maintain a strict password policy for the five managers but loosen requirements for the remaining staff? What steps would you take?

Part 13
You have been told that all users in the Marketing Department must have a computer working environment that meets certain criteria. Marketing Department users don’t always sign in to the same computer every day, so these requirements should apply wherever they sign in. You have a Windows Server 2016 domain, and all computers are domain members. All Marketing Department user and computer accounts are in the Marketing OU. All desktops run Windows 10. The criteria follow:
Marketing users must be able to access documents they save in the Documents folder in their profiles from any computer they sign in to.
A company marketing application must be installed automatically when users sign in if it’s not already installed.
The marketing application they run leaves behind temporary files named mktapp.tmpX in the C:MktApp folder (with the X representing a number). These files contain sensitive information and must be deleted when the user signs out.
How can you make sure all these criteria are met? What should you configure to meet each criterion? Be specific about any options that should be enabled or disabled and how the configuration should be applied.

Part 14
You have several users who have local administrative access to their computers. Some of these users are changing certain policies that shouldn’t be changed for security reasons. You don’t want to take away their local administrative access, but you want to be sure that these important policies are reapplied to computers if a user changes them. What can you do?


You’re installing a new network for CSM Tech Publishing, a new publisher of technical books and training materials. There will be 10 client computers running Windows 10, and CSM Tech Publishing plans to run a web-based order processing/inventory program that for now is used only by in-house employees while they’re on site. CSM Tech Publishing wants to be able to manage client computer and user policies and allow employees to share documents. Sign in and security should be centrally managed. What network model (workgroup, or domain) should be used? Explain your answer, including any server roles you may need to install.

Your client, CSM Tech Publishing, has been running Windows Server 2016 Essentials Edition, which you installed about a year ago, and is using the Active Directory Domain Services, DNS, and File Services roles. The number of computer clients has grown from 25 to 40 in the past 6 months, and additional growth is expected. The owner mentioned that he will need to sign in to the server periodically to do maintenance and monitoring and he is not very familiar with PowerShell.
Which edition of Windows Server would you recommend? Do you think a clean installation or upgrade is best and would you recommend Server Core?

The owner of CSM Tech Publishing was at the sales office last week and out of curiosity wanted to sign in to the server there. The owner is somewhat tech savvy and has even worked a little with Active Directory in Windows Server 2012. He was shocked when he signed in and didn’t see a familiar user interfaceonly a command prompt. He asked you about this and accepted your explanation of Server Core and why you chose this installation option. However, he was wondering what would happen if you stopped providing support or were unavailable for an extended period, and your replacement wasn’t familiar with Server Core. Write an email explaining how this situation could be handled easily.

Cisco packet tracer

Vodafone has contracted you to interconnect four (4) campuses (Main, City, Kumasi and Ho
Campuses) for the University of Ghana Legon. Apart from the main campus, the other
campuses have isolated locations:
City Campus Locations: Adabraka and North Ridge.
Kumasi Locations: Adum and Asokwa
Ho Locations: Amedzofe, Tsibu and Kpenoe.
The senior network operations manager of University of Ghana has also approached you to
assist them fix some LAN connectivity and security issues.
Vodafone requires you to implement a BGP for the four campuses. Such that, there would be
an improvement in security, bandwidth and utilization defense against link failures between
their campuses.
Use a console cable to connect to the various devices.
You are required to secure all the Routers and allow remote log on (5 persons) to them
for management. Encrypt all clear text passwords. [Note: All passwords used in
network should be cisco] [20 Marks]
Examiner: Mr. Julius Y. Ludu Page 2 of 3
Configure all the router interfaces with specified IP addresses below as stated in the
Appendix. Set the clock rate for the DCE connections as 64000 and bandwidth as 64.
Disable all interfaces that are not being used. [15 Marks]
Implement BGP across the multiple paths between the Data Communication
Equipment (DCE) at Legon, Adabraka, Adum and Amedzofe, with the autonomous
systems (shown in Appendix) and internet protocols: [15 Marks]
Advertise the routes for the networks in the BGP. [10 Marks]
Vodafone requires you to implement EIGRP at the Kumasi campus (Asokwa and
Adum) routers, using an autonomous-system-number of 200. [5 Marks]
You are also required to implement OSPF at Ho for (Amedzefe, Tsibu and Kpenu) and
RIPv2 on the City Campus (disable the auto summarization). [10 Marks]
You are required to redistribute all known routes within the BGP. Redistribute the
BGP routes into EIGRP, OSPF and RIPv2. [10 Marks]
The switch, GSW should be configured as the VTP server of the switched network
with VLANs indicated in the table below. Switches SW1, SW2 and SW3 are access
switches and must be configured to receive and save VLANs created on the VTP
server. Use the VTP information below to complete the configuration of your
switches. [15 Marks]
Ensure that you are able to ping from SW1 to the rest of the switches and to the
various routers.

Ruby method utilizing SOAP API and HPNA to pull NAT configuration data from a rotuer

Note:  This is sensitive data.

This is what I need to have happened:

I want to watch and learn from this and be able to provide input.

I am using a Ruby  application created by my company but is passed on to me without
much knowledge of my own.

I have a fast-approaching deadline.  I need to create a method and or class that utilizes SOAP API and HPNA pulls data (NAT configuration) and stores it in a variable and prints it out.

If you are amazing at this then the price could be negotiable.

Python SMTP Client/Server pair

Using PEP-8 python standard coding style!!

Please read assignment specification carefully. Assignment specification document also attached.
Any questions, expert is free to ask me

SMTP System:
This coursework requires you to produce an SMTP Client/Server pair implementing parts of the RFC 821 ( specification for the SMTP protocol, except that your client/server must send/receive on a port specified at runtime.  Additional marks are available for the completion for compliance with the more modern implementation of SMTP in RFC5321  (

You are then asked to provide an extension to your existing SMTP Client/Server pair which allows for the addition of shared mail-boxes, encryption to the communication channel, and logging of the interaction with the server. You must produce a working implementation of your protocol along with a short description of the added commands, responses, and general structure of the extension.
Your assignment MUST be submitted electronically via Course Resources by the due date and time. You must submit it as ONE zip file that contains the following:

The document detailing the testing of your application and any information needed to run your application.
The full source code for your server, including any build files needed.
The full source code for your client, including any build files needed.

Please note:  submission in any form other than a single zip file (e.g. rar, multiple files, etc), will NOT be accepted and you will automatically fail this assessment.
Marking Criteria:
This coursework is marked against the following rubric based on a percentage breakdown as indicated:

Must include
Approximate Weighting
Structure and Commenting
RFC821 Compliance
RFC5321 Compliance
Server Storage
Shared Mailboxes

Please review marking scheme and aim for 60%