Category: No citation needed

reading questions

Many people associate tourism with being on vacation, with paradisiacal landscapes, and just getting away from everyday life. For others, however, everyday tourism practices are intimately related to diverse expressions of violence in various forms (p.605).
1.Discuss various forms of violence intertwined in tourism. Please thoroughly read the article and list out all violent measures associated with tourism and discuss about them.
2.What do the authors mean by tourism’s spatial fetishism?

short answer

Short answer (300 words) prompt:

Rigoberta Menchu calls her recounting of her life to Elisabeth Burgos-Debray in 1982 a “testimonio”, a testimony to the sufferings of the indigenous people of Guatemala. Discuss one example of how the indigenous people suffered at the hands of the Ladinos, and one example of how they suffered at the hands of the military regimes?

presentation comments

Write comments for two presentations.
Each comment half page.
Do not judge the presentation!!!!! Just be kind and frinedly.
The first one:
The second one:

reading questions

1.What is Accumulation by Dispossession? (Please try to collect all sorts of knowledge youve learned about this concept in this class.) What is the role of the state in accumulation by dispossession? Why is the extra-economic means (state power) critical in accumulation by dispossession in the making of SEZs in contemporary India?
2.According to the author, dispossession is key to accumulation in two senses in making SEZs. Why and how is it?
3.What is the rate of accumulation by dispossession?

US government relationships

Select one of the following options and write a 1,000-word essay. Incorporate the precise terminology for your topic, and make sure you check punctuation and spelling before submitting your work.

Option 1.
Conflicts over the respective roles of national and state governments have been around since America’s beginning. The Civil War was fought over questions of states’ rights: Can a state create a law that allows for slavery? Does a state have the right to secede from the Union?

Even today people disagree on how much power the federal government should have; some would like the states to have more power. An area where this debate has made the news in recent years includes:

Illegal Immigration – Is protecting America’s border with Mexico mainly a federal or a state issue? What laws – state or federal – have been broken when a person enters the U.S. illegally? What should a state do if the current federal methods aren’t working? Does a state governor have the authority to enforce federal laws against illegal immigration? Can a state use its laws against trespassing as a means to arrest illegal aliens?
Analyze the historical conflict including the limits on national and state government, and draw conclusions as to whether you agree with decisions that were made. Identify the pros and cons of limiting state powers and give your opinion on how much power the states should have as compared with the federal government.

Option 2.
Using the Supreme Court decision McCulloch v. Maryland (1819) and other sources, analyze the sharing of powers within the federal government. In your report, place your emphasis on defining and explaining the following:

expressed powers
implied powers
inherent powers
concurrent powers
How do the different branches of our government use these powers to pass laws and establish regulations? Are these powers abused or used properly by our government officials? Why or why not?

Also include in your essay a section on the sovereignty of tribal governments, such as the Native Americans of New Mexico and Arizona. Can the federal government intervene in the affairs of Native Americans on reservations? If so, when and to what extent?

Option 3.
Research America’s open door policy with China beginning in 1899. Explain how relations with the United States and China have changed and the effects of the open door policy on both countries.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

For this assignment please watch the following three clips of couples having conflicts and identify the four horsemen of conflict as defined by Dr. Gottman and discussed in class. Specifically, you need to find an example in any of the clips of each of the four horsemen. This means you could find one of them in the “Friends” clip, one in the “This Is Us” clip, and two in the “The Notebook” clip or you could potentially identify all four in one clip or two of the clips.  You must identify each of the four conflict tactics once (i.e. identifying two instances of criticism counts as only one identification). There is at least one example of each of the tactics in at least one of the clips–we do not guarantee that each clip contains all four tactics.

You will receive 2 points for correctly naming and defining each of the horsemen and 3 points for giving an accurate example of that tactic from one of the clips. Readability and grammar will be scored out of 5 points. Your answer for the entire assignment should not exceed 300 words; going over the word count will result in a 2.5 point deduction. No late assignments are accepted.

The clips:
“This is us”
“The Notebook”
Tips: Since the assignment is to identify the four horsemen of conflict discussed in my class, I will upload the lecture note, which includes the theory

Any topic (writer’s choice)

For this assignment please watch the following three clips of couples having conflicts and identify the four horsemen of conflict as defined by Dr. Gottman and discussed in class. Specifically, you need to find an example in any of the clips of each of the four horsemen. This means you could find one of them in the “Friends” clip, one in the “This Is Us” clip, and two in the “The Notebook” clip or you could potentially identify all four in one clip or two of the clips.  You must identify each of the four conflict tactics once (i.e. identifying two instances of criticism counts as only one identification). There is at least one example of each of the tactics in at least one of the clips–we do not guarantee that each clip contains all four tactics.

You will receive 2 points for correctly naming and defining each of the horsemen and 3 points for giving an accurate example of that tactic from one of the clips. Readability and grammar will be scored out of 5 points. Your answer for the entire assignment should not exceed 300 words; going over the word count will result in a 2.5 point deduction. No late assignments are accepted.

The clips:
“This is us”
“The Notebook”
Tips: Since the assignment is to identify the four horsemen of conflict discussed in my class, I will upload the lecture note, which includes the theory

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Discussion prompt:Come up with 5 meaningful questions that represent key concepts or ideas covered in the reading. Choose three of your questions and answer them yourself. Each answer should be about 150 words. So make sure your questions are open-ended and substantial enough to require that many words. Find a news story that is relevant to the topic. Post it (or a link) and explain in a few sentences why you chose it and how it relates to the issues and concepts in the assigned reading for the week. The story needs to be fairly recent (within the last year) but it can be from any publication, from any country, in any medium (i.e., newspaper, magazine, TV, radio etc.)


When a movie uses the well-known features of a genre to make fun of that genre, it’s called a parody. Write a one-page description of a movie that parodies a particular genre, the genre it makes fun of, and the features of the genre and how it works.