Category: Mechatronics/Robotics

Complex simulation

Please create the simulation shown in the video down below. The project can be divided in the following subtasks:

Creating the work cell in the virtual environment
Configuring the controller of the SCARA manipulator for tracking two conveyors
Creating the tools from CAD files
Configuring the conveyors
Creating robot programs
Creating SmartComponents
For building the work cell the following components required:

1pc IRB 910 SC (650mm) SCARA manipulator
1pc IRB 1600 (1,45m, 10kg) humanoid manipulator
1pc IRB 1600 Base 500mm (Add-Ins)
3pcs Parametric Belt Conveyor (Add-Ins)
1pc Vacuum Gripper (MOODLE: FESTO VASB-30-0.125-PUR.SLDPRT)
1pc Two Finger Gripper (MOODLE: JEGB-4140-I000-191016_asm.STP)
Parts generated in RobotStudio:
Workpiece: a cylinder with arbitrary diameter
Box: arbitrary dimesion
SCARA robotstand: box, dimensions matched with the base of the robot

During the configuration of the two finger gripper it is not necessary to configure all the joints of the model. By setting the dependencies between the configured joints, the motion of the gripper can be simulated well
Use the Create Tool instruction instead of Create Mechanism instruction during the configuration of the vacuum gripper
It is not necessary to control both manipulators from the same controller. Each manipulator can be imported with its own virtual controller
Removing or deleting parts from the conveyors is not possible. Picking up an object from the conveyor can be done by copying the graphical component and disabling the visibility of the original component on the conveyor. Then the copied object can be moved from the conveyor
The controlling of the conveyors must be done by on one of the robot controllers (via interrupt routines), if necessary the virtual controllers can communicate each other via IOs.
Method of administration:

The project must be save from RobotStudio with PackAndGo instruction.

lab 23 PLC

Use I/O simulation in Logixpro to simulate the following process.

There are 16 outputs that we are controlling. O:2/0 O:2/15

Program in a shift register that clocks every 3 seconds. Three seconds is the amount of time that part stays in each station. Use proximity switch to indicate if the part is present.(I:1/0)

The data from the proximity sensor will be shifted to the left through O:2.0 every three seconds.

Hint: If proximity sensor is on, O:2/0 comes on first, three seconds later O:2/1 comes on if the sensor stays on.

PLC lab 22 seven segment display

Use the I/O simulation to perform the following tasks.

Design a program to multiply the content of the thumbwheel (I:5) by 5 if the toggle switch (I:1/0) is on. Place the result on the seven segment display (O:6).

Example If I:5.0 = 50, closing I:1/0 will display 250 on O:6.0

Code Warrior Assembly

Please use CodeWarrior to write an assembly program to do the followings:
    Turn on only LED0 and LED7 continuously during the normal operation.
    Turn on all LEDs whenever there is XIRQ interrupt.
    Go back to normal operation after no more interrupt.
    This process continues until a Reset.