Category: Financial Accounting


This is a very last minute thing and the task is moderate difficulty. The document “AI and RPA Opportunities” contains an in-depth analysis of the RPA called UIPath. I have a presentation first thing tomorrow (1:00AM UTC time 5/6/20) and am going to speak in-depth on UIPath. After the presentation, there will be 5 minutes of question time from the audience and teachers. For the task, I’d like the expert to come up with a list of 20 different questions that may be asked with regards to UIPath. The questioning is going to be heavily based on UIPath and I don’t have a clue what questions I may be asked by the audience or teachers.

Corporate reporting case

In the case study, you should prepare the Income Statement of the presented company for the year ended Dec 20X6. In the file you income statement and balance sheet for the year 20×5. To each statement you have some notes in separate sheets.
Events in 20×6 sheet contain all the information of events happened in 2016

Special test

Question 1
Technology has improved on agricultural business and as a result new smart agribusinesses are enhancing
agricultural value chain. Farmers are provided with marketing opportunities that help them link their products
with potential customers. Other agribusiness entrepreneurs are adding value to raw materials and selling new
products at competitive prices. There is the need to create an online trading platform for farmers to trade their
commodities at favourable prices or store them to receive warehouse receipts. The receipt system will give
farmers the opportunity to deposit goods (mainly grains) in order to acquire a warehouse; a financial
instrument that shows deposit proof with the quality and quality of the goods in question. Farmers can delay
the sale of their commodities to a period when prices are more favourable. Warehouse receipt systems can
therefore mobilize credit for agricultural sector and improve agriculture trade.
One of the main criticisms of existing initiatives is that they do not cater for the needs of smallholder farmers
and market Queens and traders. For example, to become a member of the Ghana Commodity Exchange, you
need to have a valid business registration certificate and a business net worth of GHS80, 000.
The Ministry of Food and Agriculture in collaboration with National Board for Small Scale Industries
(NBSSI) are at the forefront of leveraging technology to ensure an efficient agriculture value chain.
i) Develop a business case for the AgriMarket project.
ii) Identify stakeholders needs in AgriMarket project.
iii) Define the scope of the solution.
iv) Develop requirements, including a use cases diagram

Question 2
Over the years, students of the University of Platon Accra (PLA), have complained about the
mode of payment of school fees and other fees. Their main concern has been that students have to go to the
banking hall of the Universitys bankers and queue for long hours before they can make payment. The Student
Representative Council (SRC) of the University has presented a petition on this matter to the University
Council. The Council has directed the University management to take urgent steps to address the issues. The
Finance Department of the University has appointed you as the lead consultant to help them address the
concerns of students.
a) With the aid of a diagram, identify the existing mode of school fees payment in University of Platon Accra (PLA).
b) With the aid of diagram, make proposal of a future school fees payment system.
c) How can your new payment system facilitate quicker registration of students at the beginning of each

Question 3
a) Compare and contrast between the business analysis process model and the business analysis core
concept model. (6 Marks)
b) What do you understand by use case(s)? With the aid of a diagram, illustrate the use cases of a
university library

AI and RPA Opportunities

The task requires to find suitable RPA and AI that will reduce the process in the finance functions of WSU. The document “Finance-Systems” explains the current systems in place. WSU would like RPA/AI to automate many of the procedures within the finance function. As consultants we also have to weigh the cost benefit in deciding whether to automate a function. For example, the function “Accounts Receivable” shows “Debtor invoicing manual but small volume” and “Credit memos – manual but small volume”. Since it is a manual process but small volume, automation isn’t needed. On the other hand, functions such as “Accounts Payable” and “Creditor Invoice Processing” show as Automation Possibility: “Creation partially automated”, “Maintenance assignments/locations – manual” & “Some automation (partially successful)” which shows these functions must be fully automated. Looking into the RPA and AI, I have found UIPath to be the best RPA available (I’m uncertain if it can be implemented in Australia. If it can’t please let me know. If UIPath RPA can’t be implemented in Australia, the RPA Automation Anywhere is almost as good). I have also found cash analytics, but I hardly know much about it and am uncertain if it’s is one of the best RPA/AI in the market (I get a feeling it isn’t even an RPA/AI). The document “200118 Project Brief – AI and RPA Opportunities” outlines what must be completed in the assessment. The combination of the 200118 Project Brief AI and RPA Opportunities document plus the instructions Ive mentioned is the overall requirement of the assessment task. I have attached four documents that show in depth the finance system of WSU.

Project Management 2

I need assistance in answering 11 questions in Project Management.  Please see the attached documents for instructions and the questions.  I need this assignment back completed and sent back to me Thursday at 3pm EST.  I can only pay the desired price that I have listed.  Thank you for assisting. 

Assignment I10059486-D

I need assistance with an assignment I need to submit. Assignment A, B and C have already been submitted. This is the last assignment for accounting.
I’m running behind with other assignments that I need to focus on.
Please can you use Microsoft Word?


To complete Milestone 1 of the Course Project (due this week), do the following.

Complete requirements one through three on the worksheets.
Type your work directly into these worksheets in this Course Project Template (Links to an external site.).
Save your workbook as “Milestone 1_CourseProject_ ACCT212_YourName.”
Don’t forget to submit your workbook by the end of Week 4.
Criteria    Ratings    Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeStep 1: Journal Entries
24.0 to >21.0 pts
Journal entries use accurate accounts and amounts; and debits and credits are used correctly.
21.0 to >19.0 pts
Journal entries mostly use accurate accounts and amounts; and debits and credits are used correctly.
19.0 to >17.0 pts

Journal entries have some errors in use of accounts and amounts; and debits and credits are only somewhat used correctly.
17.0 to >14.0 pts
Journal entries have some errors in use of accounts and amounts; and debits and credits are not used correctly.
14.0 to >0 pts
The submission does not meet this requirement.
24.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeStep 2: Ledger Posting and Balancing
16.0 to >14.0 pts
Posting is done in the correct accounts and at the correct side (Dr./Cr.) and balances are correct.
14.0 to >12.0 pts
Posting is done mostly in the correct accounts and mostly at the correct side(Dr./Cr.) and balances are mostly correct.
12.0 to >11.0 pts
Posting has errors with incorrect accounts and incorrect debits/credits and incorrect balances.
11.0 to >9.0 pts
Listing of accounts is mostly incorrect with most incorrect accounts and incorrect Dr./Cr. Most ledger balances are incorrect.
9.0 to >0 pts
The submission does not meet this requirement, or posting is not done at all.

16.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeStep 3: Unadjusted Trial Balance
16.0 to >14.0 pts
Accounts are listed correctly and in the proper order leading to an accurate trial balance.
14.0 to >12.0 pts
Most accounts are listed correctly leading to a mostly correct trial balance.
12.0 to >11.0 pts
Listing of accounts has several errors leading to incorrect trial balance.
11.0 to >9.0 pts
Listing of accounts is done poorly or not at all, leading to inaccurate or no trial balance.
9.0 to >0 pts
The submission does not meet this requirement.
16.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeBM.UGB.ACCT212.CO2.Accounting-Transactions
view longer description
threshold: 3.0 pts
4.0 pts
Excellent: The student’s submission fully analyzes and records all transactions, and provides a complete and accurate trial balance.
3.0 pts
Competent: The student’s submission properly analyzes and records the given transactions, and provides a trial balance that is accurate based on the entries recorded.
2.0 pts
Fair: The student’s submission demonstrates analysis and recording of transactions, although several analysis errors exist, leading to a trial balance that is somewhat inaccurate.
1.0 pts
Poor: The student’s submission demonstrates limited analysis and recording of transactions, and significant errors exist, leading to an inaccurate or incomplete trial balance.
0.0 pts
Unacceptable: The student’s submission does not meet the criteria of the outcome.
4.0 pts
Total Points: 60.0

See “assignment instructions”

Critically evaluate the view that CSR reporting should be treated the same as financial reporting i.e. it should have a strict and a well-developed reporting and regulatory regime supporting it. In addition, critically evaluate the arguments put forward in item 4, namely that there is a potential conflict between CSR and profit related activities. Can this conflict be resolved?

Ethics Case

Writing Requirements-3 pages APA Format 2-3 references

You are in your second year as an auditor with Dantly and Regis, a regional CPA firm. One of the firm’s long-time clients is Mayberry-Cleaver Industries, a national company involved in the manufacturing, marketing, and sales of hydraulic devices used in specialized manufacturing applications. Early in this year’s audit you discover that Mayberry-Cleaver has changed its method of determining inventory from LIFO to FIFO. Your client’s explanation is that FIFO is consistent with the method used by some other companies in the industry. Upon further investigation, you discover an executive stock option plan whose terms call for a significant increase in the shares available to executives if net income this year exceeds $44 million. Some quick calculations convince you that without the change in inventory methods, the target will not be reached; with the change, it will.

Page 1187
Do you perceive an ethical dilemma? What would be the likely impact of following the controller’s suggestions? Who would benefit? Who would be injured?

Ethics Case

APA Format 2 pages & 3 references

American Movieplex, a large movie theater chain, leases most of its theater facilities. In conjunction with recent operating leases, the company spent $28 million for seats and carpeting. The question being discussed over breakfast on Wednesday morning was the length of the depreciation period for these leasehold improvements. The company controller, Sarah Keene, was surprised by the suggestion of Larry Person, her new assistant.

Why 25 years? We’ve never depreciated leasehold improvements for such a long period.

I noticed that in my review of back records. But during our expansion to the Midwest, we don’t need expenses to be any higher than necessary.

But isn’t that a pretty rosy estimate of these assets’ actual life? Trade publications show an average depreciation period of 12 years.

Page 915
How would increasing the depreciation period affect American Movieplex’s earnings?

Does revising the estimate pose an ethical dilemma?

Who would be affected if Person’s suggestion is followed?