Category: Essay


Adopt a style of narrative and storytelling to describe your perceived cultural background
and cultural identity. Discuss the perceived influential sources contributing to your
personal values and worldviews by exploring and explaining various factors contributing to your identity, such as place of upbringing, ethnicity, religion, family dynamics, socio-economic status, and so forth. You may also describe possible stereotypes associated with your culture(s) and how this has impacted your communication and interaction with others in your daily life. While employing a cultural perspective, examine the role your identity plays in intercultural contexts and how these communicative interactions has changed or reinforced your existing cultural values. Assignment must follow the style of 12-point size, Times New Roman font, 1-inch margin, and double-spaced.

The reasons that the United States entered the Great War (World War I).

This content discussion looks at some of the challenges that the United States faced upon entering the Great War (World War I) and the consequences of that war on the home front during the war, as well as the postwar period.

Select one (only one!) topic from the below and write a response to the prompt by the initial post due date.

Based on at least two primary sources and your readings (course readings and links), explain the reasons that the United States entered the Great War (World War I).
Based on at least two primary sources and your readings (course readings and links), describe the Red Scare of the 1920s and its causes. Could something like this occur again? Why or why not?
Based on at least two primary sources and your readings (course readings and links), summarize the rise of consumerism in the 1920s and determine its consequences for the period. Make sure to keep your perspective in the 1920s!
Read through the primary sources on the 1920s. Based on at least two primary sources and your readings (course readings and links), do you believe the description of the 1920s as Roaring is accurate or not. Explain your answer citing examples.
Make sure you use evidence from the sources and source types noted in your prompt to support your points. You may use sources other than those found in Recommended Resources, but you should write at least 300 words in your response.