Category: Computer science and IT assignments

C950 Data Structures and Algorithms II

For this assessment, you will apply the algorithms and data structure, in this course to solve a real programming problem. You will implement an algorithm to route delivery trucks that will allow you to meet all delivery deadlines while traveling the least number of miles. You will also describe and justify the decisions you made while creating this program.

Advanced Object-Oriented Programming with C #

Short Assignments 1:

Create a Windows application for purchasing floor covering. Allow the length and width (feet and inches) of a room to be entered. Be sure to include program statements that will keep your program from crashing if they enter nonnumeric characters for the room dimensions. Using the tab control, provide selections such as Hardwood, Carpet, and Laminate. On each tab allow the user to select a type and price. Have a control that displays different types along with the prices of floor covering. Include, for example, options like Oak, Maple, Walnut, and Cherry Hardwood floors with prices such as $34.95 per square yard for Oak and $41.95 per square yard for Cherry. After the users enter their room dimensions and select the floor covering and price, display the total cost to cover the room. Include an option to clear selections. Place both the type of floor covering and the price in a single control, such as a ComboBox, and use string manipulation techniques to strip the price out of the string.

–    Save your project as LabTest1_XX_999 where XX stands for the initials of your first and last name and 999 stands for the last 3 digits of your student number.
–    Put some impotent comments/notes.
–    Solution code must be submitted on time otherwise it will not be marked.

Criteria to be evaluated:                                                        Total Marks 5% out of 100%

1.    Use of adequate and fully functioning controls:
          a. Form
          b. Labels
          c. Textboxes
          d. Combo Boxes or radio buttons for type of flooring for each category
          e. Menu (for categories of floor coverings: carpet, hardwood, laminate)

2.    Naming controls adequately

3.    User friendliness (organization on the Form, neat and tidy, not cluttered)


Before attempting this project, be sure you have completed all of the reading assignments, hands-on labs, discussions, and assignments to date.
Design a Java class named Guitar that contains:
A private int data field named numStrings that defines the number of strings on the guitar. The default value should be 6.
A private double data field named guitarLength that defines the length of the guitar in inches. The default value should be 28.2
A private String data field named guitarManufacturer that defines the manufacturer of the guitar. The default value should be Gibson.
A private Color data field named guitarColor that defines the color of the guitar. The default value should be Color.Red.
A no argument constructor that creates a Guitar using the default number of strings, length, manufacturer and color.
A constructor that creates a Guitar using a specified number of strings, length, manufacturer and color.
Getter methods for all data fields.
A playGuitar() method that returns a string representation of 16 randomly selected musical notes of random duration. For example, the first part of the string returned might look like this: [A(2), G(3), B(0.5), C(1), C(1), D(0.25), ]. You can assume one octave in the key of C where valid notes include A, B, C, D, E, F and G and duration values are .25, .5, 1, 2, and 4 representing sixteenth notes, eighth notes, quarter notes, half notes and whole notes, respectively.
A toString() method that displays the number of strings, length, manufacturer and color in String format
Be sure your code compiles.
Write a Java test program, named TestGuitar, to create 3 different Guitars representing each representing a unique test case and call each all of the getter methods along with the toString and playGuitar() methods and document the output. For example for a Guitar with 7 strings, length of 30.2, manufactured by Fender with a color of Black, the output may look similar to this:
***Output*** toString(): (numStrings=7, Length=30.2, manufacturer=Fender, color=Black) getNumStrings(): 7 getGuitarLength(): 30.2 getGuitarManufacturer(): Fender getGuitarColor(): Black playGuitar(): [A(2), G(3), B(0.5), C(1), C(1), D(0.25), E(2), F(2), G(0.25), C(4), C(1), F(0.25),A(1), C(2), D(4),C(4)]
Document your test cases in the form of table with columns indicating the input values, expected output, actual output and if the test case passed or failed. This table should contain 4 columns with
appropriate labels and a row for each test case. An example template is shown below. Note that the actual output should be the actual results you receive when running your program and applying the input for the test record.
Keep in mind, for three guitars, you will have three different output results. Also, note there is no requirement to actually play the notes of the guitar. The notes are just a string representation

Create a java class

Provide Java code for a simple class of your choice. Be sure to include at least one constructor, two methods and two fields. The fields should be private.

Create a test class to constuct and call the methods of your class.

Describe your class and demonstrate your code functions properly.

Respond to other student postings by testing their Unique classes.

Parsing and Verification of UDP Packets

The goal of this challenge is to write a small program that handles the parsing and verification of UDP packets, to
demonstrate a small example of overall design architecture and code aesthetic.
Provided are a few files required for bootstrap as well as example input for testing purposes. Note that a variety of
code inputs will be used to evaluate the efficacy of the program: the example provided should be used as a general
test-case (but should work for any general variation of input).
In the course of solving the challenge you are free to use any library on PyPI, which should be included in a
requirements.txt file at the root of your project structure.
Your submission should be implemented in Python 3.

Shells, Piping, Redirection (C)

In this assignment you shall take an existing implementation of a shell program and add some small improvements to it.

Preparation – Downloading, Compiling and Testing a simple Shell Implementation
Download and un-compress the following file:

The contents of the file are C sources that implement a simple shell. The contents

smsh.c – an implementation of a very simple shell program
smsh.h – a header file with function prototypes
execute.c – a set of helper functions for running processes within the program
splitline.c – some text processing utilities
To compile these sources run:

gcc -o smsh1 smsh1.c splitline.c execute.c
To run the shell type:

A prompt of the form “>” will appear and then you can type commands like:

> ls
execute.c shell.tgz smsh.h smsh1 smsh1.c splitline.c
> wc execute.c
37 113 725 execute.c
The shell is terminated by typing the Control-D key (which signals end of input).
In this assignment you shall add functionality to this shell command. Each part builds
upon the last.

Part 1 – Adding the ability to pipe commands to your shell
(30 marks)
At the moment smsh1 doesn’t support piping of commands. So, for example, if you

ls | wc
at the prompt you get:

ls: wc: No such file or directory
ls: |: No such file or directory
Write a new program called smsh2.c that is based on smsh1.c which performs all of
the shell operations of smsh1.c but also allows commands to be piped as above so
that if you type:

ls | wc

You get output like:

6 6 53

instead. You are free to add and modify files as required to accomplish this task. You
must add a Makefile to your submission so that you can compile all the files for part1
by typing:

make part1
and the solution for part 1 can be run by typing:

Note, your program must still cater for all the behaviours that were correct in the
original version of smsh1. You may find the lectures on piping useful in completing
this part.

Part 2 – Redirecton of stdin and stdout (30 Marks)
Your version of smsh2 currently doesn’t support redirection of output and input of
commands such as:

ls > tmp.txt
cat < tmp.txt | wc > out.txt
Copy your smsh2.c program from part 1 to smsh3.c so that it can handle redirection
of standard input and standard output (don’t worry about stderr) using the “>” and “<“
symbols. Again, you are free to add and modify files as required to accomplish this
task (without affecting the ability of your code to correctly execute the behaviour
required for part 1). You must add a Makefile to your submission so that you can
compile all the files for part 2 by typing:

make part2
and the solution for part 2 can be run by typing:

Note, your program must still cater for all the behaviours that were correct in the
original version of smsh2.

Part 3 – Adding Globbing – (20 marks)
Your version of smsh3 currently doesn’t support wildcards in command lines such

ls *.c
cat *.h

Copy your smsh3.c program from part 2 to smsh4.c so that it can handle wilcard symbols in the command line. This expansion of wildcards is called globbing.

Note, you can use the glob system call (type “man -s3 glob” to find out more) that helps you to expand the wildcards to a list of actual filenames.

Again, you are free to add and modify files as required to accomplish this task (without affecting the ability of your code to correctly execute the behaviour required for previous parts). You must add a Makefile to your submission so that you can compile all the files for part3 by typing:

make part3
and the solution for part 3 can be run by typing:

Note, your program must still cater for all the behaviours that were correct in the original version of smsh3.

CCNA Cisco Networking Packet Tracer Assignment

Calculate Subnetting schemes and implement IPv4 addressing
Configure & troubleshoot Ethernet Networks (wired and wireless) via Cisco CLI on Router and Switch platforms
Describe and apply Dynamic Routing, Static Routes and security technologies based on given Network design
Create Virtual Local Area Networks (VLANs) and test inter-VLAN communication across a router
Optimise Network Devices to provide functionality for modern network systems

Code a directed graph Structure


The task is to code a directed graph structure to carry out a reasonable number of operations. The skeleton code has been given along with appropriate comments so as to what to add. The skeleton code is 150 lines of code whereas the whole program should be around 300 lines of code. Commenting on the code is compulsory and is required for the assignment.

Upping Your Game

This is the previous assignment:
You have been asked to create a Dungeon and Dragons style game. They have asked you to Design a class called Character that will hold the following information:

    Players Name
    Class (i.e. fighter, wizard)

Then create a program that will allow a user to add information into this class and then the program puts the information out. Just to demonstrate the functionality.

Note – please keep this program for use later in the course.

This is Upping Your Game:
Using the Dungeon and Dragons style game program that you developed previously, add/altering the following functionality:

    Add a sub/child class called Fighter. The fighter inherits the base class called character and adds these inputs:
        Divine Spell -1 (a text entry)
        Divine Spell -2 (a text entry)
        Type of Healing (Spell, Hands-on, Item)
    Add a sub/child class called Wizard. The wizard inherits the base class called character and adds these inputs:
        Source of Power (Magic, Nature, Demonic)
        Arcane Spell -1 (a text entry)
        Arcane Spell 2 (a text entry)
        Then create a program that will allow a user to add information into this class and then the program puts the information out. Just to demonstrate the functionality.
Your program must have the following:

    An introductory statement that allows the user to understand what type of program they are running.
    Variable declarations
    User input acceptance
    Proper mathematical calculations
    Proper output
    You must provide the following:
        Your code
Use C# Programming Language

Upping Your Game

This is the previous assignment:
You have been asked to create a Dungeon and Dragons style game. They have asked you to Design a class called Character that will hold the following information:

    Players Name
    Class (i.e. fighter, wizard)

Then create a program that will allow a user to add information into this class and then the program puts the information out. Just to demonstrate the functionality.

Note – please keep this program for use later in the course.

This is Upping Your Game:
Using the Dungeon and Dragons style game program that you developed previously, add/altering the following functionality:

    Add a sub/child class called Fighter. The fighter inherits the base class called character and adds these inputs:
        Divine Spell -1 (a text entry)
        Divine Spell -2 (a text entry)
        Type of Healing (Spell, Hands-on, Item)
    Add a sub/child class called Wizard. The wizard inherits the base class called character and adds these inputs:
        Source of Power (Magic, Nature, Demonic)
        Arcane Spell -1 (a text entry)
        Arcane Spell 2 (a text entry)
        Then create a program that will allow a user to add information into this class and then the program puts the information out. Just to demonstrate the functionality.
Your program must have the following:

    An introductory statement that allows the user to understand what type of program they are running.
    Variable declarations
    User input acceptance
    Proper mathematical calculations
    Proper output
    You must provide the following:
        Your code
Use C# Programming Language