Category: Computer science and IT assignments

Class Project

I need to achieve an A in this course as it is very important for my next courses. This project is one of the main parts of the entire grade. Also I am a full-time student so please dont charge ridiculous amount of money. My range is up to $300.


Please choose a topics related to finance in the areas mentioned in syllabus and please follow project guidelines and templates attached.

Class Project

I need to achieve an A in this course as it is very important for my next courses. This project is one of the main parts of the entire grade. Also I am a full-time student so please dont charge ridiculous amount of money. My range is up to $300.


Please choose a topics related to finance in the areas mentioned in syllabus and please follow project guidelines and templates attached.

Using Lists: Rolling Dice & Word/Letter Distributions

Instructions for the entire assignment are at the following link:

This past week, our lecture was focused on using lists in python. This assignment reflects especially what we have learned this week, but also what we learned last week (loops) and the weeks prior. We are not allowed to use any python notation that we have not yet been taught. Everything that we have been taught can be found in the link below. Scroll down to “detailed course schedule,” and click lectures 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 to see what we have learned thus far. Lecture 6 is not relevant for this assignment.

I know that it was recommended we use “count” for some functions in this assignment, example below:

def seven_b():
    s = input(‘Type something: ‘)
    for c in s:

For the assignment, there are two sections. The “dice” section, and the “words” section. For each section, each part needs to be completed. Section 1 has parts a-d, while section 2 has parts a-c.

Software Engineer

“this a first year project in computer science in programming for “c””
I just want to tell you this a c program , i’m actually trying  my best to get the same code the same as the output, as i am currently struggling , as you can see i already started  the program , we are only allowed to use quicksort algorithm and we have to read the input from file  , all i have to do is to do is the anagrams and  the missing anagrams, and i  kinda need help to do it , as you can see from my program the “duck” word is missing after it get sorted and i don’t why , anyway all i want is to have a code that is read through the input file by using quicksort algorithm, anagrams and finally missing anagrams

the same as it looks like in the the “output.txt” file
I appreciate your help


After completing this assignment, you should know how to
write a class with multiple constructors
write the toString and equals methods
throw an exception
Read the instructions and coding standards before uploading your code.
Your code should not contain compiler errors and it must run with my test file to receive
Copy your output into Canvas when you upload your assignment.
Very important
Changing an array value in the main method should not change an array value in
a Student object
Changing an array value in a Student object should not change an array value
the main method
Changing an array value in a Student object should not change an array value in
another Student object

1. Write a public class called Student with the following features
o private instance variables
String firstName
String lastName
int[] grades
int age
o constructor with the following header
public Student(String firstName, String lastName, int[] grades, int age)
use the input parameters to initialize the instance variables.
o constructor with the following header
public Student(Student student)
use the input parameter to initialize the instance variables. This
constructor creates a copy of the input parameter.
o mutator and accessor methods for each instance variable
o A method with the header
public String toString()
this method returns a String that contains the firstName, lastName, age,
highest grade, and average grade. The average grade should contain
exactly two decimal places of accuracy. You must use the
getHighestGrade and getAverageGrade methods to find the highest grade
and average grade. The output should be in a user-friendly format.
Hint: Use String.format; see an example.
o A method with the header
public boolean equals(Object o)
this method returns true if the parameter o is a Student object with the
same name and age as the current object. Otherwise, the method returns
false. (The Book class contains an example of how to write an equals
method.) Do not compare grades in the equals method.

o A method with the header
public int getHighestGrade()
this method returns the greatest value stored in grades.
o A method with the header
public double getAverageGrade()
this method returns the average grade. If there are more than four
grades then drop the lowest score before computing the average.
o A method with the header
public void incrementGrade(int i, int value)
throws an IllegalArgumentException if value < 0 or value> 100.
Otherwise, add value to grade[i]. If the revised score is greater than
100 set the grade to 100.
Very Important
To avoid side-effect your code should not contain statements similar to
this.grades = grades;
return grades;
In the constructors and mutator method
allocate memory for this.grades; the length should be identical
to the length of the parameter grades.
copy the data in the parameter grades to this.grades.
In the accessor method
declare a local int array; the length should be identical to the
length of this.grades.
copy the data in this.grades to the local variable
return the local variable

Coding Instructions
1. Do not use any Java classes or methods that trivialize the problem.
2. Remove all irrelevant statements. For instance, do not declare a variable that is
not used in your code.
3. Only declare the instance variables described in the problem description.
4. Each instance variable should be declared on a separate line.
5. You can write additional methods but they should be declared as private.
6. Use consistent notation to format your code. Indent 4-spaces.
7. Variables and methods should start with a lower-case character. Each
abbreviation or word that appears in the middle of the identifier starts with an
uppercase character.
8. Use System.arraycopy instead of manual copy.
9. Do not use break statements.
10.Do not change the value of a counter variable to terminate a loop:
for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++){
if (arr[i] < 0)
i = arr.length;
11.Loops should not perform any irrelevant iterations.
12.Each method should have at most one return statement.
13.Do not use a return statement in a void method.
14.Do not use a while loop when an if statement is appropriate for the code
segment. (In other words, do not write a while that is guaranteed to iterate at
most one time.)
15. Do not double space. Separate code segments with a most one blank line.
16.Do not compare a boolean variable to true or false.
17.A block comment near the top of the Java file with the following information
Author: Your name and an acknowledgement of any person who assisted you in
this project.
Date: The date you completed the assignment.
Purpose: A description of the class.

18. Write a block comment above each method and constructor with the following
Purpose: A meaningful description of the method/constructor.
Parameters: Describe the purpose of each parameter
Return: A description of the return value.

Assignment 3

While out on a standard run we come across a strange planet that has a ship emitting an SOS beacon. We cant decipher much of their message, but we can tell that they are in trouble because they are on the emergency channel. Once we find the ship, we rescue the survivors and also clear their ship of anything of value Afterall, us saving them isnt free! Once the survivors and equipment are on board we talk with them about their messaging system, and they explain that they are using a simple Caesar Cipher to encrypt their messages before they get sent out. With this system they can broadcast their cargo to their friends within listening range, letting them know what they have and that they are willing to trade.
Being the pirates that we are, we immediately decide that we need to start scanning for these messages so that we can be sure to take down lucrative targets. After interrogating the survivors we also find out that their system is basic, and only uses a single value for the shift, but there are more advanced ships with different technologies. They are outlined here:
Basic: Using Caesar Cipher with a static shift of 1-25. This is easy to decrypt as there are only 25 possibilities.
Advanced: They use two different shift values, one for even index characters, and another value for the odd characters.
Military Grade: They use a variable shift that starts at a certain value and increases by a second variable after encrypting each character. So the first character may be encrypted with a shift of 3, the second with a shift of 5 (3 + 2) and the third with 7 (3 + 2 + 2) and so on. We dont have any clue of these numbers ahead of time
    Items now have attributes such as Name, Weight, Value, Durability and ID. (Create an object called Item)
    We can carry an unlimited number of items, as long as they dont exceed the maximum weight of the cargo bay, 25 Tons. (Use an ArrayList that checks an items weight before placing it in the cargo hold)
    We need to be able to add and remove items by their name.
    We need to be able to search for a specific type of item in our cargo bay based on the items name and one of its attributes (Implement 2 searches one on name and another on any attribute you choose).
    We need to be able to sort items by their names alphabetically in descending order (A-Z)
    We need to know how many of each item we have in our cargo bay and display their attributes.
    We also need to be able to receive a message and decrypt it. The Basic and Advanced versions can print all possibilities to the screen. The Military Grade version must print only the correctly decrypted message to the screen. This method is worth 10 points, with the basic being worth 5, advanced worth 10, and military grade worth 15 (thats 5 bonus points!)
Using the same code as assignment 2 you can make your changes. I have included some base code for your convenience (This is 2 classes, Assignment2 and Item)
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Scanner;

public class Assignment03Driver {
    Scanner input = new Scanner(;

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        new Assignment03Driver();

    // This will act as our program switchboard
    public Assignment03Driver() {
        ArrayList<Item> cargohold = new ArrayList<Item>();

        System.out.println(“Welcome to the BlackStar Cargo Hold interface.”);
        System.out.println(“Please select a number from the options below”);

        while (true) {
            // Give the user a list of their options
            System.out.println(“1: Add an item to the cargo hold.”);
            System.out.println(“2: Remove an item from the cargo hold.”);
            System.out.println(“3: Sort the contents of the cargo hold.”);
            System.out.println(“4: Search for an item.”);
            System.out.println(“5: Display the items in the cargo hold.”);
            System.out.println(“6: Perform a partial search for an item.”);
            System.out.println(“0: Exit the BlackStar Cargo Hold interface.”);

            // Get the user input
            int userChoice = input.nextInt();

            switch (userChoice) {
            case 1:
            case 2:
            case 3:
            case 4:
            case 5:
            case 6:
            case 0:
                System.out.println(“Thank you for using the BlackStar Cargo Hold interface. See you again soon!”);


    private void addItem(ArrayList<Item> cargohold) {
        // TODO: Add an item that is specified by the user


    private void removeItem(ArrayList<Item> cargohold) {
        // TODO: Remove an item that is specified by the user


    private void sortItems(ArrayList<Item> cargohold) {
        // TODO: Sort the items in the cargo hold (No need to display them here) – Use Selection or Insertion sorts
        // NOTE: Special care is needed when dealing with strings! research the compareTo() method with strings


    private void searchItems(ArrayList<Item> cargohold) {
        // TODO: Search for a user specified item


    private void displayItems(ArrayList<Item> cargohold) {
        // TODO: Display only the unique items along with a count of any duplicates
        // For example it should say
        // Food – 2
        // Water – 3
        // Ammunition – 5


    private void decodeMessage() {
        // Decode a message that was received.

public class Item {
    // Declare attributes here
    public Item(){
    // Create an overridden constructor here
    // Create accessors and mutators for your traits


Minesweeper is a single-player game in which the player continuously selects different cells of an m n grid. Each cell of the grid is either occupied by a bomb or is a safe cell. If a cell is occupied by a bomb and the player selects the cell, the player loses. Otherwise, the selected cell shows the number of bombs in the neighboring cells. A neighbor cell is a cell next to the current cell in the horizontal, vertical, and diagonal direction.

Write a program that receives in the first input line m and n as the number of rows and columns of the grid, respectively. In the second line, the user inputs an integer, b, showing the number of bombs placed in the grid. It then follows by lines of input from the user, each referring to the row and column index of each one of the bombs.

After receiving grid dimensions, the number of bombs, and bomb locations, you will need to display (print) the completed grid showing the bomb cells with * and safe cells with the number of safe cells neighboring that cell.

Note: In a regular minesweeper game, the integers in the grid denote the number of bombs in the neighboring cells. We have changed it to the number of safe cells for the purpose of this question only.



2 2


0 0

1 1





3 2


0 1


2 *

4 4

3 3


There was a mistake in entering grades on Canvas. We need your help writing a Python script that can help us maintain the class roster. The functionalities you need to implement are explained below. For each of the functionalities, you may want to implement a separate function.

Adding a student to the roster:

When you receive the add NAME GRADE command, you need to add one student with the name NAME and the grade GRADE to the roster. For example, add Simon 20 will add Simon to the roster and his grade will be 20. If the entered grade was greater than 100, or if the students name is already on the roster, then dont add the student to the roster and instead print Failed to add NAME, with NAME being the name of the student you were asked to add to the roster. If adding the student was successful, you will print Added NAME, with NAME being the name of the student you just added.

Updating the grade of an existing student:

When you receive the update NAME GRADE command, you will have to check if the student with the name NAME exists in the roster and if the new grade entered is greater than 100. If the name exists in the roster and if the new grade is not greater than 100, update their grade to GRADE and print Updated NAMEs grade with NAME being the name of the student. Otherwise, if the name doesn’t exist in the roster, print NAME does not exist in the roster or print “Failed to update NAME’s grade” if the grade is greater than 100.

Printing the roster:

When you receive the print command, you need to print the entire roster in the output in the same order that you added students to the roster. For example, if we have {Narges: 0, Benedict: 1} on our roster, it will print: Narges: 0 Benedict: 1

Removing a student from the roster:

When you receive the remove NAME command, you will have to check if the student with the name Name exists in the roster. If so, delete the name from the roster and print Removed NAME with NAME being the name of the student. If the student doesnt exist in the roster, then print “NAME does not exist in the roster

Exiting the program:

When you receive the exit command, you will terminate the program and stop receiving inputs from the user.

C# platform game

Game should be created using c# monogame (which is very similar to XNA).
A two players game with movements (but animation isnt necessary) they should be able to shoot each other and there should be health bars. Asteroids should randomly be generated which can kill either of the players, and the dead players opponents will win the game. Diamonds should be randomly generated on the platforms and can add one health to the players health. When a player has won it should change the background to the colour of the player.
There should be a menu : play, setting – music (on/off), a how to play guide. When clicked play the game should start.
I can discuss this further.

Cybersecurity Risk Analysis: Assignment Cybersecurity Research Paper

About this Assignment:
Cybersecurity refers to the protection of sensitive information, specifically that which is stored or accessed via the Internet. It is critical to understand types of cyber vulnerabilities and how to approach the prevention and mitigation of such risk. For this final assignment, you will write a 1,500-2,000 word research paper about cybersecurity risk analysis. It should focus on how to identify potential vulnerabilities in modern organizations and how to create a strategic plan to analyze and control risk using governance and policy practices, management models and contingency planning. Should security beaches happen, you should be able to outline effective incident response execution.