Category: Computer science and IT assignments

Coding assignment in C

Fill up the codes according to the instructions given. I need the whole codes filled up listed on the instructions. Follow exact number of lines of codes given in the list of instructions and test with cases. It is a C programming assignment related to graphics. There are instructions given where to fill out the code. The number of lines of codes need to match exactly is possible with the given instructions. Please run the test cases as well.

Implement Java Producer and Consumer with Monitors and performance analysis

Implement in Java consumer producer model using monitors – compatible with book. (page 182) LockedQueue

See the definition of the interface and semantics of operations.

For performance evaluation, the following configuration parameters are suggested:
a) Initial list size. Populate the list initially. Test different sizes as they will generate different operating times. Ex .: 100k, 200k, 300k
b) Maximum list size. Limit the list’s growth to a determined value. Ex: 300k, 500k, 1000k.
c) Distribution of commands. What percentage will we have of adds, reads and removes.
           It is suggested to test with the same frequency. In another situation, increasing reads.
d) Number of executing threads. Vary the maximum allowed by the infrastructure available. It does not make sense to go beyond the number of threads, considering hyper-threading.
e) Execution time and warm-up. Set an initial time where measurements are not sockets. Then start measuring for a duration of the experiment. It is suggested 10 seconds of warmup and 1 minute of experiment. However, these values should
            be investigated empirically.
Metrics to be observed. The following metrics are of interest:
        a) General flow of the system in operations carried out
        b) Flow rate by type of operation.
        c) Average list size.

network for business

A Trading floor employs 580 staff. They have recently expanded and as a result, need to move into a new building.  The building has been identified but has no network. New network infrastructure needs to be designed and implemented in the new building.

The organisation has the following requirements for its new network: –

    That the service be available between the hours 8 am and 5 pm
    That the service provides 99.99% availability during these times
    That the network is secure and has an internet connection
    That the network provides a reliable service
    The network should provide high performance for the end-users
    The new network should have sufficient capacity to support the business for five years.

As a key member of the Networks Team, you have been tasked to design a network for the new building.  At this stage, logical design and a simulation-based implementation is required which shows the measures that you would put in place to ensure that the new network meets the current business need and is future-proofed.

Wireless access is needed along with IDS and DMZ

what i need : –

    A diagrammatic representation of the logical design professionally produced using an appropriate tool, e.g. Visio
    A fully operational network in packet tracer (screen capture of connectivity must be documented).

Equation Evaluator Project

Create a Program that will accept an equation as input from the user using standard algebraic format.

( ( ( N  O N O N ) O N O ( N O N ) O N ) O N ) O N (ENTER)

where N is a number and O is either a math or logical comparison operator. The entire entry must be entered as a single input with one enter key click.

The Math operators that must be accepted are:
+ addition
– subtraction
* multiplication
/ division
% modulus

The comparison operators are:
== equals
!= not equals
@= absolute value of both are equal
< less than
<= less than or equals
> greater than
>= greater than or equals
NOTE: You are not required to include comparisons of equations. You may limit comparisons to just 2 numbers.

The use of math operators will cause the resulting number to be displayed.

The use of a comparison will cause “True” of “False” to be displayed.

Allow the user to repeat the inputting of expressions as many times as they would like. The program must not fail due to improper user input, so, you must catch error exceptions and handle them.

NOTE: I suggest that you use the algorithm in the attached Word document as your basic equation parsing algorithm. You must use two stacks, based on the Stack ADT, to parse the user inputted equation.

Include your algorithms, and other appropriate documentation in your code. Include UMLs for any  classes that you use to create objects.
1. While there are still tokens to be read in,

  1.1 Get the next token.

  1.2 If the token is:

      1.2.1 A number: push it onto the value stack.

      1.2.2 A variable: get its value, and push onto the value stack.

      1.2.3 A left parenthesis: push it onto the operator stack.

      1.2.4 A right parenthesis:

        1 While the thing on top of the operator stack is not a

          left parenthesis,

            1 Pop the operator from the operator stack.

            2 Pop the value stack twice, getting two operands.

            3 Apply the operator to the operands, in the correct order.

            4 Push the result onto the value stack.

        2 Pop the left parenthesis from the operator stack, and discard it.

      1.2.5 An operator (call it thisOp):

        1 While the operator stack is not empty, and the top thing on the

          operator stack has the same or greater precedence as thisOp,

          1 Pop the operator from the operator stack.

          2 Pop the value stack twice, getting two operands.

          3 Apply the operator to the operands, in the correct order.

          4 Push the result onto the value stack.

        2 Push thisOp onto the operator stack.

2. While the operator stack is not empty,

    1 Pop the operator from the operator stack.

    2 Pop the value stack twice, getting two operands.

    3 Apply the operator to the operands, in the correct order.

    4 Push the result onto the value stack.

3. At this point the operator stack should be empty, and the value

  stack should have only one value in it, which is the final result.

Debugging Java Code

An assignment that I have tried to complete and am having difficult successfully completing. I attached the assignment requirements and the code I have in attempts to do the assignment. It can be altered and changed as much as long as it fully works and meets the requirements. Word doc and Students.txt are files regarding the assignment.,,,,,,, are all parts of the code that need to work together.

Please read

Hi, I have a homework to finish I was giving two codes (java), I have to somehow fit what I have in one code into the other
it should be quick but I have some doubts about what can be changed in order to implement the code in thew other one

hone numbers and PIN codes can be easier to remember when you find words that spell out
the number on a standard phone pad. For example, instead of remembering the combination
5282, you can just think of JAVA.
Write a recursive method that given a number, yields all possible spellings (which may or may
not be real words)

python program

For this program we will create a bunch of student objects, and we’ll have a dictionary that holds a collection of these student objects. That is, the dictionary will represent a course the students are enrolled in. Using a class will allow us to keep both the student data and the methods that operate on that data together. Collecting the class instances into a dictionary and making use of the pickle module will allow us to store and retrieve our student data without having to do any data conversion.

We might have used a list to contain the student objects, but is this case we will use a dictionary. The key associated with the student object will be the student ID. This allows being able to find a given student directly using their ID, without having to iterate through a loop of students to find the one we want.

So, here’s what we need to do. We’ll use a dictionary to be a container for a given course, CIT101. We will populate that dictionary with instances of a student class.

The class we write to represent a particular student needs to have the following 4 (and only 4) instance variables:

a unique id
a name structured as lastname, firstname, for example, “smith, john”
two exam scores representing a midterm and an final
Your class will also need 3 and only 3 methods. The first method needs to be a constructor to create each student so the user can enter the student ID, name, and 2 exam scores. In addition to the constructor, the class will also need the following 2 methods (and no more).

a helper method to calculate the letter grade for the student based on the average of the exam scores. Use the grading scale used for this class.
a method to return the name, two exam scores, and the letter grade for a student.
Your program will allow adding student instances to the CIT101 dictionary so that the dictionary will hold the information for that course.

Each student instance in the dictionary will use the student ID as a key, and the student object instance associated with that ID will be assigned as the key’s value. Assume the dictionary is called CIT101, and the class is called Student, so calling
    Student(id, name, midterm, final)
creates an instance of the student class. If we were hard-coding all this, it might look like the following.

CIT101 = {}        # create the containing dictionary
# add student instance to CIT101 dictionary
CIT101[“123”] = Student(“123”, “smith, john”, 78, 86)

There is a program very similar in structure to this assignment at the end of the first set of lecture notes on classes. It will be the best guide for getting started on this program.

Your program needs to have a 5-option menu that should look very much like the following. Shown is a sample of entering a new student and then displaying all students and their grades.

program 5 menu

For full credit your menu will need the following 5 options. Each option should call a function that performs the proper task.

Option 1 should call a function to display all the student data for the CIT101 course. The function should display the student’s id, name, midterm and final exam scores, and their letter grade. Use formatting to have everything line up in neat columns for option 1. The letter grade should be calculated by the helper method of the student class.
Option 2 should call a function that allows adding a new student instance to the CIT101 dictionary.
Option 3 should call a function that displays the data, including letter grade, for a particular student’s after entering the student ID for that student.
Option 4 allows for a student to drop the class, so here call a function that deletes a student from the dictionary after entering the id of that student.
the last option pickles the dictionary for future processing.
In order to read the class from the pickle file the file needs to exist first. The example given in the lecture notes offers one solution for this issue.

python program classes and pickles

We now have remedies for both of these issues. For this program we will create a bunch of student objects, and we’ll have a dictionary that holds a collection of these student objects. That is, the dictionary will represent a course the students are enrolled in. Using a class will allow us to keep both the student data and the methods that operate on that data together. Collecting the class instances into a dictionary and making use of the pickle module will allow us to store and retrieve our student data without having to do any data conversion.

We might have used a list to contain the student objects, but is this case we will use a dictionary. The key associated with the student object will be the student ID. This allows being able to find a given student directly using their ID, without having to iterate through a loop of students to find the one we want.

So, here’s what we need to do. We’ll use a dictionary to be a container for a given course, CIT101. We will populate that dictionary with instances of a student class.

The class we write to represent a particular student needs to have the following 4 (and only 4) instance variables:

a unique id
a name structured as lastname, firstname, for example, “smith, john”
two exam scores representing a midterm and an final
Your class will also need 3 and only 3 methods. The first method needs to be a constructor to create each student so the user can enter the student ID, name, and 2 exam scores. In addition to the constructor, the class will also need the following 2 methods (and no more).

a helper method to calculate the letter grade for the student based on the average of the exam scores. Use the grading scale used for this class.
a method to return the name, two exam scores, and the letter grade for a student.
Your program will allow adding student instances to the CIT101 dictionary so that the dictionary will hold the information for that course.

Each student instance in the dictionary will use the student ID as a key, and the student object instance associated with that ID will be assigned as the key’s value. Assume the dictionary is called CIT101, and the class is called Student, so calling
    Student(id, name, midterm, final)
creates an instance of the student class. If we were hard-coding all this, it might look like the following.

CIT101 = {}        # create the containing dictionary
# add student instance to CIT101 dictionary
CIT101[“123”] = Student(“123”, “smith, john”, 78, 86)

There is a program very similar in structure to this assignment at the end of the first set of lecture notes on classes. It will be the best guide for getting started on this program.

Your program needs to have a 5-option menu that should look very much like the following. Shown is a sample of entering a new student and then displaying all students and their grades.

program 5 menu

For full credit your menu will need the following 5 options. Each option should call a function that performs the proper task.

Option 1 should call a function to display all the student data for the CIT101 course. The function should display the student’s id, name, midterm and final exam scores, and their letter grade. Use formatting to have everything line up in neat columns for option 1. The letter grade should be calculated by the helper method of the student class.
Option 2 should call a function that allows adding a new student instance to the CIT101 dictionary.
Option 3 should call a function that displays the data, including letter grade, for a particular student’s after entering the student ID for that student.
Option 4 allows for a student to drop the class, so here call a function that deletes a student from the dictionary after entering the id of that student.
the last option pickles the dictionary for future processing.
In order to read the class from the pickle file the file needs to exist first. The example given in the lecture notes offers one solution for this issue.

Python assignment

Submitted a .txt file with 10 different languages, each one on a new line.
Submitted a python file that demonstrates:
A linear search for a specific world language.
An insertion sort function.
A print() command that shows how the list has been sorted in alphabetical order.

Hashing Assignment

The solutions for each part just needs to follow the guidelines in the pdf provided. I will provide the pdf file which contains the assignment itself and what to do, and c++ files of code to go along with the pdf. In some cases you will just need to modify the code and in others you will need to write additional methods. Once again just read through the pdf and follow.